Chapter Forty-Two - The Blaising cauldron of sweet love.

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Sky Pov

I walked into Slughorn's class with Blaise. His arm was around my shoulder.

We sat down and pulled our books out. We were early and I was so excited. Today we were making Amortentia. Finally.

Harry seemed to be doing better than all of us. Hell, he seemed to be doing better than Hermoine and me. I had worked hard, earning a spot at Slughorn's Slug club next to Blaise.

Blaise poked me out of my thoughts.

"What, you annoying git?" I playfully snapped at him.

"Well, I wanted attention so, hi baby!" he responded. I giggled and leaned forwards to kiss him.

"So clingy," I mumbled against his skin. He smiled.

"Yeah well you love clingy so be quiet," he said, starting to pout.

"I do," I admitted, kissing his pout. "I do dammit."

He chuckled.

"Young love!" Slughorn boomed. I moved away from Blaise, not releasing that Slughorn had entered the classroom. Some of the Ravenclaws were seated and Sienna had just walked in with the golden trio. She laughed at us turning red.

"As you all know, today we are making Amortentia. This takes 9 days to brew, for 7 days after today, you have to come in at your own time and stir the potion 7 times anti-clockwise. " Slughorn said.

"It is quite complex so- Ah Mr. Malfoy, You're late," Slughorn said to the blonde boy. He looked awful.

"Sorry sir, won't happen again."

"Better not." Slughorn frowned. "As I was saying..."

Blaise poked me.

"Is it just me," he whispered. "Or does Draco look like shit?"

"Draco looks like shit," I whispered back. Blaise nodded.

"He's been distant, hasn't been sleeping. Look at his eyes" he pointed out. I gave a hum of agreement.

"I'm worried baby," he whispered. "I've never seen him look so sick."

I looked at him. He was worried and honestly, I felt bad for the dude too. Not to excuse the fact that he broke Sienna's heart. Just he looked shit. He used to have so much class. He worried about how he looked, never let his grades slip and was always on time for everything.

Now, he didn't seem to care and it was just sad.

I wondered if he still loved Sienna. I wondered if this was some sort of action to help her. I wondered if he was writing letters to her again. This Draco only appeared after he broke up with her.

" When you're ready, a recipe for Amortentia can be found on page 44 of your books. Good luck. Oh- you may work in pairs." Slughorn said, placing himself on the desk chair.

I had a plan and It involved the smells of Amortentia.


Blaise POV

I snuck a glance at Draco.

He was fiddling with his books and quills. He looked so out of it. I caught his eyes.

"You okay?" I mouthed to the blonde. He nodded.

"Just tired, don't worry." Draco mouthed back. I sighed.

Every time I asked him that he always said the same thing. He was tired and don't worry. But I had to worry.

Over the last four months, my best friend had done some shocking things. He had broken up with the person he once claimed was the love of his life, never came to meals, pretty much stopped talking to me, he was always in his room but never sleeping, and in between classes he was nowhere to be found.

WHEN FIRE DANCES WITH SILK || DRACO MALFOY x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora