Chapter Fifty-Three - The thunderstorm of words with the rainfall of tears

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I walked in. My heart sunk. The blinds were closed, the bed looked like it hadn't been slept in in a while. I sobbed.

"Poor Draco."

I walked to his closet and grabbed a bag of things when....

"Meow?" I heard. I looked down to see Fluffy wiggled from under the bed.

"There you are Fluff," I exclaimed, I knelt down and petted her. She bit my sleeve and dragged me to his bed.

"Fluffy! Let go!" I said. She did and sat near the bed.

"Fluff?" I said.

"Meow." she said, pawing under the bed.

I peered underneath to see a box.


I pulled it out.

It was a medium-sized red box. I pulled it open.

I looked at the stacks of letters all addressed to me. They dated back two years ago. Besides the letters, there was the rose from my birthday. All the polaroids, the drawings, the mementos and finally a small necklace with a ring on it. It was a simple ring with a red ruby on the shape of a heart on it. I picked it up, there was something engraved. I looked closely to see "Draco's Love" in the band. Tears blurred my vision. Outside his window, a thunderstorm was going on. Rain was pelting against the glass.

I pulled out the stack of letters and I heard the clap of thunder. They were organized by date. Time to start reading. I picked up the ones from fourth-year first.


December 12th, 1954

Dear Love, I miss you

It has been one month since our breakup. One miserable month.

I haven't seen you anywhere. Not even classes. I don't know how you're going to classes and avoiding me. I never understood your tunnels either. It is painful not knowing if you're okay.

I find myself being unable to sleep. I miss having you to cuddle. I miss your room. I miss the smell of coconut. I miss you wearing my shirts. I miss your touch, your voice and your kindness. I miss your warm hugs at night and your sleepy morning kisses. I miss you.

My nightmares have gotten worse again. Only this time when I wake up, I don't have you there. I don't have you to hug me, cuddle me and tell me it's going to be fine.

I wish I had never placed that stupid bet and I had just asked you out without it because maybe we would be together right now. I wish my name wasn't Malfoy, I would have asked you out ages ago. I've liked you for so long. That bet was just so that I would have the courage to ask you out. I'm not good at expressing emotions, I am so sorry.

Maybe this is for the best. Maybe this is why the Malfoys don't love.

Yet tears still come to my eyes when I think of you. My heart still sears when I think of what state you're in.

Why does it hurt this much Love?

Why does it hurt that I can't have you here to kiss away the pain?

Why does it feel so cold?

If I am this bad, I only shudder to think how you feel. My heart aches at the fact that you are crying in that room.

I sometimes go to our small room. The one I drew you in and I sit on the hammock and cry. Cry until my heart's content.

Appleton, you hold a very dear place in my heart.

WHEN FIRE DANCES WITH SILK || DRACO MALFOY x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang