Chapter Thirty-Five - Welcome to the Dark. You'll have to leave your light.

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One month at the Malfoy Manor without my dad or Sienna.

One miserable month. I was stuck with the dark lord constantly in my meeting room.

My mother and godmother (Bellatrix) had been starting to teach me Occlumency so that no one could invade my mind. I was to be given a special task from The Dark Lord. I knew it was payback for my father's mistake at the ministry. I was to become a Death Eater by the time I returned to school.

If I failed this task, I'd die and my mother would also suffer the same fate.

I'd been writing to Sienna but my mother had started warning me about not sending owls so I finally cracked open the book that she'd given me.

"The seeker has caught the butterfly," I muttered. The book opened up.

Dear Love,

Mother has told me that I can't use owl posts because more and more owls are being intercepted by the day.

I miss you so much...

Her reply was almost instant.

Dear Dray,

I've been waiting for you to use the book :)

I can't wait to see you

Love you so much

I smiled down at the page. I drew a small heart and another one appeared right beside it.

She was the only light I had in this pit of darkness.

I missed her so much. I missed her laugh and her voice.

I missed her smile and her warmth.

I missed her hands running through my hair

I missed her thick dark curls.

God, I was so in love.

I grabbed the promise ring I had bought her for her birthday this year. I had inscribed the words

"Draco's Love"

on the band. It was a simple ring with a red ruby in the shape of a heart on it.

I couldn't wait.


"Draco darling, can you come to the drawing-room so we can resume our daily lessons?"

The sweet voice of my mother rang from the other side of the room. I sighed. These were torture. Bellatrix didn't do them often because I didn't want her invading my thoughts of Sienna. She was psycho and would go after Sienna in a heartbeat.

I walked downstairs to meet my mother. She stood in front of me. I walked over and hugged her. She kissed my forehead lovingly. I sobbed in her arms.

"I'm tired of this mum." I sobbed.

"I know my darling. I know"

My mom pulled out of my grip and walked away. She pointed her wand at me.

"Okay, remember, conceal and get a grip on your emotions." She said.

I nodded and started to numb my heart, feeling and emotions.

"Legitimus" My mom whispered. I felt a sharp pain in my head. My memories rushed through me. My first kiss, My first gift to Sienna. Sienna at the ball. Sienna at the astronomy tower on my birthday. Sienna. Sienna. Sienna. I grabbed a grip on my emotions.

"Think about how much you hate Pansy," I thought.

My memories switched from Sienna to Pansy. Pansy is annoying. Crabbe is an idiot. Goyle sneaking food. My mother lifted the spell.

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