Chapter Eleven- Fluffy

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Draco POV


I woke up feeling a lot better.

I have no clue what was in that soup she gave me but it was delicious and seemed to make me feel better.

I looked up at Sienna who was cuddling me. She had a small smile on her lips and her face was completely relaxed. I took a moment to watch her in her most vulnerable state. I had managed to pull the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on. She was full of kindness and care, it made me want to not be a prick sometimes. It made me want to let all my walls down. Walls that I had spent years building up so no one would assume that I was weak. She had that effect. She made me stronger. I gently reached up and cupped her face. Mornings like these were my favourite. It was a Saturday and I knew she would want to sleep in, but I had to leave.

My father was arriving to check on the school and me. I groaned. I hate when my father comes. I slipped out of bed, kissed her forehead lightly and wrote her a note explaining why I wouldn't be with her today. I jumped in the shower and grabbed my trunk. My dad didn't know Sienna so he thought that I was still sleeping in my room. Before I left I kissed her face again. I was going to miss her so much today. She stirred gently and I left. On my way down the stairs, Cedric bumped into me.

"Hey! Thanks for inviting me to the whole party thing," he said.

"You are her friend so you had to be invited," I said back.

"Is she asleep?" he asked. I nodded. He held up a sleeping Fluffy.

"Gotta return this little one," he said

"Good luck," I replied. He nodded and I walked out.


"Dude, your father is going to be here any minute now," Blaise said as I quickly unpacked my trunk. Blaise pulled out my shirts and started helping me. A few minutes later my father knocked. I walked over and unlocked the room.


"Good morning sir," I said as my father entered the room. He walked over to my side of the dorm and inspected everything. It had to be crisp, clean and neat. Once he was satisfied he started asking academic questions.

"How are your studies going?"

"Great," I said

"Great what?" he asked

"Great Sir," I replied

"Are you top of the class yet or is that mudblood?"

"We are both top Sir," I said.

"Good. I will not have you let Mudblood Granger tarnish the Malfoy name" he said.

"Of course Sir."

"Draco, I came about the Yule ball. Who do you plan on asking?"

"I don't know Sir," I said. In my heart, I knew I was going to take Sienna, but I didn't tell him that. My nightmare kept coming back. I was scared.

"Well, make your decision at once and owl me when you have it," he said, standing up.

"Oh and Draco. I have to approve of her. Can't have my son go to the ball with someone I have no clue about. Do you understand?" he asked

"Yes Sir."

"Goodbye Son. I will see you in Hogsmeade," he said. I nodded and he left. My heart sank. I had no idea how I would be able to take Sienna without him knowing.

Yes, my father was terrible.

So terrible, his son was scared of him.

Imagine being Draco Malfoy,

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