Chapter One - The Secret

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Draco and Sienna have not related in any way, Narcissa is NOT part of the Black family.

I repeat.






Bellatrix is Draco's godmother as opposed to his aunt in this book.

Happy reading.

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Sienna POV***********Sienna, Sienna Regulus Appleton, or as my aunt reminds me, Sienna Regulus Black. Names hold power, or so they say. But for me, they're just labels, masks I wear to conceal my identity.I grinned wryly as I penned my thoughts. Writing was my solace, a refuge where I could unravel the complexities of my life without fear of judgment. This book, like my existence, was shrouded in secrecy. After all, I was the descendant of the Black lineage.Not that I harboured any shame in bearing the Black name; the burdens that came with it weighed heavy on my shoulders. An uncle escaped Azkaban and my parents? Well, they met tragic fates, leaving me alone to navigate the treacherous waters of wizarding society. Well, at least I had my aunt.  My father sacrificed himself for us, battling the darkness until his last breath, while my mother passed in childbirth, but my aunt said it was her broken heart that took her away from me and back to the love of her life. I adopted her maiden name to shield myself from the storm, a shield against prying eyes and whispered rumours.The distant chime of the dinner bell shattered my reverie, signalling the evening meal and the commencement of the Triwizard Tournament. My fourth-year status barred me from competing, yet my heart clenched with worry for Cedric, my friend who dared to enter the fray.With a resigned sigh, I tucked my diary beneath my pillow and strode toward the door, anticipation tingling in the air. Hogwarts bustled with excitement, but beneath the surface, secrets lurked in every shadow.My quarters, a hidden sanctuary bestowed upon me by Dumbledore himself, offered respite from the relentless onslaught of bullies and tormentors. A concealed haven, it granted me refuge amidst the chaos of my daily life. The price of solitude was steep, but its tranquillity was worth every sacrifice. A familiar voice greeted me with unbridled joy as I descended the marble staircase. Keeny, the ever-loyal house elf, offered a comforting presence in a world fraught with uncertainty. She belonged to my mother's lineage, the Appletons, a proud family with ties to Slytherin nobility. I found solace and companionship in her, a steadfast ally in a sea of adversaries."Miss Sienna!" Keeny's voice rang out, a beacon of warmth in Hogwarts's cold embrace. I knelt beside her, meeting her gaze with a grateful smile."You haven't eaten," she fretted, concern etched into every line of her wrinkled face. "Please, indulge yourself."A hollow laugh escaped my lips, belying the ache in my stomach. "I'm not hungry, Keeny," I fibbed, masking the gnawing hunger that plagued me.With a heavy heart, I bid her farewell, retreating into the shadows with the world's weight upon my shoulders. The Great Hall beckoned, a cacophony of voices and laughter echoing through the corridors.Seated amongst my peers, I feigned interest in the tome before me, oblivious to the world around me.I pulled my hood up and sat on the Hufflepuff table, opening my reading book. Until a familiar figure loomed over me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His hand reached out and snatched the book.Draco Malfoy, a name synonymous with arrogance and privilege, stood before me, his presence both daunting and captivating. He held my sanctuary in his hands, a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty.Draco POV***********The great hall bustled with excitement as I strode in for dinner. With the looming Triwizard Tournament announcement thick in the air, anticipation was thick in the air. But amidst the buzz, my attention was drawn like a magnet to her.Sienna.Her presence was a force; she moved with purpose, dark curls bouncing with each step. A part of me held its breath, captivated by her effortless grace. She settled at her table, engrossed in a book, neglecting her dinner again. Something stirred within me—a mix of concern and curiosity.I couldn't help myself. With a calculated smirk, I snatched her book."Malfoy!" she exclaimed, her voice a sharp protest."Why?" I countered, playful despite the gnawing worry. Sienna seemed drained and fragile."Please," she murmured weakly, "I don't have the energy for this.""Maybe a little exercise would do you good," a familiar, irritating voice piped behind me.Pansy.I gritted my teeth, seeing Sienna's discomfort fueling a rare surge of protective rage. Pansy's jab cut deep, and though I wanted to intervene, words failed me."Does Sienna need her mommy?"Laughter echoed around us, but I couldn't find it in me to join. Instead, I reclaimed the book, resolving to shield Sienna from Pansy's cruelty. I kicked her bag on my way out, a silent message of defiance.I wasn't adept at expressing emotions, but this felt different—personal. The Slytherin pack followed me, and I glanced at the book's cover. A muggle title, intriguing. Tonight, I would read it, seeking solace in its pages.Later, amidst Dumbledore's announcement, my gaze strayed back to her. The lights dimmed, but Sienna's face glowed softly by candlelight. I half-heartedly clapped for the champions, my focus consumed by her.Then, as the Goblet spat out another name—Potter's—I cursed inwardly. Typical. Always stealing the spotlight.I scanned the hall, hoping to catch Sienna's eye, but her seat was empty.Where did she go?Concern gnawed at me. Pansy's antics had driven her away, and I blamed myself for not intervening. Blaise's interruption snapped me out of my reverie."Oi, dude. Stop staring," he muttered, amused."Huh?" I said, snapping out of my worried trance."The Appleton girl," He hissed back. "You couldn't make it more obvious even if you'd tried."Clearing my throat, I pretended I didn't know what he was saying. I grabbed my stuff, put her book into my bag, and left the great hall.I wished she wasn't the Appleton who had to break the Slytherin generation chain. I would have loved for her to be in my house.Maybe I would have gotten the courage to ask her without worrying about my reputation.I walked into the library and picked up her book. I decided that I would try to read the first page. Alone, I traced the letters on the cover, lost in thoughts of Sienna.Beauty and the Beast.

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