Chapter Forty - Sweet Serenity spa

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Serenity POV

Sienna had been studying more than I ever had seen her in these last two months. I looked at the poor heartbroken girl. I had hexed Malfoy for her; it landed me a month's detention with Flitwick. She faked being so happy, sometimes even I believed it. But I knew that her eyes weren't red and puffy in the mornings because she was happy. She was sad. I would be.

Dean and I were talking a week before her birthday, Ginny had gotten into yet another fight with him. We'd become friends since the wedding and If I was being honest... he was kind of cute.

But he was with Ginny so I stayed within my boundaries.

I brought up Sienna being sad and Dean gave the best idea ever.

"You know," he said, "I remember when my older sister got cheated on she cried for months. Then my other sister and I took her for a spa day and boom. She was all better. She was confident and happy. Maybe try that."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," I said and then I realized I was hugging him. I pulled away blushing. I looked up at him to see a few rosy spots formed on his cheeks too. I muttered a sorry.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm just not used to it," he said. I chuckled and bid him goodbye. I went to find Sky.

I found her sitting with Blaise, reading.

"SKY!" I said.

She looked up.

"Yes Serenity?" she asked.

"Dean just gave me the best idea ever!" I said. Sky looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ooooh Deannnn" she teased. I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Oh shut up miss I-Can't-Get-My-Hands-Off-Blaise," I said. Sky laughed.

"Yeah, but he's my boyfriend, not my crush who is taken," she said back.

"I don't have a crush on him!" I said.

"Your cheeks say otherwise, "Blaise said.

"Oh shut up and listen to the idea," I said. Sky nodded.

"I was thinking, we have a surprise Sweet sixteen Spa birthday for her. Get her confidence back up." I said.

"Are you dumb Serenity? She hates spas!" Sky said.

"She's a sucker for face masks though," I said. "And we can go for a swim in the perfect Hot tub."

"Not a bad idea Sky," Blaise said.

"Okay so here's what we'll do..."

Sienna POV

With me focusing on school, November came around fast. I woke up that morning of the first of November and I had officially turned 16.

Sky had owled Snuffles and Uncle Moony before my birthday about what happened and they sent sweets and long letters telling me how much they loved me and that Malfoy was a prick for doing what he did.

On my birthday, two owls flew into my room. One was from Uncle Moony and Sirius.

Dearest our little Cub,


You're 16! I hope It's amazing. I swear it feels like yesterday your mother told me she was pregnant with you. Uncle Rem wanted to give you a whole ton of chocolate so here you go.

Have fun and smile.

Your favourite people.

Snuffles and Uncle Moons.

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