Chapter Sixty- One- If you go, I come. Together

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Sienna POV

10 days later I woke up to Draco on the edge of the bed. He was slumped over, a letter in his hand.

"Morning," I said softly.

"Morning," he replied, his voice hoarse. I could tell he'd been crying. I scooted over to him and hugged him from the back.

"What's wrong my love," I said.

"Mother sent me an owl. They want me to let death eaters into Hogwarts tonight. They want to witness me kill him. Tonight. At midnight. " he croaked. I kissed him.

"Sienna, I can't do this," he sobbed. "I'm just a child, I can't do this!"

I soothed him, running my fingers through his hair.
"Shhh Draco, don't talk like that," I mumbled.

"You know what this means?" he questioned.

"What?" I asked.

"That we'll be separated. For a while. I'm not coming back to school." he said.

"I know Dray," I hummed, still trying to soothe him.

"Sienna, whatever happens, tonight, just know, I love you so much," he said, turning to face me.

I kissed him. It was a desperate and longing kiss.

"I love you too Mr. Appleton-Black-Malfoy." I said back to him. "I will always love you."


Nightfall came. Draco dressed in his black suit, tears rolling from his eyes.

"Sienna," he said, turning to me. I was standing in the doorway to the closet, watching him pack.

"A house-elf will come and take my things. I've left my quidditch hoodie for you," he said. Tears started to run down my face now. He was leaving, it was all too real.

"Draco," I whispered. He cupped my cheek and whipped my tears.

"No more tears, Love, I'll come back for you, I promise. When all this is over, I'll come for you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Please Draco," I sobbed kissing his cheek.

"Do not leave. At all costs, stay here, hidden, protected," he whispered.

"I can't promise you that," I said. He pulled me into a fleeting kiss.

"11:30," he said. "I have to go."

"Draco, please, I love you," I said softly.

"I love you more. Sienna, my wife, this isn't goodbye."

"And if it is?" I asked.

"It won't. I will be brave. I'm ready."

We kissed again and he handed me his hoodie.

"I've put a preserving charm on it. My smell will never leave," he whispered.



We looked at each other before he pulled me into an embrace.

"I love you."


I held his quidditch jumper close to me. It smelt just like him, his stupid expensive cologne and the slight hints of spearmint. A few of the things I loved about him.

My mind started moving a million miles per hour as I realized I hadn't sat alone to think about how in love with him I was.

He couldn't do this alone, I wouldn't let him.

WHEN FIRE DANCES WITH SILK || DRACO MALFOY x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora