Chapter Fifty-seven- A plan to remember

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Sienna POV

Later that night, Sky had dragged Draco and me down to the Room of Requirement. Blaise was waiting for us in front of a table when we arrived. She sat us down and pulled out a HUGE binder. It read


I laughed. Draco just looked pale. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I snuggled in comfortably.

"Sky what is this?" I asked.

"Your wedding plans." she simply replied.

"But Sky, It's not supposed to be big, just a small ceremony with you guys that's all," Draco said.

"Just them?" I asked.

"Yes," Draco said, firmly. All the hopes of having Uncle Moony and Sirius at my wedding shattered. Ever since he proposed, I'd been packing up the courage to ask him to let me invite them. They were my family after all and it might be the last time I see them.

"Oh," I said, softly.

"Anyway," Blaise said, "Let's start talking."

"Yes," said Sky. "So this place.." she turned to Blaise for the name.

"Erm, yes, Enchanted Weddings. They have two available dates."

"One is on June 5th, your birthday Draco or the day after, the 6th," said Sky. "Since it is the 3rd, you'll need to decide quickly."

"June 5!"

"June 6!"

Draco and I said at the same time. I turned to him.

"I want it done ASAP." he said.

"It's only a day later." I said softly.

"I would rather have it on Saturday." he said.

'Draco, I don't want the day I get married to you on your birthday." I said

"SOOO THE SIXTH." Sky interrupted our bickering loudly. She scribbled it down.

"Yeah, plus Drac, I have stuff planned for the 5th." Said Blaise quickly.

"Fine," Draco said.

"Oookay, Moving on," Sky said. "Timing."

"We figured if we eat at 7 and get to Hogsmead for 8, you can apparate us. We have till 9 to get both of you ready. Then you get married from 10 till 10:30 and then we have tea and cake from 11- 12. Then you two can have the martial suite from 12 till 5 because then we have to come back here by 6." Blaise said, looking down at the open page of the binder.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Can we move the time one hour up?" asked Draco.

I huffed and turned to him again.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want it to be done early so that we can spend more time together." he said.

"I can't wake up that early, you know that," I said.

"For one day? You'll be fine." he scoffed.

"I do not want a migraine on my wedding day, thank you very much!" I huffed.

"OKAY! HOW DOES HALF AN HOUR UP SOUND?" yelled Blaise. Sky scribbled something down.

"Done!" she said.

Draco relaxed. I shifted out of his arms.

"Erm, on to the cake!" Blaise said. He pulled out three dishes from the side of the table.

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