Chapter Eight - The Concealed Room

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Draco POV


"So, you're telling me I have to promise never to reveal this room? Is it like the chamber of secrets?" I quipped at Sienna as we made our way towards the Hufflepuff common room.

"Yes, you have to promise.," she replied firmly, turning to face me.

"Fine. I promise I won't breathe a word about your Hufflepuff hideout," I deadpanned.

"Thank you," she said, brushing off my tone. I grinned. As we approached a portrait of fruit, she tickled a pear, and the portrait swung open.

"The kitchens?" I whispered.

"Shhhh!" she said pressing her finger to my lip. I smiled and pressed my lips against her finger. She giggled and removed it. She slapped me on my arm.

"Git," she said.

""Ow," I feigned hurt.

"Miss Sienna?" a squeaky voice piped up. Sienna turned, revealing a house-elf behind her.

"Hi, Kenny!" she greeted the elf with a hug. Kenny eyed me with curiosity.

"Why is Mister Malfoy here?" Kenny asked Sienna.

"I'm giving him a tour of my room," Sienna explained.

"Why, is he your boyfriend?" Kenny probed. I couldn't help but laugh at Sienna's blush.

"No... um... yes, we're going on a few dates," I chimed in. Kenny squealed.

"Finally! Kenny was starting to worry about Miss Sienna. All the other children have dates, and Miss Sienna is lonely and single. Not even had her first kiss," the elf exclaimed. Sienna gasped, turning tomato red.

"KENNY!" she exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Kenny is sorry, but Kenny speaks the truth. So basically Kenny sorry, not sorry," the elf quipped before returning to the stove. Sienna waved goodbye to the elf, her face still flushed.

"Bye, Kenny," I said to the house-elf.

Sienna shot me a glare. "Shut up," she said.

"Bye Kenny," I said to the house-elf.

"So, I'm the first person to see this room other than the teachers and Cedric, I assume?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'm flattered," I joked. She led me up a flight of stairs, but then she paused. More steps appeared.

Or so I thought.

She pulled out a gold chain necklace from under her jumper, adorned with a black and red butterfly, and waved it. The steps transformed into a door. I gasped; she chuckled. The door swung open, revealing a medium-sized room. Yellow-painted walls with black butterfly accents, a queen-sized bed with black and yellow bedding, a wall full of quotes, and a shelf of stuffed animals caught my eye. I strolled towards a big bookshelf filled with books of every color imaginable. Nearby, a small door led to the bathroom, and another door revealed a walk-in closet packed with uniforms and regular clothes. Finally, a desk faced a window, school books neatly organized.

"Like it?" she asked, snapping me out of my trance. I turned to her.

"This is... something else," I admitted.

She laughed, pulling a small bear out of her bag and placing it among her collection of stuffed animals. "Welcome to my room," she said, unpacking her things.

I sat down on her desk chair. She handed me a ring—a silver band with an emerald green stone.

"You're welcome anytime. I have spare drawers and shelves for you. This ring matches my necklace. Ced has one too, but his stone is yellow. Keep it safe. Wave it over the door, and it will reveal itself." she explained, pointing to a panel near the door.

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