Chapter Fifteen- Dear love, I miss you.

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Draco POV


Dear Love, I miss you

It has been one month since our breakup. One miserable month.

I haven't seen you anywhere. Not even classes. I don't know how you're going to classes and avoiding me. I never understood your tunnels either. It is painful not knowing if you're okay.

I find myself being unable to sleep. I miss having you to cuddle. I miss your room. I miss the smell of coconut. I miss you wearing my shirts. I miss your touch, your voice and your kindness. I miss your warm hugs at night and your sleepy morning kisses. I miss you.

My nightmares have gotten worse again. Only this time when I wake up, I don't have you there. I don't have you to hug me, cuddle me and tell me it's going to be fine.

I wish I had never placed that stupid bet and I had just asked you out without it because maybe we would be together right now. I wish my name wasn't Malfoy, I would have asked you out ages ago. I've liked you for so long. That bet was just so that I would have the courage to ask you out. I'm not good at expressing emotions, I am so sorry.

Maybe this is for the best. Maybe this is why the Malfoys don't love.

Yet tears still come to my eyes when I think of you. My heart still sears when I think of what state you're in.

Why does it hurt this much Love?

Why does it hurt that I can't have you here to kiss away the pain?

Why does it feel so cold?

If I am this bad, I only shudder to think how you feel. My heart aches at the fact that you are crying in that room.

I sometimes go to our small room. The one I drew you in and I sit on the hammock and cry. Cry until my heart's content.

Appleton, you hold a very dear place in my heart.

Your chocolate brown eyes were heaven on earth. I feel like I am back in hell now. Slowly dying. Only it's painful now.

The yule ball is only a few days away. I had no choice but to ask Pansy. My father insisted that I have to. I would rather take you. I don't care about Pansy.

I will love you until I can numb myself of it.

You have my heart Love and you took it with you when you ran away from me last month.




I sighed, wiping my tears away as I wrote my 30th letter to Sienna. None were going to ever reach her but writing about it helps. It helps me numb it. God, I miss her. I keep cursing myself for placing the bet. Blaise had tried to help me get over her but I refused. I trudged to my classes in hopes of seeing her. Just to make sure she was okay. It was the only thing that would get me out of bed nowadays. The hopes of seeing her beautiful face once again. Yet she never showed. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But I was a Malfoy and the Malfoys don't cry.

To say she had changed my life would be an understatement. Sienna had completely flipped my world. Oh, I missed her.

The yule ball is happening next week. On Christmas day. Pansy forced me to go dress shopping with her last week and she picked this ugly green poofy dress. It had brown bow's on it. It made her look like a tree, and I looked like a fool. My heart tugged as I thought about what Sienna was wearing, It was the last day of classes before Christmas, Pansy was talking my ear off on the way to my potions class. I wished she would shut up.

"Okay, Drakie. I'm going," she said kissing me on my cheek.

"Bye," I mumbled before running into the classroom. Blaise laughed as he followed. When I looked at the front of the class where Sienna usually sat. My breath got caught in my throat.

She was here. Finally, she was here.

She looks prettier than ever. I noticed she cut her hair. It was a great look on her. She was writing something down with the girl beside her reading the note. Blaise poked my rib and dragged me to my seat. I wanted to say something to her, anything. The girl beside her started talking to her. She was laughing and joking back. My heart fluttered. She was laughing. She was okay. But does she miss me? Does her heartache as much as mine does?

The class started and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I had missed her so much. Snape said we were making a potion. Great, I get to talk to Blaise.

"I am going to be paring you up to work on this potion. I am making the pair's Mr. Potter and I can assure you that you will not be with Mr. Weasley" said Snape.

I groaned. I wanted to be with Blaise.

"McLaggen and Potter, Granger and Longbottom, Jane and Zabini, Weasley and Bell, Malfoy and Appleton....."

My heart stopped. She looked over at me and sighed. The girl that was sitting beside her, dragged her to our cauldrons. She was working with Blaise. I looked over at Blaise, he looked smitten by the girl he was paired with. She was pretty but Sienna was gorgeous. Sienna huffed and sat beside me.

"Blaise Zabini, Nice to meet you." Blaise said as he held his hand out for the Slytherin girl to shake. She took it.

"Skylar Jane."

I looked over at Sienna. I held my hand out.

"Draco Malfoy," I smirked. She looked up at me.

"Sienna Appleton," she said.

She didn't take my hand. 

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