Chapter Nineteen- The butterfly effect

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Sienna POV


I groaned as the sunlight blinded me. I was warm and fuzzy inside. I could smell mint and apples. My breath got caught in my throat.


It smells like Draco.

I sat up. No one was there. I was alone. I pressed my nose into the sheets and took a deep breath, inhaling the intoxicating scent. That potion was making me crazy. The curtains were open and Harry walked in.

"Hey Sienna, how are you feeling." I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Terrible Harry." He nodded and I closed my eyes

"I'm sorry." I opened them back up to look at Harry.

"W-what?" I said.

"I wanted to save you too but I had Ron and Fleur's sister. I'm a terrible friend, one" he said.

I shook my head.

"No, it's all good. I reckon that I was Cedric's to save anyway, He just forgot that I can't swim." Harry's smile lit up.

"You're not mad at me? We're still friends?" he asked. I nodded and he hugged me.

"I got to run to class but I'll come and see you later?" he asked.

"Yeah, see you," I said.

I settled into my sheets and took a breath of the mint aroma. It was still there. I remember someone calmed me down from my nightmare yesterday but I didn't know if it was Draco or not.

"Miss Appleton, You may leave." I heard from the healer. I nodded and started to get up.

The last time I was leaving a hospital.

Draco Malfoy was beside me.


I was alone.



A few months have gone by since the second task. I hadn't seen Draco and I was avoiding him at all costs. My feelings were just too strong. It was June and the third task was nearing. Cedric and I had found out he would have to through an enchanted maze so we started practising defensive spells with each other. We would duel every day after dinner. But today was different. It was June 5th. Draco's birthday. After I practised ' with Ced I made my way to the astronomy tower. I wanted to go to the place where he had saved me and thank him silently. Ced asked me if I wanted him to come with me but I refused. This was something I wanted to do alone.

I made my way up the stairs quietly. It was past curfew and I didn't want detention.

I froze when I reached the top. I heard someone humming "Happy Birthday". It was Draco. His platinum blonde hair gently cascaded over his silver eyes which were lit by the moonlight. Before I could walk away he noticed me.


"Hey." I shifted. The uncomfortable tension rose.

"I'm sorry I'll just go," I said.

"No, don't." I looked up at him. His eyes were pleading with me.

"Stay, please."

My stomach felt butterflies.

The Butterfly effect.

I hadn't felt it since Draco and I broke up. I nodded and walked towards the railing.

"H-Happy Birthday Draco." I stuttered. He looked up at me, surprised.

"You remembered?!" he asked. I nodded. It was on my calendar. He'd put it there a long time ago.

"That's the first time someone other than my mother and Blaise has remembered my birthday," he said sadly. I looked over at him. He was running his hands around a ring.

"It's new Love. Part of my grandfather's collection. My mother owled it to me today." he whispered near my ear. I shivered at the mention of his nickname for me. The butterflies started again.

"Don't," I said to him. He looked up.

"Don't what Love?" he whispered back.

"Don't call me that," I said back.

"Oh right, I forgot you and Potter were a thing," he said back, blandly.

"Harry and I aren't a thing." I shot.

"That's not what everyone else says," he replied.

"So if everyone else says that I'm a freak. Do you believe them?" I asked.

He looked up at me.

"You're not a Freak. Who said that" he asked.

"Your girlfriend did," I replied matching the blandness in my voice to his.



I looked at him. He looked confused.

"Pansy and I aren't dating," he said.

"You both sure as hell snog each other like you are."

He looked hurt when I said that.

"I only snog her to make you jealous!" he shot. His anger was rising, so was mine.

"Yeah well, MAYBE if YOU didn't DATE me AS a SODDING bet, YOU wouldn't HAVE to SNOG Pansy," I said, raising my voice slightly.

"That's not fair," he said

"NO, it's not fair to leave someone feeling like they are worthless." I shot. I started rambling again. I went off like how I did back in November when I found out.

He grabbed my shoulders.

"FOR MERLIN'S SAKE. LET ME EXPLAIN," he yelled. I stopped.

"Fine but this better be good."

"Love, I only bet on you so I could get the courage to ask you out and then Pansy and her crew would leave us alone because they would think that you were a bet. But I hadn't planned on Goyle finding out that we kissed. I was going to wait out the bet and lose the 55 galleons but we kissed on your birthday and Blaise let it slip by accident. Look at me Love. I don't need 55 galleons" he said slightly rushed.

"So, you were going to lose 55 galleons why?" I asked

"Because I would've rather lost that than lose you. But I fucking lost you anyway. Then at the ball, I tried explaining to you what happened but Diggory got to me first. Then I thought I'd lost you for good when I saved you from the water and you weren't breathing-"

"That WAS you?! Cedric told me I was being nuts?!" I screamed

"Love, I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted you to find out. I was scared of losing you."

I didn't know if it was the fact that I saw tears in his eyes, SiennaSiennaSienna Sienna

or if it was the tension of not being with him all these months.

Maybe it was the relief that he didn't mean to hurt me

or It was the guilt of yelling at him the day we broke up.

Maybe it was the butterfly effect,

But my arms flung around his neck,

And my lips crashed onto his. 

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