Chapter Thirty-Serenity

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Sienna POV

Sky introduced me to her sister Serenity. She was very interesting and she kept Draco in check. I was surprised that Sky hadn't mentioned Serenity because they seemed so close to each other. Serenity was smart for her year, I guess that Sky taught her stuff over the summer. Both the sisters were extremely academically driven. Serenity studies a lot but at least she gets to bed on time. Well, no at least she gets to bed instead of studying. I found a lot of similarities between me and the young girl. We both loved writing, reading and annoying Sky.

Draco and I were fighting over closet space when Serenity walked in. Neither one of us heard her.

"You constantly take my hoodies so they should be on your side!"

"But I need space for MY hoodies there!"

"OI! SHUT IT" Serenity yelled.

We stopped and looked at the girl. She huffed and pulled out her wand.

"Engorgio" she muttered in space.

It instantly grew making space for both of us.

"I'm surprised a bunch of fifth years who are taking their OWLS soon don't know how to do that. I swear you guys fight like an old married couple sometimes." Serenity said while rubbing her temples.

She looked up at us and we all burst into laughter. Sky and Blaise walked in at that moment. I'd taught Sky the barrel pattern to the Hufflepuff rooms and Serenity showed her the colour changing spell for her and Blaise's robes. Serenity was an amazing witch and she was only in her fourth year.

"Ready to study?!" asked Sky optimistically.

We all groaned collectively. Sky had been forcing us to study for the OWLS day and night.

("They are only a few weeks left!")

Serenity had been studying with us and on multiple occasions, she pointed out things that we'd gotten wrong ourselves. But even today, Serenity seemed to be exhausted from all the work her sister had put upon us. Draco had slumped over putting his head on my chest. Just then, an owl tapped on the glass. I recognized the writing to be Sirius'.

I had told Sky about me and when we looked at my family tree, It showed that my maternal grandfather had a brother whose daughter got married into the Jane family. That daughter was Serenity and Sky's mom. Turns out I was related to Sky and Serenity. We were cousins. After I learned that, I'd told them who I was. Blaise was still clueless. Sky told Blaise to get something from her trunk and I opened the letter the second Blaise left.

Dear sweet Stuffy,

I am so proud of the progress you've made in regards to our little animal project. Your father was also one of us and he was an Owl.

I am also happy that you think you've found your soulmate. It's not every day that a Patronus ends up being the Latin translation of your boyfriend's name.

I will come to see you when you arrive back.

I'll be the one with the black hair on the platform.

Love you lots


I smiled. They gave me a funny look. Sirius was talking in code to not alert anyone. He was telling me that My fathers animagus was an owl and he was proud of the progress I'd made.

"Your Patronus is my name?" Draco asked. Sky took her sister and walked out. I smiled up at my boyfriend.

"Yeah. My Patronus is a dragon and the Latin translation of dragon is Draco." I said. He rushed forward and pressed a warming kiss on my lips. I felt him smile into it.

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