Chapter Thirty-Three- Bloody Hell Sky!

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I was at the Ministry fighting alongside Hermonie. Sienna in butterfly form was with Sirius Black. I shot spell after spell. My blood was everywhere. I had a nasty cut on my face that was burning and I'm pretty sure I had a concussion from when I hit my head after Dholohov pushed me into a statue. I still kept pushing through.

"Hermonie! Watch it!" I exclaimed as I stunned a death eater who was about to hex her from the back.

"Thanks!" she said. We kept fighting alongside the Aurors. Then we heard it.

"HE — IS — NOT — DEAD!" Harry roared. "SIRIUS!"

My stomach dropped. I knew who Sirius was to Sienna. I also knew that she'd be dumb enough to try and save him. I walked closer before Tonks grabbed me. She was injured and limping.

"It's not safe," she said. Her hair turned a slight blue colour at the sight. Sienna was Tonks, cousin, too. Making Sirius an "uncle". I glanced at the scene. Sirius was on the ground. My vision filled with tears as Tonks dragged me away.

On the floor was a beautiful red and black butterfly. It wasn't moving.


My cousin was gone.

She was dead.

Bolts started hitting Tonks and me. I lifted my wand and started firing curses when I felt a sharp pain in my body. The last thing I thought before I hit the ground was



Blaise POV

I was in the common room.

It was late and Sky was nowhere to be found. I waited and waited. I was doing homework but constantly looking up at the door, expecting my girl to burst in and jump on me to cuddle.

Panic slowly started to fill me. The door opened, I got excited thinking it was Sky but instead Draco came in. He had the same worried look.

"Blaise, Please tell me Sienna is with Sky here." He blurted out. The panic rose.

"I thought she might be with you guys," I said.

The door opened again. This time it was Serenity.

"Guys? Have you seen Sienna or my sister?" She asked.

"How did you even get in here!" I said in disbelief.

"That doesn't matter. Where is my sister!?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I have no clue, neither she nor Sienna are here," I said.

"What is happening?" Draco asked as he slumped down next to me. We were both worried. Sky loved her nights with me. We'd cuddle and talk. It was very unusual for her to be missing. Serenity sat on the other side of me. My stomach had an unsettling feeling.

Sky was missing.

So was Sienna.

I packed my homework up.

Unintentionally, we all drifted to sleep on the couch. Serenity went first, curled up against the armrest. I pulled a blanket on her. I was second, my head lolled back on the couch and I felt myself drift. Draco fell asleep last with his face buried in his hands. We were woken up at around 5 in the morning the next day by Professor Snape.

"Mr. Zabini, You, Miss. Jane and Mr. Malfoy must come with me at once." Snape said while waking up the other two.

"Where to professor?" I asked.

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