Chapter Fourteen- -The little Hufflepuff.

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Cedric POV


I walked into the room to see Sienna clutching to the dress she was wearing on her birthday. She wasn't sobbing anymore. Just a few tears ran down her cheek.

"Sienna hun," I said softly, touching her shoulder

"Don't call me hun," she said back, harshly. I forgot that he used to call her hun. I held on to her as she cried.

"Let it out. Let it all out." I encouraged her while softly rubbing her shoulder.

"No. I'm done crying over that twit." She said. She wiped her tears and stood up. I smiled at her and she asked me to stay the night with her in case Malfoy came back. I agreed. She went to shower.

I started thinking about how all the respect I had managed to build for Malfoy for treating her right had disappeared. What an ass. I was ready to kill him, I was so livid. How dare he toy with her emotions. How dare he lead her on. I sighed as I played with fluffy. My head went back to Sienna's birthday. I remembered walking in on them in the bathroom. She looked so happy.

-Flashback to Sienna's birthday

I walked into Sienna's room with her gift. She was turning 14. I couldn't wait. She was so excited. I went to Diagon Alley and got her a kitten. It was white and fluffy like her stuffed animal. The one she couldn't live without. The one her mom had gotten for her before passing away. Sienna loves cats. I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"Sienna?" I said. The bed was empty and the closet was open. I couldn't see her anywhere. I heard soft giggles from the bathroom and pushed the door open.


Oh, bloody hell. Malfoy was hugging her from the back. He was kissing the side of Sienna's cheek. Her smile was so big, my heart melted for a second. I could feel my face turn red. Sienna broke out of the embrace and pulled me away.

"I thought you weren't dating," I said as soon as we were out of earshot from Malfoy.

"Oh shush. We're not. You know that Ced." she said looking up at me.

"I don't like how his hands are all over you," I growled at her. She swatted my arm.

"Ced for god's sake! Give him a chance. He's not that bad. Please? For me?" I looked down at her puppy eyes. Gosh, I hated how she was able to convince me into anything. I sighed reluctantly.


"Thank you," she said as she hugged me. I heard the bathroom door creak open and I gave Sienna her box.

"Happy birthday little one," I said as I messed her hair up. She wrapped me a hug and opened the box. Out pooped the fluffy white kitten. She gasped and her eyes had become glassy with tears.

"Oh, Ced! Fluffy!" she said.

I nodded my head, my eyes filling with tears as well. I knew how much this would mean to her. She gently put the box down and flung her arms around me again.


I watched as Sienna fell asleep beside me. She didn't want to be alone. I understood that. At one point in the night, she woke me up with one of her nightmares. She was screaming and sobbing. I sat up and pulled her into a hug.

"D-Draco?" she said softly. My heart broke.

"No Sienna, It's Ced," I whispered.

"Oh yeah, Draco... He's gone," she said sadly. I nodded. She shivered.

"Ced? Can you get me that green jumper from the side please?" she asked. I reached over and gave it to her. She slipped it on. She took a deep breath in it.

"It still smells like him," she whispered with tears in her eyes. I pulled her into my chest, giving her a tight hug.


I watched the sleeping Hufflepuff in my arms. She was shaking and muttering. I knew she was having another nightmare. I tried rubbing her back, holding on to her and gently rocking her but nothing seemed to be working. Usually when we slept over and she had nightmares those helped.

"Draco, please. Make it stop." She mumbled. That's when it hit me. It wasn't working because I wasn't Draco. These past two months, he's been helping her. He knew what to do. She felt safe with him. I knew this was going to be a messy situation, but I silently vowed that I would help Sienna get better without Malfoy to rely on. She was my little sister after all.

She was a little Hufflepuff.




I would not let Malfoy get the satisfaction of breaking someone's heart.

Not her innocent and sweetheart.


One month later. December 15th.

Sienna was over him. Finally. She wanted to avoid him so we made a plan. She sneaks into her classes by getting there super early and leaving her hood on. She sits in the very back. Malfoy barely seems to notice she's there because there are a lot of people occupying the back seats. We went to the library a lot. She met a friend named Skylar Jane. She was a Slytherin who was also helping her get over the breakup. It had been a good month. Sienna still had nightmares but she preferred to deal with them on her own now. She wouldn't let me comfort her. Skylar was a big help because she was a girl and they related to each other a lot.

Skylar was very academically driven. She was quite shy and kept to herself until you got to know her, then you got to meet the real Sky. She was quite beautiful, She had long wavy hair that was usually braided, she wore these glasses that kept falling off her nose and she had to push them back up constantly. She was loving and gentle.

The girl had become Sienna's best friend. I was happy she made a friend.

Today Sky and I both walked into her room to check on her.


She was in the bathroom tugging at her long locks.

"I want to cut my hair," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He used to run his hands through it and I think he liked it long. I'm over him. I want my long hair gone." She said.

"Do you need help?" Sky asked. Sienna nodded. We both aided her as she cut her hair from waist length until it hit her shoulders. We cleaned the mess up and she twirled admiring the new look.

"I have no clue how you manage your curly hair, but this looks awesome." Sky said. We bid Sienna goodbye and left.

This was a start to a new beginning. 

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