Chapter Seventeen- Diggory and the second task.

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Draco and Sienna are not related in anyway, Narcissa is NOT part of the Black family.

I repeat.






Bellatrix is Draco's godmother as opposed to his aunt in this book.

Happy reading.

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Draco POV******I woke up one chilly morning in February. I realized today was the day of the second task. It had been a while since I had talked to Pansy. I was okay with that. She was so annoying. She was upset that I had ditched her for a fight on the night of the ball. I wrote my letter for today to Sienna. The one that she'll never read and put on her necklace. I hid it under my shirt. I had been wearing it since she threw it at me. After the Yule Ball, She'd been spending an insane amount of time with Potter. He always had his arm around her and people were saying that they were dating. I was okay with that as long as she was happy.No, I wanted her to be mine. Not Potters. He's an arse. I walked down for breakfast. "Malfoy!" I heard Diggory yell. He slammed me up against a wall."What did you do to her?" Diggory growled. "What?!" I was shocked. This had taken me by surprise. Diggory hadn't talked to me since the Ball. "Don't play dumb. Sienna has been missing since yesterday evening. She's not in her room or the kitchens or the library and Kenny said she didn't come back yesterday." Diggory said as he pointed to my neck with his wand. A panic wave hit me."What?! The bloody hell do you mean she's missing Diggory?!"Blaise's girlfriend, Skyler, touched Cedric's arm."Ced, Maybe he doesn't know," she said."I don't. Let go of me." I growled. Reluctantly he did. ****"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . . three!" The whistle echoed shrilly in the cold, still air; the stands erupted with cheers and applause; I sat looking as the champions went underwater. Within a few minutes, the french girl came up. She was saying something about her sister underwater and the grindylows. It hit me. The charm. Underwater for an hour. Sienna was underwater. Cedric's task was to save her. I ran to the bottom, panicking. I waited and waited. Blaise came with Skylar. "It's okay mate. She's got Diggory.""No, she can't fucking swim, Blaise. It's not okay. Where the hell Is Diggory?" I almost yelled. That's when I saw it. Her hair. It reached the top. Her curls stuck to her forehead nearly blinking her. Cedric started swimming towards us. She took a big gasp and realized she was in deep water, alone. Diggory was already near us and didn't see her struggling. I saw her panic and she started to sink. Without thinking twice, I took my jacket off, grabbed my wand and I dove in. I swam as fast as I could and reached her. She had just closed her eyes and exhaled her last breath. The grindowlys were seeing her and started coming towards her. I grabbed her before they could and pulled her above the surface, swimming as fast as I could back to Blaise. I felt Blaise and Diggory pull her up and I followed. I was shivering but Sienna wasn't moving. Someone came and put a towel around me. Shit.I clutched onto her as I tried to get her to breathe. Anything. Her face was frozen with panic and I felt dread run through my stomach. "Dammit, No Sienna. Come on wake up." I felt tears starting. I picked her up and ran with her, Cedric, Blaise and Skylar on my heels. I heard shouts that told me that Potter was out of the water. I heard Potter shout for Sienna. I kept going. I laid her down in the hospital wing beds. I felt anger rise in me. I had been too late. I couldn't save her. She was gone. Things raced across my mind. I had lost her and the last time I saw her she thought I didn't care. I turned away, tears falling down my face. I didn't want Diggory to see this. I couldn't show weakness. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Pull yourself together. You're crying in public. Pathetic. What if father saw you like this right now? He would be so disappointed. I wiped my tears and started walking away. Blaise and Skylar came behind me. I was about to leave when I heard it. A cough. A watery cough. I turned to see Sienna alive and coughing up the water that had been logged in her lungs. I almost ran to her. Instead, I said hidden out of view, but in earshot. The healer made her drink a potion. I knew what the potion was and I knew that Its side effect was to make her loopy. I knew this was going to be bad. "Ced! Draco?!" she spluttered. Cedric looked at me. I shook my head. Don't. I mouthed. She was loppy. I didn't want to trigger her more. He nodded."Ced. Where's Draco Ced?" she asked again."What are you talking about Stuffy?" he asked. "I saw him. He saved me. Where is Draco Ced?" she choked, tears starting running down her face. She fumbled for the collar of her robes. She pulled out her key necklace and fumbled again. "Ced. Where's Draco?" she asked again. "Stuffy, why?" "Because I still like him okay? I know you're going to hate me Ced but I want him. I just want to see him. Where is he? Ced?" she asked, impatiently. She started to cry. It was hectic. Cedric grabbed her shoulders as she tried getting out of the bed. She was drugged. But she still liked me? What about Potter?"Oh no. I'm an idiot." she moaned. "The necklace. The stupid necklace. I threw it at him on Christmas after you had that stupid fight with him." she was crying hard now. I wondered if the potion had been laced with veritaserum. Blaise looked at me as I plunged my hand into my neck and pulled out her necklace. I clipped it off and gave it to Skylar."Sienna, this necklace?" asked Sky softly. I saw her face light up as Skylar clipped it on her. Cedric lied her down and Madam Pomfrey gave her a sleeping draught. I watched her get drowsy and fall asleep. Blaise handed me a tissue. He pointed to my cheeks. I wiped the tears that I didn't even know were falling. **** Later that night Cedric had fallen asleep on the chair. I tapped him."You go. I'll stay here and watch." I said. "Thank you. You Know for um saving her like that. You like her don't you?" I nodded. "Then why the bet?" I explained that the bet was for me to get the courage to ask her out and how I didn't plan on telling them that I had kissed her but they found out and then she found out. Cedric nodded and clapped me on the back. "Good night and good luck Draco." I nodded and he left. I sat down on the cold metal chairs watching Sienna. She looked somewhat peaceful. I pulled out my schoolwork and did it while watching her make sure she was ok. At around two am I woke up to her shaking. Nightmare. Shit. I did the only thing I knew how and lifted the duvet. I slipped inside and pulled her to my chest. I felt her press her nose in my shirt. She sniffed and immediately recognized the scent. She sighed and relaxed in my arms. I wanted to cry. It had been so long since I'd held her. My heart was breaking. ***I woke up to sunlight hitting my face. I looked down. She was wrapped up in my arms. It took me everything to not kiss her face like how I'd normally. She was clutching onto my shirt and her nose was pressed in my chest. I looked at the small cozy girl, her features were relaxed and peaceful. My heart tugged. My head went back to waking up in her room and seeing her asleep in my arms. ***She started to stir so I moved her gently so as not to wake her more. I jumped up and ran out before she could know that I was there. I felt my heart hurt the father I walked away from the hospital wing. I saw Potter making his way in

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