Chapter Thirteen- Beauty and the broken heart.

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Sienna POV - Few minutes before


"Love, I'm going to walk to class with Blaise," Draco said after Potions while hugging me.

I didn't mind. I had a spare anyway. I was just going to go to the library.

"That is up to you hun, I'll just go to the library for my spare time," I responded. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Drac. Come on we're gonna be late." Blaise said. Draco nodded and pulled away from the embrace. I waved at them and watched them leave. I started packing my stuff up and I noticed the ring he slipped on my finger earlier. It was his key ring to my room. I giggled.

Idiot. I thought.

I quickly rushed after him in the hall. I saw him talking to Crabbe and Goyle in a small corridor. His back was to me. I caught a snippet of the conversation.

"Crabbe we win, Draco kissed that girl." Goyle said.

"No way?! How did you manage that!" Crabbe said.

"It was nothing. I just showed her some affection," said Draco. I felt something move in my chest. Do they win? For Draco kissing me? It was nothing? I was nothing? I felt tears spring into my eyes and Goyle started talking about money. I was a bet? Anger built in me.

I ran as fast as I could to my room. I grabbed his trunk and shoved all of his things into it.

All the drawings and pictures are on the wall. All the love letters and small gifts that he had gotten me. The book, his clothes and his school stuff. I was so angry. It was just a stupid bet. This was all an act. I was wrong about Draco. He didn't give a shit about me.

I walked back fast, rolling his trunk behind me. I saw Pansy had joined them and I heard their conversation again. Pansy caught sight of me.

"So Drakie, You're telling me. That she had no clue that she was just a bet to you. She doesn't know that she was worth 55 galleons to you?"

"No. She doesn't," he said.

I broke. His trunk slipped out of my hand and landed with a thump. A soft sob escaped my lips as pain filled my chest. Draco turned around. His face filled with shock.

"She does now, I said. Draco's eyes looked at mine.

"Love-," he said, stepping forward.

"Don't," I said, stepping back. I kicked his trunk toward him.

"You, You complete ass Draco Malfoy," I said.

"Why are you here?" he asked. I pulled the ring out.

"You left this in potions. I came to return it. Turns out I don't need to seeing as you won't be around me anymore!" I shouted through my tears.

"No, Please. Just let me explain," he said.

"I've heard enough Malfoy," I said bitterly. I felt him freeze at the mention of his last name. Hot anger flipped in my stomach. He reached for my arm. I pulled away.

"I can't believe you. After everything. I Trusted you! I Cared! I spilt my darkest secrets to you, and you? You didn't even tell me you were giving me attention for a stupid bet!" I was shouting now. A ball of rage was spilling out of my body with my words.

"You repulse me Malfoy. I thought you were different. But Cedric was right. You are nothing but a cold-hearted foul little git. You truly are a monster from hell." I spat. My heart crumbled and I ran. Tears blinded me. I had no clue where I was going but I ran. I ran far away from Malfoy. I heard him following me, calling my name.

I crashed into someone. Cedric. He looked at me, his eyes filled with concern.

"Sienna?" he asked. I held on to him and cried. I was in so much pain. He had broken me completely. Cedric hugged me back and calmed me down.

"Sienna, what happened?" Cedric asked.

"Malfoy." I croaked. I felt a searing pain in my palm. I opened my hand out to reveal his ring. I sobbed. Cedric took one look at the ring and he understood. Something had happened. I heard Draco call me.


"No." I choked out through my tears.

Cedric grabbed my arm and walked with me to my room.

We got there and the door was already open. I was so angry I must have forgotten to close it. Cedric took the ring out of my palm and tucked me in the bed. I couldn't stop the tears. I was so broken. I fell in love and got played. He was my first kiss. I told him my fears, my secrets and I trusted him. I took some deep breaths. Fluffy came and sat on me meowing. I started to pet her, It calmed me down. I finally got a grip on my emotions. I was numb now. Just numb. I cursed myself for falling for him and trusting him. Cedric handed me some water. I sat up and drank it. My body was exhausted, I felt my eyes start to close and Cedric laid me down again. I drifted off to sleep.


Soft knocking and the bells for dinner woke me up.

I felt like shit. My throat was dry and I still felt drained. I sat up and Cedric looked over at me from the desk.

"You okay?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" he asked. I told him. How I had walked in on Malfoy telling his friends that I was a bet. How degraded I felt. How hurt I was. Surprisingly not a single tear came out. The soft knock at the door happened again. I groaned and lay down as Cedric went to answer it. I told him to bring back dinner. I didn't want to go to the great hall and I was hungry.

I heard Ced open the door.

"Malfoy Get out of here," Ced said.

"Please, I need to talk to her." I heard Draco say back.

"No. She's not in any mood to talk to you." Cedric spat. They started having a heated argument. I felt a headache start and I couldn't take it anymore. I got out of bed and touched Cedric's arm lightly.

"Go. It's fine."

Cedric shot Draco a death glare and went.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I asked coldly. His silver eyes looked different. They weren't kind or soft. They were cold. I shivered.

"Look, Just let me explain," he said.

"Explain what? Huh? Explain how you led me on? Explain the bet?"

"I-" he started.

"No, go on Draco. Explain the last two months. Explain why you called me Love. Explain it!"


"You can't, can you. Why Draco. Why didn't you just say that you needed me to pretend like I had kissed you for a bet? Hmm? I would have done it. You didn't have to lead me on. It would have saved me so much time, emotion and energy. I wouldn't have forced you to listen to my sad life. I wouldn't have let you waste your time on me Malfoy."

"But it's not like that!" he said

"Didn't you bet 55 galleons on me?" I asked.

"Yes, I did bu-"

"Just go Malfoy. No one has ever made me feel as cheap as you have. That's all I was worth. 55 galleons. I wish you had never kissed me. I wish I was smart enough to see that you were playing me. I wish you hadn't walked into the astronomy tower to save me. Just leave me alone. Don't talk to me. You disgust me Draco Malfoy." I said letting it all out.

Tears sprung into my eyes as I said.

"I wish I never fell for you."

I spun around and closed my door before he could respond.

I heard him go to the bottom of the steps and walk away. I pressed my back to the door and slid down to the floor. A fresh wave of tears started spilling. I went back to bed until Cedric came.

Draco Malfoy had broken my heart.

I looked over at the yellow dress from my birthday.

It wasn't Beauty and the Beast.

It was Beauty and the Broken heart. 

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