Chapter Twelve- Not all secrets stay secret.

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Draco POV


November 12th.

Finally, today marked two months after the bet.

I was going to accept defeat and give Crabbe and Pansy their money and be done with this stupid bet. It had been invading my consciousness for the longest time. I was tired of it. Blaise was the only person who knew I had kissed her on her birthday.

She woke me up early for classes. I grabbed her as she was leaving the bed and hugged her tight.

"5 more minutes," I mumbled. She agreed and relaxed in my arms. But she took 5 minutes literally and woke me up exactly 5 minutes later to get ready. I grumbled and got up. We got ready and went for some breakfast.


We were in potions after lunch, I was sitting with Sienna and she was fiddling with my rings. I slipped one-off and put it on her finger without looking so Snape wouldn't get suspicious. She giggled and when Snape turned his back to us, I gave her a small quick kiss. I smiled as my lips met her forehead. I hadn't seen Pansy or Crabbe all day but they were in my next class when Sienna had a spare so I knew I'd be fine. When potions class was done I stood up and leaned on the desk.

"Love, I'm going to walk to class with Blaise," I said.

"That is up to you Darling, I'll just go to the library for my spare time," she responded. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Drac. Come on we're gonna be late." Blaise said. She waved at us and we left.

"Drac what are you telling Crabbe?" Blaise asked.

"Just that we didn't kiss," I responded.

"But y'all did kiss," he said.

"SHH Blasie someone could hear y-."

"Draco you guys kissed?!" It was Goyle. He'd been standing there listening.

"Shit," Blaise said.

"Shit, indeed," I said back. Goyle brought Crabbe, Blaise and me to a small corridor.

"Crabbe we win, Draco kissed that girl." Goyle said.

"No way?! How did you manage that!" Crabbe said.

"It was nothing. I just showed her some affection." I said trying to speed the conversation up. Goyle kept talking to Crabbe about the money. I was trying to get to class.

Pansy walked up. I groaned. She was going to drag this out further.

"So, You managed to get the slimeball to kiss you." She said bitterly.

"Jealous Pansy?" Asked Blaise.

"Jealous? Of her? Oh please, my garbage can spits out prettier shit." she shot back.

Crabbe and Pansy forked over their money. I took it quickly. We had class and this is drawing too much attention.

"Look. You guys need to shut up about this bet." I said, sternly.

"Why Drakie? I wanted to rub it in her face." Pansy pouted.

"Oh yeah, and I want you to leave her alone from now on. She has no clue about the bet and I don't intend on her finding out anytime soon. Oka,y I'm dating her now. I care for her and I don't want to lose her. I'm serious. Zip it. " I said. They nodded and I looked at Pansy for her confirmation.

Pansy's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"So Drakie, You're telling me. That she had no clue that she was just a bet to you. She doesn't know that she was worth 55 galleons to you?"

"No. She doesn't." I said.

I heard something thump behind us and then I heard a small sob. My heart plunged and I squeezed my eyes shut. After two months of hearing her sobs, I'd recognize Sienna's cries anywhere

I turned around to see Sienna holding my trunk in front of me.

Tears were streaming down her face.

"She knows now," said Sienna.

My entire heart shattered. 

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