Chapter Sixty-Six - The cottage

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Draco POV

"I love you too, baby." I said to her. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked; she shook her head.

"Okay," I said. She shuddered and let herself sink further into the warm water, the large tub making her float away a little.

"Join me," she whispered, Her eyes finding mine. I smiled at her. She looked fragile, and I didn't know if getting in there would help.

"I don't know if that's the best idea at the moment," I whispered. She moved closer and rested her head on the edge of the tub I was sitting beside. I wiped the hair sticking to her face away.

"You're so beautiful. My god, how did I get so lucky, Sienna?" I whispered, my face inches away from hers. She raised her head, closing the gap and kissing me.

"Please," she whispered on my lips. "Come in, Dray. The tub is huge, and the water is warm. I want you to hold me. Please," I groaned, tipped my head back, and gave in.

"You are going to be the death of me."

Stripping down to only my boxers, I slid in behind her. She rested her back against my chest. I reached my hand to hers and weaved our fingers together. She picked my hand up and kissed it. My other hand played with her curls, relaxing and revelling in peace and quiet.

"You're my Solace, Draco Malfoy," she whispered.

I dipped my head to her neck, kissing it before whispering back.

"And you're my strength, Sienna."

We got out when we were ready. After drying her off, I helped her into my shirt before we got under my covers.

I hummed to put Sienna to sleep, kissing her forehead. She had snuggled against my chest. Holding me tight. I closed my eyes and sighed. We needed to escape here. I couldn't do this to the woman who held my heart and touched my soul. I prayed this war would be over soon, and once it did, I would take Sienna away from here. Far, far away and fulfilling what she said she wanted long ago. To go to her parents' cottage and live away from the world. I fell asleep, determined to get us away from this.


The next morning, I woke up early. I looked over and saw my Sienna asleep soundly. I looked at the time. I had 3 hours before she would wake, and I wanted to ensure I was back.

I gently left the bed, pressing a soft kiss on her head. I walked outside my room and apparated to the cottage. As I approached the cottage that once belonged to Sienna's parents, my heart swelled with longing and hope. It stood perched atop a gentle hill, surrounded by wildflowers dancing in the morning breeze. The sight was breathtaking, like stepping into a painting of serenity. The cottage was a vision of rustic charm, its walls adorned with ivy that seemed to whisper stories of days gone by. The roof, covered in golden thatch, glimmered with dewdrops under the early sunlight. As I walked closer, the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of dried old roses and herbs, a testament to her mother's loving touch.

Inside, I imagined the rooms bathed in warmth—a cozy hearth crackling with fire and furniture that held the memories of a family's laughter. The windows, with their grayish-pink shutters, framed peaceful countryside views. This place was more than just a cottage; it was a sanctuary. A place where time moved slower, allowing dreams to take root and hearts to find peace. I could picture us here, waking up to the soft light filtering through those azure-shuttered windows, our days filled with the simple joy of being together. I felt determined as I stood there, taking in the tranquil beauty surrounding me. This was where we belonged, away from the turmoil of the outside world. I wanted to make this dream a reality—for us to live in this haven, hand in hand, creating our own story of love and peace.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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