Chapter Two - Beauty And The Beast

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Sienna POV


I bolted through the corridors of Hogwarts, my frustration mounting. Watching everyone engrossed in the Goblet of Fire ceremony was unbearable, especially without my book—thanks to Malfoy.Seizing the distraction of Harry Potter's name being called, I slipped into the kitchens and made a dash for the library, my haven from Draco's crowd.Among the shelves, I scanned for books when the door creaked open. I concealed myself, heart racing as footsteps approached. Peeking cautiously, I stifled a gasp—it was Malfoy.His fingers traced the cover of my book, muttering its title, "Beauty and the Beast." I held my breath, watching him sit and open the book. His eyes caught on something in the distance though I couldn't make out exactly what. He gave a light excited chuckle and turned his attention back to the book.He ran his hand on the first page again and started reading it aloud. I saw his silver eyes light up as he took in the words displayed in front of him. His voice was magical catching me in a trance. I closed my eyes and let the words on the first page soak into my mind.He sounded so soft.So gentle.I tried not to reveal that I was there. I shifted slowly into a comfortable position, I wanted to hear his voice again. He read beautifully out loud. I wondered why he didn't do it more often.his voice wove a spell around me. I closed my eyes, captivated by the words resonating in the air. His reading was mesmerizing, casting an enchantment that drew me in.I imagined a world where we sat together, him reading to me under a tree. It was a foolish fantasy—I had a secret crush on my tormentor. Strange, indeed.His tone softened as he narrated the tale of the cursed prince. Despite Malfoy's faults, there was something about his vulnerability in that moment. If only he showed this side more often, caring less about blood status and more about people's hearts.My thoughts drifted to my own family, the pureblood Blacks—a lineage of stringent expectations. They'd disown me for being a Hufflepuff, much like the Appletons already had. Except for my aunt, a Slytherin who ran an orphanage.When Malfoy left, I gathered my belongings, legs trembling. Back in my room, I vowed to return and catch him reading again. His voice might be the only thing keeping me grounded in this chaos.

Draco POV

***********I settled into a chair, my eyes scanning the room until something seized my attention—a small white cat dangling from a keychain. The same one Sienna always had on her bag. My heart quickened its pace.She was here.So, this was where she'd disappeared to. I feigned nonchalance as I cracked open the book, my voice carrying through the silence of the library. A soft shift caught my ear, signaling her presence nearby.I read on, absorbing the tale of the prince cursed into a beast by an enchantress. Frowning, I recognized too many parallels between his plight and mine. It was a truth I didn't relish—the burden of being a Malfoy.I smiled inwardly, knowing she was inches away, listening intently."As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?"That sentiment explained why I hadn't pursued Sienna.For who could ever learn to love a Malfoy?After the first page, I closed the book, not wanting her to remain concealed for long. Chuckling softly, I strolled away.Blaise awaited me outside the library, the only one privy to my nightly escapes. He raised an eyebrow knowingly."Still pining for Appleton?" he asked with a smirk."I read her a book," I replied, a smirk of my own playing on my lips."WHAT?" Blaise's incredulous tone rang out.Amused, I recounted the scene to him as we made our way back to the dungeons."So, you borrowed her book and then read it to her? While she was there?" he clarified, eyes alight with amusement."I didn't see it quite like that," I retorted.He chuckled as we readied for bed. Yet, thoughts of her lingered.I desired her but shunned the idea of public courtship.I was a Malfoy.And Malfoys had reputations to uphold.That night, I dreamt of a world where Draco Malfoy possessed the liberty to pursue her openly. The vision was bittersweet—hand in hand, we wandered toward the Black Lake, her laughter echoing.Soft music swelled around us as I pulled her close. My heart swelled with warmth as we danced, cheek to brow.Then it all crumbled.My father's voice shattered the serenity."Avada Kedavra!"A flash of green and she lay lifeless in my arms."Leave her," Father commanded. "We don't mix with those of unknown blood status."I clung to her, begging her to rouse.My father's grip on my shirt tightened."Love is weakness. We are Malfoys. Malfoy don't bow before anyone"Even in slumber, I faced the truth—I couldn't defy my legacy.I was a Malfoy.Neither curse nor blessing.I awoke, drenched in sweat.

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