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SHIP: Seungin

PLOT: Seungmin expresses his love towards I.N by teasing him, however, the maknae never seemed to notice.


REQUEST: DatCuteGirlXx


"Get away from me," The maknae said in between giggles.

Seungmin ignored him and kept walking towards him, tackling him to the ground until they were both on the floor, giggling and tickling each other.

"Stop tickling me!" Said Seungmin.

"You stop tickling me!" Jeongin shot back.

Seungmin had managed to get on top of the youngest and started tickling him until he was a laughing mess. Seungmin had compassion for him so he got off him and the younger stuck out his tongue at him before running towards his room and closing the door. Seungmin sat back on the couch to think about what had just happened.

The thing is that Seungmin had a tiny crush on the youngest. Well, the crush wasn't tiny, but yeah, it was a crush.

He thought about how the youngest laugh and giggle and a smile appeared on his face. Just at the thought of him being the one that caused that smile made him feel all warm inside.

He got his mind off it as soon as he heard Minho speak.

"Hey, Seungmin, can you help me make dinner?" He asked entering the kitchen.

Seungmin sighed.

"Sure Hyung!"

He had a fun time making dinner with Minho. Even though they may portray the 'divorce couple' kind of look, Minho cares about him and Seungmin likes spending time with him, they always have a good I'mtogether.

They had dinner all together and after Felix suggested to watch a movie. Everyone agreed on that except Seungmin, who said he was tired and went to sleep.

He got in his room and locked the door, he went to the shelf where he kept all his books and took out a hidden notebook from it.

It was a notebook about half the size of a normal one. It had a leather cover, kind of like the medieval ages vibe.

 It had a leather cover, kind of like the medieval ages vibe

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It was his diary, his little secret. Sure, he could have told the members, it's not like they would have laughed at him, maybe teased him for a while, but he liked to have a secret like this. It felt exciting.

He had started the diary on the day the reality had started, he wanted to keep a memory of all the important things that had happened during his career with Stray Kids.

He opened the notebook and read the first page.

(Author's note: Not all this information will be accurate, know that it's fiction.)

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