The Chronicles of Soraya Thenayu - Ujuu and Rhys Leyo

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Title: The Chronicles of Soraya Thenayu: Darkwood Academy

Genre: Fantasy

Author: ChristinaSilva9

Character Name: Ujuu and Rhys Leyo

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About the story:

With her father's memory failing and her mother gone, Soraya Thenayu is enrolled into Darkwood Academy and has to learn to adapt to her new surroundings. Growing up in the desolate Averlore Mountains has taught her to be independent and well read, but how will Soraya manage social pressures? Especially with carrying the secret that she's illegally in possession of magic? 

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Hi there. What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?

Ujuu: Ujuu and Rhys are fine. We don't have nicknames since our names are short and sweet.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today.
Ujuu: Of course! Thanks for having us!

Rhys: Thank you. *Nods head in agreement.*

Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

Ujuu: Do you have any cloudberry tea, by chance? It can be difficult to get outside of Azakua, so I'll just take a tarragon soda if you don't have it... you know, tarragon soda is also difficult to get outside of Azakua as well, um, whatever soda you have is fine.

Rhy: I'll take a sweetened coffee, please. Water is my second choice.

I'll have the kitchen check on cloudberry tea and tell them to put on a fresh pot. While we wait, tell me a little about yourselves.

Ujuu: So, we're both fourteen years old, and we're Shadelkins, which are a nomadic people that live in all parts of Etheria. Legends say our ancestors were blessed by the Zodia Tigress, which gave us our cat like features.

Rhys: Alternatively, scientists think our ancestors started evolving at a faster rate due to the harsher climates that they endured. Our tribe followed the migrations of the Dracaribou, which is a creature with traits similar to both a reindeer and dragon.

Ujuu: Yeah, that's the other story. Whatever the reason, whether mystical or scientific, we have cat like ears, can retract the claws on our hands, have a keener sense of smell, sight, and hearing, and are quite agile.

That sounds so cool. Where do you live?

Ujuu: We live in the country Azakua, located in the world of Etheria. Our father was a Casmerahn Shadelkin refugee who moved to Azakua and fell in love with our mother. We look Casmerahn because we got our father's red eyes, but are still Azakuin citizens.

Rhys: We both stick out like sore thumbs here since most other citizens either have blue, green, purple, orange or even pink eyes. Despite our country being diverse in its population, there's a growing division simply because blue eyes are genetically recessive, while red eyes are dominant. A lot of Azakuin governors are pushing for the idea of preserving blue eyes by deporting citizens with red eyes...

Ujuu: To put it lightly, It's a political nightmare.

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