The Hunter In Me - Owen

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Book Title: The Hunter In Me

Book Genre: YA Paranormal

Author: JessEubanks

Character Name: Owen

Nominated by: rotorooters

About the story:

Bash and his friends decide to check out an old house people say is haunted, he's surprised when he finds out it's true. What he learns from the spirit he meets pulls him into a world he knew nothing about. A world where monsters are real, and they look just like us. They don't hide under beds or in dark alleys; they're our friends and neighbors...until it's time to feed. Then our hearts are the food mimics need to stay alive.

Owen has been haunting his own house for fifty years, waiting for someone to see him. He's the last of the mimic hunters and he needs Bash's help to stop the monsters once and for all. But is sharing his body with a ghost too much to ask?

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Fellow readers, I've ventured out of the cafe for a rare home visit today.  I'm here with Owen correct? 

Yup. It's Owen.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today.

Sure. It's nice to talk to anyone, honestly.

I get that.  Why don't we start with you telling me a little about yourself?

I'm a mimic hunter, the last one. It's all I've ever known.

Wow, that's interesting. Where do you live?

I've been stuck haunting my family's empty house for a long time. I'm hoping to change that soon. This Bash guy showed up, he's young and clueless about mimics, but I think I can work with him.

Haunting? Does that mean you're a ghost?

I'm a spirit, I chose to stay, I just need a body.

Thanks for clearing that up.  To my knowledge, I've never interviewed a ghost before. So. do you have any jobs or hobbies?

Hunting and training to hunt is everything. Well, that and keeping dumbass kids from snooping through my house. So I guess my hobbies include knife throwing, scaring teenagers, and long walks on the beach. Just kidding about that last part. Who has time for that shit?

I get your point. What are some of your likes and dislikes?

I don't like being lied to or waiting. I like being the best at what I do, that's why I train my ass off. I like trucks, rock music, and strong women.

What is your greatest fear?

That I won't be able to end the mimics, they'll continue to kill and multiply. Everyone I loved will have died for nothing, and I'll be stuck here alone, forever. Damn, that was weak. Don't tell anyone I said that shit, OK?

You got it. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Mimics would have never been born. My family and friends wouldn't have been killed, and I'd be an old man telling my grandkids normal, boring-ass stories from my youth.

Are you happy we know your story?

If it helps keep someone safe, yeah. Don't trust strangers. Hell, don't trust anyone.

A couple rapid fire questions.  Are you in love? 

I was once, but that was a long time ago.

Do you have a pet? 

I have a cat that likes to hang out at the house, Cat. He's perfect, takes care of himself.

Do you like to cook? 

Nah, I like to eat though. Diner food is the best. I miss meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

Do you like Vanilla, Chocolate or Mint Girl Guide cookies?

Any of those would be awesome. Not a lot of Girl Scouts swinging by the haunted house in the woods though, ya know?

I can see that, for sure. If you could go back in time for one day, where would you go? 

Oh man, I'd go back to one of those Saturdays when we had no leads and no one to hunt. My brothers would yell and wake me up early. They'd want me to watch those stupid superhero cartoons with them, and I wouldn't waste a second this time. Mom would make pancakes and bacon while Dad leaned on the counter drinking an entire pot of coffee and flirting with her like they were dating. We'd practice knife throwing in the afternoon. Dad would be the best, but I'd be a close second. We'd both know Mom was letting us win. That night, we'd watch movies until they all fell asleep in the living room and I'd stay awake just to be near them a little longer.

That's so... touching. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Fans? Hahaha! Fans are for rockstars, I'm just trying to do what's right.

A noble pursuit. Can we look forward to reading more of your story?

I hope so. If I stay stuck in this house, there won't be much to read. If Bash decides to share his body with a ghost, I hope we can fill a book with all the mimic ass-kicking we do.

Is it weird that I'm looking forward to that?  Thanks Owen for talking with me today.  And good hunting.  

To read Owen's story, click on the link in the comment here --->

To read Owen's story, click on the link in the comment here --->

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Now it's your turn to ask Owen.

Add your questions as an inline comment here. Don't forget to tag  JessEubanks so they can get the question to him. ---->

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