Damask & Deception - King Baudwin of Breoch

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Title: Damask & Deception

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Author: EmilyMorgans

Character Name: King Baudwin of Breoch

Nominated by: HeraHarker

About the story:

King Baudwin of Breoch is a broken man. Crushed in the height of war, crowned in the face of treason and turmoil, he fights to save his kingdom. Hoping to stave off rebellion, he reluctantly agrees to marry the daughter of his main opposition. But travelling in disguise, he comes to realise his future bride may be even less inclined to marry than he is.

Rhiannon is hiding from the world. Haunted by the demons of her past, the last thing she needs is to be dragged from the shadows to marry a stranger. Refusing to play as a political pawn, she grudgingly agrees to leave the safety she's found in the Swamps of Lyndor to confront her parents. Against her better judgement, Rhiannon finds herself warming to the company of the knight escorting her.

Together, they must face their past. To survive the misery and destruction that have pervaded their worlds, they must learn to trust again. Not a simple task when their relationship is filled with lies and deception from the very start.

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Hello. How may I address you?

Baudwin is fine, thank you.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today.

Not a problem. I'm sure it's more fun than yet another meeting with my advisers.

I hope I can do better. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

A glass of wine would be great, thank you.

Excellent. While we wait, tell me a little about yourself?

Right. My name's Baudwin, I'm the king of Breoch, one of the kingdoms in Erya, but only since a couple of years back when I had to dethrone my parents for treating the citizens horribly. I have to use a cane to walk due to a battle injury a few years back, which in conjunction with the pain makes me a bit moody at times.

Understandable. Where do you live?

I live in the Royal Castle in the city of Ossol.

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

Well... I'm a king, so I have more duties than hobbies. I try to exercise with my sword and shield when I can, having had to learn ways to use them with a damaged leg. Admittedly, it's become more of a defensive stance than offensive. If I get the chance, I like to go for a ride, but mostly my time is accounted for by the ruling of the kingdom.

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