Acquisition - Tyrone

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Book Title: Acquisition

Book Genre: Romance

Author: Sree_Judith

Character Name: Tyrone Grant

Nominated By: dandelions09

About the story:

Selling herself to Tyrone Grant was never planned.

But as Celestina Irwine's family is leading her towards huge debts, she finds herself signing up a non-disclosure agreement for a few millions, one that demands her to be in the hands of Tyrone Grant for a year.

What could be so energy draining about giving a man the pleasure he wants? Or so she thought.

Tyrone Grant is anything but calm; he wants to unravel all of Celestina's dark desires, fulfill them as he shoves her down the abyss — his mind, and make her his muse to deify her.

Tyrone Grant is anything but calm; he wants to unravel all of Celestina's dark desires, fulfill them as he shoves her down the abyss — his mind, and make her his muse to deify her

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What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?

Never been a big fan of nicknames. You can just call me Tyrone. Or Mr. Grant, it is more formal that way.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today.

I'm not particularly comfortable being interviewed, but thanks to the infuriating female who dragged me here.

I'll be sure to thank her. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

I'll have a glass of cognac, please.

Excellent. Let's get started. Tell me a little about yourself.

I'm terrible at this. Why don't you just ask me what you need to know?

Can do. Where do you live?

Ellice Street, in Malibu, California. Malibu has some phenomenal views to offer.

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

The leisure hours I get after handling Hodophile's Holdings's daily business, I devote my time to beholding nature's beauty and painting my inspiration.

Painting. Did not expect that. What are some of your likes and dislikes?

It is safe to say I'm a luxury addict, and I've got a taste for expensive, aesthetically pleasing things, naturally. I enjoy spending time with my woman.

I loathe emotional manipulators with a burning passion; their moral crises and ethical conflicts drive me crazy.

Fair enough. Agreed. What is your greatest fear?

Watching this human, my pillar of hope, fade into nothingness.

Oh, wow. Okay. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Are you in love?

That's for me to know and her to figure out.

Do you exercise or are you a couch potato?

I won't deny the confidence I feel when I'm in the best shape possible. So, I hit the gym at least thrice a week.

Busy man. Do you like ice cream? Vanilla, Chocolate, or Buttered Peacan?

No?! But I like the flavors: mint choco chip, cookie dough, rocky road, strawberry, licorice, butter peacan... Honestly, anything that's not vanilla. Pun intended!

I see. Have you ever served in the military?

No, and I strongly believe an intelligent girl once said I was too cool for that shiii.

Ha Ha. Do you like to cook?

Well, there are two options if I'm cooking: take out or starve.

I'm with you there. If you could cure one disease, which would it be?


Right. That is a terrible affliction. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I want to change many things, but predominantly, I would save my little brother.

Sounds like there is a story there. Speaking of stories, are you happy we know yours?

Being the introvert I am, I feel incredibly awkward to disclose anything about my life. But Celestina is insistent, so that's all that matters.

Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Fans? Or are we talking about the horny women who are addicted to reading smut? Anyway, to my fans: don't ever settle for delinquents. I hope you get the drift.

I think I do. Can we look forward to reading more of your story?

I don't even know what is in store for me, but I know there is more to come. Not that I'm thrilled to share it.

Well I'm sure we are all looking forward to what happens next. Mr. Grant, that's all the time we have today. Thanks for chatting with me today and maybe you could show us one of those paintings next time. If there is a next time. 

To read Tyrone's story, click on the link in the comment here --->

To read Tyrone's story, click on the link in the comment here --->

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Now it's your turn to ask Tyrone

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Now it's your turn to ask Tyrone.

Add your questions as an inline comment here. Don't forget to tag Sree_Judith so they can get the question to him. --->

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