Underneath It All - Trish

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Title: Underneath It All : Part 1

Genre: Romance, Young Adult

Author:   charitytaala

Character Name: Trish

Nominated by:  Kvng-June

About the story:

Underneath It All : Part 1 is a story about Trish, a Freshman college student, who is trying to find herself. She had recently been through a draining relationship, and will have to decide if she wants to risk trusting her heart to another or keeping her guard up to prevent another heartache.

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Hi there. What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?

Trish is fine.

Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. Before we start, can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

Yes, Dr. Pepper please. Thank you.

Coming up. Tell me a little about yourself.

Well, I'm 19 years old, and I'm a Freshman at the University of Troy. I'm also one of the starting shooting guards on the girls basketball team.

Where do you live?

In a college apartment in Tuscaloosa, AL

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

I love to sing and play basketball.

What are some of your likes and dislikes?

I hate Mountain Dew, lol, but I love Pepsi and Dr. Pepper. I'm not that outspoken, but I will defend myself if needed. I don't like the ocean, but I do think it's pretty to look at. Hmm, what else... I truly enjoy singing. It's a way I can express how I feel.

Singing is great for that. What is your greatest fear?

To fall in love with someone who doesn't love me back.

Oh yes, that would be awful. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

For my brother to still be alive. I miss him so much.

I'm very sorry for you loss. Let's try some rapid fire questions. Are you happy we know your story?

Yes, of course!

Are you in love?

Yes. Well, I want to be.

Who's your favourite person in the world?

My brother.

If you could have done one thing differently, what would it be?

Not to fall in love.

Oh, sounds like there's a story there. Do you have a secret?


Hmmm... If you could go back in time for one day, where would you go?

I would go back to the day my brother died and prevent it from happening.

If only I had a time machine. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Yes. I would like to tell you to have patience with me. I don't always make the right decisions since I lead with my heart. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, and believe that they have changed for the better.

Very sage advice. Can we look forward to reading more of your story?

Yes, most definitely. After you read part one, go straight into part two. Part two dives deeper into my past, as well as the other characters past. There's a lot more to my story, and I would be truly grateful if you read it in its entirety!

Will do. That our time Trish. Thanks for talking with me today.

I really hope you guys learn from my story. Whether it's from the mistakes I've made, or from me being honest with myself and decisions. No matter the case, I hope my story encourages you to be the better version of you.

A great way to end the interview.

Find a link to Trish's story in the comment here --->

Now it's your turn to ask Trish

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Now it's your turn to ask Trish.

Add your questions as an inline comment here. Don't forget to tag the author  charitytaala  so they can get the question to him. ---->

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