The Immortal - Romeo Danesti

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Title: The Immortal (Romeo and Bernice)

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Author:  Lucymary69

Character Name: Romeo Danesti (real name: Danciul Danesti)

Nominated by: GalaRu57

About the story:

In the heart of beautiful European landscapes, two vampires' clans have been fighting for several centuries.

He's a vampire who likes to be called Romeo.

He belongs to one of the clans.

Berenice is a young human who's fairly crazy and obsessed with her virginity.

Romeo's clan is very interested in the pretty Berenice.

The background of "The Immortal" is the story of the Wallachian princes. We all know Count Dracula, Bram Stoker's hero, but what exactly do we know about his family. So let's imagine that all the princes of Wallachia became... vampires.

This handsome boy Berenice meets isn't only the school's hottie but a centuries-old vampire. Divided between his memories, his vital needs, and his desires, Romeo is immediately intrigued by the pretty Berenice and particularly by his ability to see the past, the present, and undoubtedly the future.

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Hello there.  Before we start, how should I address you?

My name is Danciul, but I prefer you to call me Romeo.

Welcome Romeo and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?

Maybe...blood? Sorry! I was joking.

Oh... Okay. Let's get started then. Tell me a little about yourself?

I was born in Wallachia several centuries ago. I was born to be a king, but I died fighting against the one who had usurped my throne. And then I became a vampire...

Wow. That sounds like quite the story. Where do you live?

I have lived all over the world. But when I met Berenice, I was living in a mansion in Switzerland.

Do you have any jobs or hobbies?

Well, my job has been waging war for centuries. But I've enjoyed going to school. It was great.

What are some of your likes and dislikes?

Easy! I hate all Draculae and love beautiful flowers.

I'm with you on the flowers. What is your greatest fear?

Losing my Berenice, of course!

I see.  If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I won't change anything. I think we all have a destiny we must follow.

Great answer. Are you happy we know your story?

Very happy!

Are you in love?


Are you married?

It's a secret.

Oh, I do love a secret. Do you have siblings?

I have a half brother called Neag.

Tell us about someone important to you?

I want to say love is possible, even for a vampire. How can I tell you? Love is universal, and it's a gift all creatures can receive.

Who's your favourite person in the world?

A nice question! My Berenice, of course!

Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Well... live your life and read stories. Thanks to stories, guys like me aren't forgotten.

And also think about falling in love.

Great advice. Can we look forward to reading more of your story?

Of course!

Thanks Romeo for taking the time to talk with me.  Perhaps next time we can explore that marriage questions more.

To read Romeo's story, click on the link in the comment here. ---->

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Now it's your turn to ask Romeo.

Add your questions here.  Don't forget to tag Lucymary69 so they can get the questions to him.  

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