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It was Red that appeared behind him.
[Maybe she followed me here.] Jay wondered as he looked at Red from head to feet.
Instantly, she attacked him.
Red's first attacks consisted of several target cursors that were seen moving around on the ground. Jay immediately moved to get away from them before they moved too close to him. When they missed him, Jay saw that those targets were labeled so that when they stood still, Red would use a cutting ability.
After the initial attack, Jay noticed Red's face to be preoccupied. Well, that seemed to be her face since it was difficult to see her hooded face.
"Hey, umm....Red is your name, right? Red Slicing Hood? I came down here to talk to you about something. So could you please stop attacking me?" Jay asked Red. That didn't seem to work as Red continued with the next attack. This attack was just like the last one, except four targets came from all sides to land on him. Jay moved out of the way from the slicing paths of the attacks.
[Okay, think; what should I do next? How about tell her a joke. Which joke should I tell her?] Jay thought as he tried forming one in his mind. Here goes...
"What did Red riding hood say to the wolf when it spoke to him?...She said: "it's AWARE wolf!"" Jay said to Red. This seemed to get a reaction from Red.
"Excuse me?" Red spoke at last, looking confused at Jay's joke.
Then came the next attack, which were a pair of HUGE razor blades that went around him. Jay moved aside, careful to stay away from their paths. The next attack was the same one, which Jay easily dodged. Jay now thought about speaking out to Red. He greeted her and asked her about her day. Jay also told her that he didn't want to fight and would rather be her friend. Though, before he could finish, Red interrupted him.
"Would you SHUT YOUR MOUTH!? I-I don't know where you got that idea! But I'm...I'm NOT interested in becoming your friend!" Red said angrily with a grumpy-looking face. Then, she quickly drew out some sort of thin curved longsword and pointed it at Jay. "So keep that trash to yourself!!!" Red added angrily. She then raised her sword up and made a sort of slashing motion towards the ground. Jay's body automatically moved out of the way as some sort of translucent barrier cut through the ground where he once stood.

[Woah! What the-???] Jay though as he looked at Red again, who still had an angry face visible from under her hood. Jay tried talking to Red, but rudely enough she kept on going.
"You think I haven't heard of you already?" Red growled. [Looks like talking won't do anything until she chills down.] Jay though as he got ready for the next attack.
From behind her appeared two floating "eyes" that had the shape of the royal guard emblem. One glowed sky-blue, the other one glowed orange. Now it was clear that Red was not in a good mood. Jay was thinking about aborting the ability-acquirement for now, but another side of him told him to stay and try to calm her down in some way.
Red used her sword to slice down and create a rectangular barrier, slicing the area in half horizontally and letting out her razor blades. This was getting a bit tricky since the space to evade the rolling blades became shorter.
Next, Red threw what looked like a medium-sized grenade at Jay. Knowing what was going to happen next, Jay moved aside quickly away from the grenade as Red sliced her sword down and made three vertical barriers. Jay ended up in the third barrier compartment, away from the grenade that exploded inside the first compartment.
"Red, listen to me! I don't want to fight you!" Jay called out to Red, but she said, "What a bunch of nonsense! YOU'RE nonsense!"
The sky-blue "eye" began to glow a bit more brighter, indicating that it was about to fire its attack. This made Jay remember something important.
[Wait...sky-blue....that means it's one of the two abilities! Just like how Papyrus used his blue ability! But...why didn't the Adaptive System acquire it? Could it be because I was using Jump mode and couldn't do two things at a time?] Jay thought to himself.
The sky-blue "eye" then let out a blue wave, and Jay stood still where he was to let the wave through him. Immediately after that, the Adaptive System kicked in and started analyzing the new energy substance. After completion, Jay was ready for the next attack.
The orange "eye" started glowing more brighter. Then it shone out lasers in a cross pattern, which started revolving around.
[So, if sky-blue means stay, then orange means...GO!] Jay thought, then ran towards the orange laser. Just as he thought, the laser went through him as he ran without harming him.
"Wh-what?? How did you know how to do that!?" Red shouted, her grip on the sword trembling. "Simple; blue means stay while orange means go." Jay explained to her. Though, this didn't stop her from continuing her attacks.
The next one involved Red literally lunging towards Jay while flinging her sword rapidly in order to hit him. Jay jumped back several times in order to evade her blows and strikes. However, at some point he felt that he was getting very close to getting hit. If that happened, who knows what that strike could reveal under his scales.
When Jay read that as he was dodging, he felt that his back began opening up a bit(which was kind of chilling) and something began forming. Once that stopped, his hand automatically reached behind and grabbed what formed on his back. Swinging the unknown object forwards, Jay's hand made it clash against Red's sword.
The object that came out from Jay's back was, surprisingly, his own personal sword.
[No way! How did I not see this in my system as I slept??] Jay thought with admiration at the new weapon he had in his hand. With this, he had another advantage with him. Jay could now.......[No, I don't want to hit back.] Jay thought. The system inside was hammering him to fight back, but Jay was thinking over and over that it wasn't going to make things easy.
"Why won't you fight back??" Red asked as she sliced the distances of the barriers even shorter for the razor blades and grenades. Jay did not answer, making it clear that it was the same response from before as he dodged and countered her attacks.
"WHY WONT YOU FIGHT BACK?!?!" Red said again, both her voice and grip on the sword trembling. Again, Jay said nothing to her.
Red, more angry than ever, summoned her abilities and prepared to hit Jay with everything as she raised her sword up for one more strike.
Jay, seeing this, threw his wings forwards to activate the shields and readied his sword, ready to block the powerful blow that Red was about to give.

Red stopped.
And the final blow never came.

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