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[This would certainly be helpful.] Jay thought with inverse-colored eyes as he faced Undyne once again. She on the other hand, was trying to recover from what she had just witnessed.
"N-n-no way! How did you conjure that, you punk!?" Undyne shouted as she charged at Jay with her spear. Before Undyne pierced Jay with her spear, he raised up his shield with quick swiftness to block her attack. Then, instinctively, Jay clenched his right hand into a fist and punched Undyne in the stomach, sending her away a few meters. Now she was really angered.
"Gah! Okay then! Now I won't play around anymore! TAKE THIS!!!" Undyne shouted, raising up her spear in the air and sending more spears. At the same time, Jay noticed glowing orbs brighten up below where he stood. Before he could question what those were, his body moved automatically by jumping up just before spears pierced up from below the ground. He landed on the ground where there were no lights and jumped up again as soon as more of them appeared, blocking the other flying spears at the same time.
"H-how about THIS??!! There's no way you can counter this one!!" Undyne yelled as she pointed her spear at Jay again. It was clear that she was getting more and more frustrated fighting him. More flying spears were thrown at Jay, but this time he noticed that some looked different. Like the standard blue spears that pointed forward, some were yellow in color and...pointed in the wrong direction. [Hold on. If those spears are pointed the wrong way...THEY'RE GOING TO HIT ME ON THE OTHER SIDES!] Jay thought with sudden realization. As if his body heard him, a secondary heptagon, along with the shield, appeared on his other arm as the spears closed on him at high speed. When Jay hit the first spear away, his other arm swinged around to counter the yellow inversely-sided spear that moved behind him. Immediately after he did that, his eyes locked onto the next yellow spears and his system started to calculate their trajectory/impact points. Jay hit the spears that went behind him at the front, back, left, and right.
"What the heck?? What are you made of??" Undyne exclaimed, probably referring to how Jay was able to handle so many complex attacks from her. "It seems I'm just better than you!" Jay called out with a bit of taunting. This caused Undyne to become more angry and increase her attacks. [Guess I shouldn't have done that.] Jay thought as he countered the flying spears and the ground-rising spears. However, after a moment, Undyne's attacks became a little less extreme.
"Ok. Look, I'm sorry about the punch and the taunt. Could we....could we just stop fighting? It's really getting a bit too much for both of us. Like I said, I don't want to fight. And yet still you continue to persist." Jay said, lowering his arms a bit. "HA! I will NEVER stop fighting. And I will NEVER take mercy from you!!" Undyne shouted. Before long, Undyne had become so tired that she seemed to give up with her last spear. [Oh yeah! She's tired! Now I can finally-] he was thinking when just as the last spear hit his shield, it deactivated. There was a long moment of silence, both looking at each other, when Jay thought [Oh...crud...] as his eyes went back to normal. Undyne, seeing that his shields have vanished, seemed to gain all her energies back as she flashed a malicious grin again.


[That's way more longer than the standard one!] Jay thought with panic. Now there was nothing to protect him from Undyne's spears. He thought for a moment before coming with a plan to evade the spears. Even if it meant something that he was set to NOT do.......


Jay charged at Undyne, seeming to go punch her again but going around her and entered the tunnel,that led to the Hotlands district.
"HEY!! COME BACK HERE, YOU PUNK!!!" Undyne roared as she began to chase Jay. Jay ran as fast as he could as he followed the tunnel path, with Undyne chasing him right behind. There was a straight path that continued and had a "Welcome to Hotlands" LED sign on the side, and Jay followed it. Just as he was about to reach the end of the tunnel, his phone started to ring. Jay took it out from his shirt pocket and answered it.
["HEY! WHAT'S UP!? I WAS JUST THINKING ME, YOU AND UNDYNE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME! I THINK YOU WOULD MAKE GREAT PALS! LET'S MEET UP AT HER HOUSE LATER!"] Papyrus said on the phone. Jay glanced back and saw Undyne's face grow madder. [Oh no.] Jay thought with dismay. "Not the time right now!! I'm running right this instant!! You can call me later!!" Jay said on the phone in a hurry before hanging up and running faster.
A while later Jay reached multiple ground paths that were elevated above what seemed like an enormous lake of lava, which gave off tremendous amounts of heat. Down further, there was Sans who had his body slumped down on his post and snoring loudly.
"Sans! Thank goodness you're here! Listen, you gotta help me! This soldier called Undyne is-" Jay said as he went over to Sans, only to realize he was deeply sleeping. [Come on! What does this guy do during the night to be this tired during daytime??] Jay thought with a bit more panick. Making up his mind, he continued to run from Undyne. Up in front there was a wooden bridge that connected his side to another that had large buildings further down. [That must be the lab! If I can get there, I'll be safe!] Jay thought as he crossed the bridge running. When he got to the other side, he stopped and glanced back to see if Undyne was still chasing him. She was, though...she looked more exhausted than ever.
"Armor...so...hot....But...I can't...give up...yet..." Undyne wheezed between gasps and breaths. Then, she collapsed in front of Jay, clearly exhausted and worn out from the chase and heat of the hotness surrounding them.
[...Whew. That was close. Finally glad it's over.] Jay thought. He turned around to leave...then stopped to look back at Undyne. [Oh boy. She looks way terrible.] Jay though with pity. His first thought was to leave her rest....while the other side told him to help Undyne. Deciding for himself, Jay noticed a water cooler just a few feet from him and he went over to it. Taking a cup and filling it with water, Jay went over to Undyne and poured the water on her face to help her wake up. Jay stepped back too see what would happen. A couple of minutes later, Undyne opened her eyes and shook her head as she stood up.
"What?.......Why...why did you...?" Undyne asked as she looked down at Jay, to which he responded by saying, "Because I didn't want to leave you that way. Also...like I said...I don't want to fight anymore. I don't like or want to beat up people just because I can."
Long pause....
"Well, I gotta go somewhere important." Jay said as he took out the invitation envelope for Undyne to see. "And if you still want to chase and impale me...then...BYE!!" Jay finished off before sprinting away and running. When he got to a corner, he hid behind it to peek behind to see if Undyne was chasing him or not. Surprisingly, she just stood there with disbelief shown in her face. Then she turned around and simply left.
[I'm glad that she finally (probably) understood.] Jay thought as he exhaled in relief and exited the corner.
In front further down was the building that the letter indicated....where Dr. Gaster was waiting inside.
[Welp, here I go.] Jay thought as he walked up to the lab doors of The Core.

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