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However, as Mettaton fell down without limbs and time slowing down , Jay grew concerned and worried. Jay didn't want the show robot to crash down and get destroyed. Even if he wanted to destroy him.
Making up his mind, Jay opened his wings, activated his rocket feet once more, and shot towards Mettaton. Jay catched him before he hit the ground, descending slowly before landing back on the stage floor.
Mettaton looked up at him weakly, face showing a bit of disbelief. "WHY?...WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?" the show robot asked Jay.
"Well...guests aren't supposed to attack the host. Even if the host attacks the guest, right? Also, it's not in my style and nature to go about and hurt people. That's pretty awful for everyone and for oneself." Jay said to Mettaton. The show robot looked at him in shock, then smiled in understanding and exhaled. "I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT. I APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SO HARSH ON YOU. ALL FOR MY FANS AND RATINGS..." Mettaton said, looking truly guilty now. The way Mettaton spoke at the end seemed off, as if he was loosing energy. Case in point, it was true as Jay looked at Mettaton's internal battery and realized it was low. Moved by helping Mettaton, Jay opened his core slot, connected Mettaton's cables with it, and began supplying the show robot with his energy.
With time, the battery began to recharge again thanks to Jay's core energy.
"THANKS, SWEETIE. I REALLY NEEDED THAT." Mettaton said looking up with a smile. Jay smiled back, then a cellphone ringing noise interrupted the momentary silence. It came from the side of Mettaton's head, where a button was flashing.
"WOULD YOU PRESS THAT FOR ME?" Mettaton asked Jay, to which he did as so.
["....Oh! Um...hi...Mettaton. It's one of your newest fans. I...I really like watching your show. Your performance with the robot monster was amazing!"] some monster voice was heard from the headpiece, as if someone was calling the show robot right after...they saw the fight.
More callers began to hook up to Mettaton's earpiece phone station, saying things like:
["Mettaton! Your show made us all happy!"]
["Will your show go on to the next episode? I'm so eager to wait and watch it when it comes out!"]
["Mettaton, you gave us a show-loving hole in our hearts! We love you!"]
"AH...I SEE....EVERYONE...THANK YOU SO MUCH." Mettaton said, his voice breaking a bit with joy. Then he hung up.
Jay looked to the other side, trying to think of something encouraging for the show robot, when he noticed the ratings screens above. Moving Mettaton so he could see, Jay showed the end results of the fight. Mettaton's and Jay's ratings have skyrocketed in levels that the computer couldn't calculate. It didn't matter who surpassed who. "Both of us made a good performance. And I think the humans will love to watch your show too, even if you attacked their monster robot." Jay said to Mettaton. This caused the show robot to crack a genuine smile. A beep sounded, and Jay disconnected Mettaton's battery cables now that the energy supply of Mettaton has been refilled.
"YOU'VE PROVEN TO VE VERY STRONG, PERHAPS STRONG ENOUGH TO GET PAST ASGORE. I'M SURE THAT YOU'LL BE ABLE TO PROTECT HUMANITY." Mettaton said. Jay was about to ask what he meant about getting past Asgore, and tell that he was also going to protect monsters as well, when one of the back show doors burst open. In came Dr. Gaster and Alphys, seeming to have been struggling to get past various obstacles.
"JAY! ARE YOU OKAY?? WHAT HAPPENED TO—?" Dr. Alphys began when he noticed Jay holding the limbless body of Mettaton. "Oh dear. Mettaton! Are you alright?" Alphys asked as he went over to the two and knelt down.
"I AM FINE, DARLING. JUST...NOT MOBILE AT THE TIME." Mettaton said with a chuckle. "Thank goodness. It's just the limbs that are destroyed. He...he's a robot. I could...always repair him..." Dr. Alphys said, his voice wavering as he placed his hands on the show robot. Jay noticed this and said, "Mettaton is your creation, one that has emotions like me. I'm...I'm so sorry that I trashed him like this." Jay apologized to the young monster scientist. Alphys looked up at him and unexpectedly smiled at him. "It's okay. You did your best to keep him alive." he said in an uncaring manner. This caused Jay to smile back. Right at the moment he remembered what he was going to do before all this happened, turning his head towards the exit.
Dr. Gaster noticed this and said to Jay, "You must go ahead.". Jay nodded and carefully handed Mettaton's body to Dr. Alphys before standing up. Then he headed towards the exit doors and headed in the direction of the king's castle. "GO KNOCK 'EM DEAD, SWEETIE!" Mettaton called out from the stage.
When he was about to take the first steps outside of the studio, Dr. Gaster's voice stopped him. "Wait! I...WE forgot to tell you something." Dr. Gaster said to him. Jay looked at the scientist gaster skeleton puzzled.
"What you heard about King Asgore having a reasonable heart...that was before you and the other humans arrived. A long time ago, he had a son called Asriel. He...one day he managed to go through the barrier. We didn't know how, but he went missing for a very long time. However...he was killed by humans. With what little but solid proof that the kingdom spies brought back, was enough for King Asgore to declare war against humans. That is what led him to...kill the visiting humans of the portal and collect their souls. And...now that he knows about who you really are...I don't know if he might listen to you. If he doesn't, then...the only way through him is by defeating him. I am very sorry that I didn't tell you all about King Asgore when I should have." Dr. Gaster said with a somber tone.
Jay knew he was being honest about what he said. The other thing was...about the whole human-monster war. King Asgore wasn't going to forgive the humans because of them taking the life of his heir. And he certainly won't listen to Jay, he understood that.
[Even so, I must do everything in my power to stop the King from starting this war. If he starts the war...where will the cycle of vengeance stop?] Jay thought as he looked in the direction of the castle, then he turned back towards Dr. Gaster.
"I'll make sure that he understands that starting a war won't solve anything or bring peace. Nor it will bring happiness back to everyone." Jay said with wisdom in his mind, explaining to the gaster skeleton his thoughts. Dr. Gaster looked at him with surprise. In return, Jay gave him a smile. "Don't worry. I'll come back to break the barrier and free all monsters from the Underground. Besides, my objective hasn't changed one bit." Jay said, hinting a bit towards his robot side and at the same time his human one.
With that said, Jay turned around while waving at the two monster scientists before starting to head again towards the castle.

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