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The elevator doors opened once Jay and the nfd unit that has granted him access reached the last floor.
This was the one where Jay crash-landed. The one that had the same stargate.
[Finally. I can first think of a plan that will grant all of the Underground people passage to earth. Then I can work out an explanation to the higher authorities.] Jay was thinking as he was led to the side of the portal.
The nfd noticed Jay's thoughtful face with a curios look. ["You seem to be excited. Why that may be?"] it asked. "I finally get to fulfill a promise that I made to someone in the Underground. Well...several someones." Jay said. The nfd seemed to flinch when he heard Jay say the word "Underground".
["The Underground? You can't possibly mean...where eight years ago...the team..."] it said with shock and surprise. "Yeah. I know. However...they had a reason to do it. Now they really regret what they have done. Because they need help. And now this is the only chance I could give them so they don't lose hope after such a long time of being trapped in that world. Hope that our world, earth, can give them." Jay explained to the nfd unit, looking at it and placing a hand on its shoulder.
The unit looked at Jay and began to take bits from his system and process them. Once everything was complete, it nodded. "[I see. And I trust you, now that I have registered everything that you have gone through lately."] the nfd unit said. "Thanks." Jay said with a smile, the nfd unit doing so as well in reply.
Before they had the chance to continue forwards, an alarm blared all over the facility.
"ALERT! A ROUGE UNIT HAS STARTED ATTACKING THE WESTER SIDE OF THE CITY. ALL PERSONNEL EXCLUDING SELECTED NDF UNITS EVACUATE THE BUILDING AND SEAL THE DOORS AT ONCE." a voice announcement said on the loudspeakers. The personnel were quick to react as they began rapidly heading towards the nearest elevators. Jay, wondering what exactly was going on, asked the nfd unit accompanying him to allow him into the outside camera feed. It let him as he was led to the main dashboard.
Jay saw that indeed a rouge nfd unit was attacking the city, shooting at buildings and the ground. It's silhouette was frighteningly similar to that of the Blitzer unit, the one that went berserk.
Just the simple sight of the red energy going off from the uncontrollable unit made Jay feel queasy. As if it was planning something that only Jay knew. Something that involved everything and everyone, both humans, machines, and monsters.
At that time, Jay felt like he had to do something to stop it from carrying on its destructive path. And, at the same time, wanted so badly to activate the stargate and bring all of the Underground's population through and into earth.
Jay was stuck with two choices. Either activate the portal, or confront the Blitzer unit in order to save his father and the citizens of the city.
["Hey. Are you alright?"] the nfd unit with Jay asked him. "I'm...not sure what to do. I have to get my friends here, but I can't with this rouge unit rampaging around. I can't let them into a world where there is fighting." Jay said. The nfd looked at him and then connected with Jay's internal system to figure out what was happening, which Jay let it. After a quick moment, it disconnected and began heading towards the stargate's control panel.
["I will go in with my two partners and lead your friends through the gate. You go out and fight the rouge unit along with the rest."] the nfd unit said to Jay, nodding.
Jay looked at the nfd unit and smiled. "Thanks for the support." he said to it, then headed towards the elevator to go up to the surface exit.
Telephone the dutch angel dragon was near the stargate portal, sitting on her knees and looking down quietly to the snow-covered ground in sadness.
Radio came over to her sister, carrying a bowl with a bit of food. He looked up at Telephone and noticed that she was still there, sitting down in gloom with ears drooping down.
It had been a long while that Jay has been captured by the soldiers from his world, and Telephone still refused to leave where she had sat down. Radio understood his sister's sadness. The sadness of watching a friend leave with little to no hopes of coming back. And he understood that there was still a small bit of hoping. That maybe, just maybe, Jay would figure a way out and come back to them.
Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Red, Alphys, and Mettaton came over to them to see how they were doing.
"Still thinking about him, aren't you?" Radio asked as he went over and sat next to Telephone, setting down the bowl aside.
"Yeah." Telephone squeaked softly, looking to her side at Radio a bit.
"I miss him too. We all do. Jay was real, like the soul he had inside." Radio said, placing a paw on Telephone's shoulder.  She sniffed and hugged his brother back. Radio purred, trying to comfort her sister.
The long moment didn't last long as a humming sound began emanating from in front of them. The portal, the stargate, began activating itself and the vortex in the middle formed. Telephone and Radio quickly stood up and backed up from the portal like the rest.
A minute passed before a shape began to step out of the vortex. It looked similar to Jay, but in reality it was another one, similar to what Jay was, with its mechanical parts exposed. Two more stepped out from the portal and stood next to the first one. The one that came out first looked around spotted Telephone and there others, then began carefully approaching them. It didn't look like they were about to attack them since they did not carry weapons, calming the dutchies and the monsters as the robot dragons came near them and stopped at one foot of distance in front of them
The first one looked at Telephone and a light shone from its eyes, scanning Telephone and Radio with it. The same went for the other two robot dragons as they scanned the other monsters as well.
["You must be Telephone and Radio, the ones that Unit 777 "Jay" has befriended, correct?"] the first one spoke after finishing the scan. "You know him?" Telephone chirped, her ears perking up.
["Yes. We are helping him by bringing all of you into earth, our home. We don't have that much authorization to bring all of you in, but that's not if importance at this moment."] the robot dragon said to them.
"What's happening?" Red asked them, noticing that there was something more when the unit said "at this moment.". ["A military robot unit has gone out of control. The others and the department of defense are trying their best to bring it down and deactivate it. And that includes unit 777 who has chosen to stop this rouge unit. We...are having a tough time right now"] the second dragon robot replied to her, looking back at the portal.
"Our Jay? Then that means he needs help!" Undyne said. ["Sorry, but I don't think that's possible."] the third one said.
"I think it is!! I am one of the best in the Royal Guard!! I'll crush anyone who is a threat to my friends and comrades!!!" Undyne barked, summoning a spear and grabbing it to emphasize.
"Me too. I am a trained and experienced fighter." Red said, stepping up beside Undyne.
"I WILL PROTECT OUR DARLING JAY FROM WHATEVER COMES TO CAUSE RUIN!" Mettaton said, already changed to his 2.0 form.
The dragon robots looked at them with surprise, not expecting to find out that these other beings have formed loyalty with one of their kind, then nodded in understanding. ["Very well. Follow us while the rest stay once you come out of the other side of the stargate."] the first robot dragon said before turning to go into the portal with the other two units.
"That includes you, lazybones!!!" Undyne said as she grabbed Sans who was acting hard to be unnoticed.
"Ok. Fine." Sans said as he was dragged by his hoodie into the portal with the rest that were going in.

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