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The message, which said that Jay had escaped, made General Foss more furious.
Dr. Gutierrez and Dr. Montero had their hands cuffed and were now being led back to the engineering room.
"I want them sent to prison for treason." General Foss said to his soldiers. Some of them looked a bit doubtful of this order being fair, while others showed no expression.
"Seems like the negative core must be used again for the Blitzer unit." Foss was heard saying to himself.
"No! Do not use the negative core! We don't know how it will behave. It's more, we haven't engineered a limiter strong enough to harness its instability." Dr. Montero said to the general when he overheard it.
"I don't care what it will cost! Those monsters from the other world killed the exploration team I sent eight years ago! In cold blood! Those that had families waiting for them, and they took their lives away! And now they must pay with their lives!" General Foss shouted at them.
"We all know! But beginning a war with them will not solve anything! You will only worsen things!" Dr. Gutierrez said firmly.
"Justice for those six lives will NOT be denied!" General Foss said back at the head of Gründer Industries as they continued walking.
They reached the platform where the main Blitzer nfd unit was situated, standing dormant with no energy in it at the time. At the other side of the room was the negative core, radiating it's red energy as it was situated in a glass cylinder container. Foss ordered one of the engineers for the negative core to be placed inside the Blitzer nfd's energy slot. However, they refused to do it.
Even the regular nfd units that worked in the facility, who have overheard what was happening, refused to obey the general as he turned towards them in hopes to get them on his side.
["We are not authorized to do it, even in the presence of a high authority."] one unit said firmly as it tucked its wings in.
["It is true. An invalid reason cannot let us to proceed"] another one said, taking a step back.
"I don't want to hear it!!! I, a high authority, am giving a direct order!!!" General Foss said with anger and frustration.
["We won't follow direct orders from an authoritative bigot who only cares for vengeance!"] a third unit said, lashing its mechanical tail to emphasize its annoyance towards the man.
"Fine! I'll do it myself!" General Foss grumbled as he made his way over to where the negative core was being contained.
"Do you even grasp what technology is? You can't simply control it easily like it's a joystick!!!" Dr. Montero shouted after General Foss as he struggled from being held by the soldiers. The other soldiers began to keep the nfd units away from them, who have now moved into trying to free the two scientists, by pointing their weapons forwards. The nfd units backed up a bit, letting out mechanical growls and hisses at the soldiers.
"Technology? Fah! I think all of you have strayed from its definition! It is a machine, and it will do what I ask it to do!!!" General Foss said. He had used the small stand-off between his soldiers and the nfd units to, by the use of insulated crucible tongs that were found, insert the negative core into the military Blitzer nfd.
Nothing happened for a couple of seconds until the thin light eye in the unit's face visor shone. The rest of the lights around it's body began to light up as the energy of the core powered each of its body components. Then it slowly rose its head up and stepped forward, its sharp pointed legs shaking the floor a bit.
General Foss, his soldiers, Dr. Gutierrez, Dr. Montero, the facility personnel, and the nfd units all backed up as the Blitzer nfd stepped forwards, standing up to its exact height of nine feet. Some nfd units stood where they were and growled, while others backed up in uneasiness.
["ENERGY SOURCE LOADED. ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NOMINAL."] the Blitzer nfd said in a deep robotic voice as he looked down to General Foss. "See what I mean?" he said to all of them with half a smile.
"Alright, Lucio. Are you ready to follow orders?" General Foss now said to the Blitzer nfd.
["YES SIR!"] the unit said, straightening up quickly like a well-disciplined soldier.
"I order you to begin an immediate preemptive attack on the Underground once you enter the Stargate." General Foss said with a hint of pride in his voice. The lead doctors and the personnel all looked at the general with a bit of shock as to what he said.
The Blitzer unit began to walk towards the exit so it could begin heading towards the other facility, but stopped midway. General Foss, who had been walking besides the large unit, stepped in front. "What's wrong?" Foss asked. In response, the Blitzer unit began to glitch in an uncontrollable manner, red flickers of electricity sparking from its chest and joints before finally, and unexpectedly, deactivating.
Everyone was silent before Dr. Montero said, "See what I mean? I told you that a method of harnessing the negative energy hasn't been made yet." in the same manner that General Foss said before. The general looked at them furiously, turning to face them. At that moment, Foss didn't see that the Blitzer unit was reactivating again, but this time it's eyes glowed more redder than usual. And it was slowly moving to face them.
"Fine then. You will engineer an efficient limiter, or I will--" General Foss began when he was cut off with a yell that came from his throat. Some gasped as they registered what had happened.
The Blitzer unit had one again come back online, and it had used its hand blade to strike the general's back. The blade left a long and large slice mark behind the general's commander suit, which started to get soggy with the wound blood slowly bleeding out. The soldiers quickly went over and grabbed the general away from the area before he stumbled down on the floor.
Then the Blitzer unit reared back it's head and let out it's terrifying mechanical roar, just like it did before.
"It has gone out of control! Everyone out!!! Evacuate the facility right this instant!!!" Dr. Gutierrez shouted as everyone started to run towards the nearest exits. A few nfd units made sure to safely escort every personnel out of the large room, while others went to another part in order to gear up with weapons.
Instead of just waiting around, the out-of-control Blitzer nfd unit began to charge up. Thanks to both the system and negative core's energy, it started pulling bits and pieces of the room's structure and equipment to itself like a large powerful magnet. It continued to take in specific pieces until it became a more different version of itself. Larger, darker, more intimidating, and superior than before.

The Blitzer unit suddenly flew up and crashed through the roof of the facility, stopping to hover

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The Blitzer unit suddenly flew up and crashed through the roof of the facility, stopping to hover.
Deep inside it's already corrupted system, it began to make orders for itself; destroy anything that looked like an obstacle or a threat.
Then it began to attack the city with powerful attacks.

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