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The four monsters were hiding inside the stores, going out and throwing attacks at the metal dragon and then going back in. However, it was no use since the metal deflected the attacks and didn't seem to bother the colossal mechanical dragon. What was worse they were all running out of cover as the metal dragon began to go forwards toppling buildings with its massive talons, more missiles, and powerful laser that was in its mouth.
"What do we do now?" Red asked as she hid behind a cement pillar. "I'll go distract it! You three go and dig Jay out of that mountain!" Undyne yelled as she looked up to the metal dragon where she was hiding.
"WHAT ABOUT YOU, UNDYNE DEAR!?" Mettaton asked worriedly. "Don't worry about me!!! Just get him out of there while I lead this oversized tin can away!!!" Undyne shouted before coming out of her hiding place and summoning many spears. Then she threw them all at the metal dragon that the rouge Blitzer nfd had created. Of course, the spears bounced off from its hard neck. Yet it was still noticeable for the mechanical dragon as it looked downwards at the small armored fish monster.
"That's right!!! I'm here!!! COME AND GET ME!!!" Undyne yelled as she backed up while flinging spears at it. The metal dragon seemed to let out a growl of annoyance as the armored fish monster continued throwing spears at its snout. Then it opened its mouth and charged up its laser to fry the small annoying monster when it suddenly stopped in mid-charge, as if it has sensed something. It turned its huge head and body to look at where the rest of monsters have gone. Red, Sans and Mettaton where just about to reach the site where Jay was stuck to dig him out when the pile began to glow underneath. The three that have reached there stopped to wonder what was happening under the mountain of rubble. It didn't take long to figure out what exactly was happening when the glow began to increase in intensity. So did a small ground shaking that began to strengthen as the small pieces in the ground started moving. The light ultimately became too bright that everyone had to shield their eyes.
Suddenly, the mountain of rubble exploded in a blinding burst. Intense blue light and energy expanded everywhere, like a strong wind and force pushing everything away. The light dimmed down a bit moments later and now everyone could see what had happened.

From out of the rubble mountain has come out a strange and powerful-looking being, it's body, wings and tail seeming to have been smoothly crystallized and some other parts hovering close.

From out of the rubble mountain has come out a strange and powerful-looking being, it's body, wings and tail seeming to have been smoothly crystallized and some other parts hovering close

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For some reason, it looked as if Jay had transformed into a much more powerful version of himself.
"Jay! Is that you? Can you hear us?" Red called out as she and everyone continued to shield their eyes from the light that this new form emitted. The transformed version of Jay looked down at them with bright eyes as he hovered above, but later raised his head up as he spotted the colossal mechanical dragon take a step forward. The metal dragon that the rouge Blitzer nfd had created started to charge at them, its large talons crashing on the street and its wings destroying building sides. In response to this, Jay extended his crystallized wing bits and flew at the metal dragon with such immense speed that he looked like a bright blur. Before he got near it, Jay clenched his right hand into a fist and struck the neck of the metal dragon, a blow strong enough to send it back and crashing into damaged buildings. Undyne stood right where she stopped, looking up at how Jay sent the mechanized dragon with just one strong hit in the neck. Once that was done, Jay's new form hovered down gently to the ground as his friends come over to him.
"Hey...is that you?" Undyne asked the new-looking Jay. He looked at her and nodded. "Yeah. It's me." Jay said, his voice seeming a bit deeper and echo-y but completely normal. "What happened to you? Now you look...brighter." Red said, eyeing every inch of Jay's new form. "Not sure. But now I feel that this new thing will help me protect everyone. Its...its actually thanks to all of you that I'm able to keep on fighting for the promise of leading monsterkind to a better home." Jay replied to her with a smile. Everyone smiled in return to what Jay said.
The short moment didn't last much when a large crashing sound was heard from afar. The colossal metal dragon had recovered from Jay's hit and stood up again. Then it opened its mouth, roared loudly and began charging towards where Jay and his friends were located as it tore through the street.
"Oh, right. First this guy has its power source to be removed immediately. Then the rest of monsters can be safe to enter the stargate to here." Jay said to them. Then he began to ascend to the air before swiftly streaking towards the metal dragon. His friends followed him as they ran behind, not able to keep up but determined to continue the fight. The metal dragon fired what appeared to be more intense micro missiles from pores that opened everywhere in its body. Jay countered this by quickly shooting a more numerous amount of homing lasers from his wrists, more than his regular simaxis shot. The shots and missiles hit each other and exploded, creating a fire wall. Jay passed through the wall and continued onwards. The colossal mechanical dragon had finished charging up and fired the powerful red laser from its mouth. In response to this, Jay used his wing shards and used them to create a barrier. This deflected the lasers away and above from him, his friends and the city so that it won't cause any kind of damage.
Following that, the mechanical dragon reared onto its hind legs, raised one talon and swung it towards Jay to swat him. He, on return, dodged by moving very quickly, so quick that it looked like he teleported on instant. Jay stopped to hover on the spot he halted and extended out one hand to the side. Concentrating enough, he managed to use a few of his wing bits to cover his hand and create a sword. Then he dived and stuck it into its hide, making a long and deep cut as he flew by. The mechanical dragon built by the rouge unit gave an angry roar and tried to bring down Jay with more missiles. Undyne, Red, Mettaton, and Sans used this opportunity to continue supporting Jay by launching attacks at it. They didn't do much good, as the pieces came back together right after an attack broke a section, but it did distract the metal dragon quite sufficiently for Jay to deal heavy damage. Many times they had to deal with counterattacks from it, and Jay was quick to support them by shielding his friends from powerful attacks.
At last, some pieces from its chest began to fall apart from the mechanical dragon. In turn, this exposed the location where the rouge Blitzer nfd had built the metal dragon around itself and controlled it.
"THERE IT IS, DARLING! ITS CORE!" Mettaton exclaimed as he pointed with one hand. "Go ahead and rip it out of its heart!!! We'll immobilize it!!!" Undyne shouted. She summoned her spears from the ground up and pierced the talon of the metal dragon. Sans used his blue attack bones to do the same with the other talon. It was a temporary immobilization, but it was just what Jay needed. An opening so that he could pierce the core out from the Blitzer nfd for good.
Streaking towards the metal dragon's chest, Jay aimed his hand sword to the center and pierced it. However, he immediately realized what was going to happen again. When his sword and the negative core made contact, both energies canceled each other out.

This ultimately caused another blinding energy burst, more greater than the last one, which sent everyone and somethings flying away.

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