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"Is it about me...being a machine instead of a monster, isn't it?" Jay said.
"Yes. It's about that. For one, I am a bit angry that you lied to me, to all of us, about who you really are." Telephone said, sounding a bit serious.
Jay looked down with who's ears dropped down. [Yep. I knew that was coming.] he thought.
"However...on the other paw...I understand why you did what you did. You were scared that someone would discover your secret, and the others wouldn't trust you. Right?" Telephone said, sounding understandingly. That...was very accurate of her.
"Yes. That's right. Though...would you have trusted me if I told my secret earlier?" Jay asked her with ears raised up back again.
"Well...I would have if you were honest with yourself. And about why you came down here." Telephone said.
Jay nodded. Then he told her everything that happened before he came down here. No details were left behind. There seemed to be something missing before that, but he didn't remember very clearly. Either ways, Jay told Telephone everything. No lies, no anything.
"Gosh. It must have been really hard before you got here. I feel SO sorry for you." Telephone said before she hugged him.
This simple gesture of the dutch angel dragon was heartwarming...
That he felt his eyes starting water.
Jay hugged her, accepting the embrace of sympathy. "Thank you, Telephone. Thank you." Jay said with a shaky voice.
"It's okay. And I forgive you." Telephone purred, nuzzling his ears with her snout while stroking his head with a paw.
After a moment they let go and Jay wiped the small tears from his eyes.
"So...what now? You're going to tell everyone about your secret?" Telephone asked. "Of course. Since the others already know now." Jay said, then added, "I just hope they don't want to hurt me now."
"Don't worry. I'll be there to help you." Telephone assured Jay, placing a paw on his hand.
"But...wouldn't they try to hurt you because they think that I have done something to you guys in order to force you to my side?" Jay asked her. There was a probability that some would think that way when they would see his friends defending him. And he worried about them.
"Maybe. However, I'll explain so they can hear me out. Not in the violent manner like some have shown us, but the way you have chosen not to be violent. I believe it could work." Telephone said sincerely. Jay was surprised about it, but he smiled and understood. No matter what happened, Jay would continue to fight in a peaceful manner, not hurting others to a grave extent like some others would. And that would confirm to others that he has truly come down with no bad intentions.
"Now that it's settled, how about you can tell me about your world. How is it like?" Telephone asked later.
Jay complied to her and told the dutch angel dragon in full detail. He told her that his world was very advanced: buildings that were tall enough to touch the sky, which was blue and filled with clouds; the sun that was bright and illuminated the day everywhere; places where trees decorated the landscape; animals that included the ones that were in the Underground's books(including horses); cities that were busy and people that worked, and other robots like him as well that were in it, who helped and protected people whenever needed; the night, which had the moon that illuminated the dark just like the city lights; and, of course, the stars in the night sky. This time he explained that they were not the same as the books described. Instead, he said that they looked like tiny twinkling diamonds scattered across the darkness of the night sky along with the moon. In conclusion, the home that Jay came from sounded amazing.
"Wow...they must look beautiful there." Telephone breathed out. "They are once you see them in person. And I bet that they would look the same up on the surface of this world." Jay said, smiling.
Telephone smiled as well and leaned to his side as they began to stare out at the town of Snowdin and to the palace, where the light of the night shone down.
"Can I ask you something?" Telephone said later.
"What is it?" Jay replied.
"Can I take a look at your soul?" Telephone asked him.
"My...soul?" Jay said, puzzled.
"Yeah! Like you did when you showed us your energy last time. Only this time I think you must concentrate in order to summon the representation of your soul. Like this:" she said, holding up her paws to her chest while closing her eyes. Moments later, a glowing white upside-down soul appeared above her paws. Telephone opened her eyes, the soul hovering on her paws before it disappeared into her chest.
"Now you try." Telephone said
"Okay." Jay said, copying the exact thing that Telephone did. Later, he felt warmth appear between his hands. When he opened them, Jay saw his soul again, just like he accidentally did at the fair before.
"Woah." Telephone breathed, reaching out with her paws to hold the soul from underneath. When she did that, Jay felt something coming from Telephone.
It was her feelings, which were wonder and curiosity, as she held his soul. Jay also felt his feeling a bit more clearer: calmness, and willingness to let her see his soul. Once Telephone was done looking at it, she let go of the soul and let it sink back into Jay's chest.
"The machine that you prepared with Dr. Gaster...its still good, right? Will it work enough for all of us to be free?" Telephone asked.
"Yep. It is. And I'm positive about it." Jay said.
"Promise that we will see the stars together once we go up?" Telephone said.
Jay looked at her, and smiled with assurance.

"I promise." Jay said, nodding.

He hoped that everything would work out. That he wouldn't fight any other monster, even though they would be determined to capture him and obtain his soul.
Telephone was starting to sleep on his shoulder, so Jay woke her up gently so they could go back to the cave. Radio was still asleep, and Telephone curled up beside her brother. Jay curled up behind the two to provide extra warmth as the bonefire still flickered on in front of them. A while later, and everyone fell asleep completely.
Early in the morning, they all woke up well rested. Jay yawned and stretched, just like a Telephone and Radio. When they finished eating breakfast, Radio said, "Shall we go out to share the news and tell them you're harmless?"
"I wouldn't begin telling them I'm "harmless". Though, I can tell them that I'm not a threat and willing to be a friend." Jay said. Telephone smiled as she nuzzled him with her snout. "Sounds like we have a decent plan. Let's start out with the ones we know." she said, to which Radio and Jay agreed to.
With that set, the three set off to find their friends at Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotlands district.

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