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Chernobyl - Russia:

The large and desolated area of the city laid peacefully as it was decorated with greenery and trees along the years that passed since the Chernobyl disaster, the environment feeling serene. However, that peacefulness was interrupted when a small and red dot pierced through the clouds, descending until it crashed hard miles away in the deep wilderness with a muffled explosion sound.
Hours later, a group of armored vehicles approached from the south towards the cloud of smoke that has risen from afar. They drove closer to the crash site of the object until they reached it a few meters away. When they stopped, the doors opened and armored soldiers stepped out, spreading out to secure the perimeter. Once the soldiers gave the secure signal, a different man came out of the lead vehicle. He was dressed in an unknown black commander suit, wearing a principality badge on a shoulder and black boots. His left arm was missing, replaced by a red-painted bionic arm. The face of this man radiated importance, mystery...and malevolence.
They all began to move closer and closer to the crash site. When the crater of the crash was in view, the soldiers spread out to assure that no one was around. One man that was beside the leader took out an energy reader from his coat and climbed down to the crater's center. Inside, they saw, was the damaged body of a military prototype, sizzling and already burned from entering the atmosphere. From the inside of its chest emanated some sort of red energy that sparked constantly. The man with the energy reader walked a few feet towards the damaged machine before stopping and hovering the device just above it. The meter calculated something before it began beeping rapidly.
"Sir, the energy readings are off scale. More than that, it is stable." the man said, looking back at the leader man with a nod. The leader looked at the damaged prototype before stepping closer until he kneeled and extended his bionic hand to its chest. After seeing that nothing happened at contact, he pried the energy compartment open to see what laid inside.
There, straight in the middle, looked what seemed to be a nearly broken sphere, vibrant red in color. The leader reached in and took the core out, some bits breaking off as he took it out. He turned it around in his bionic hand's grasp, feeling the energy coming off from the sphere. The energy that he sensed caused him to smile, in a more sinister way than ever in his life.
"This shall certainly do. The time for real change has come to us at last, gentlemen." the man said with a proud chuckle as he stood up with the core still in his hand. Then he signaled all of his men to return to the vehicles and leave immediately, leaving the broken prototype in the crash site. Everyone got back in their respective vehicles and started them, engines coming back to life and tires picking up dust as everyone left the area. Whatever the leader was planning, his smile gave everyone a sense of relief, given the past experiences they witnessed because of the man they worked for. But the man in charge had other plans, ones that did not include real peace or true change.
As the vehicles drove away back to their destination, something started to happen to the damaged prototype that they left behind. Inside its core compartment, a small shard, which was a more darker red color, began pulsing with a bit of energy that was left inside it. Some circuits sparked as energy began to slowly spread across each component of its body. Then they twitched and began to move a bit, each one of them. And then it's visor eyes lit up, already activated once more.

It was still operational.



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