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"....And then I brought myself in so they wouldn't do harm to my monster friends." Jay concluded as he, Dr. Gutierrez and Montero arrived to war looked like a room fused with a launch ramp leading outside. Then they closed the door and locked it.
"That is quite the adventure you've had in that world." Dr. Montero observed. "Indeed. Your loyalty levels are more higher than that of a regular nfd unit. Though, you aren't just an ordinary machine." Dr. Gutierrez said as he went over to the desk panel.
"I know. So, what is the plan?" Jay asked as he observed his father and his friend type access codes onto the panel keyboard.
"That is entirely up to you. We're just giving you an escape path." Dr. Gutierrez said, turning to look at Jay and motioning him to step onto the launch railing. On the beginning of the rail, which stretched far out though the tunnel, was a launch pad, used to carry a unit forwards at great speeds until flight velocity was achieved.
"No. I mean, seriously, what is it? And what will happen to you two?" Jay asked as he went over the rails and placed his feet on the launch pad.
"Don't worry about what will happen to us. Right now you must go somewhere that you will be safe. The place that you feel you must go where something matters to you. I've seen that face the moment you stepped back in. And now you can go there." Dr. Gutierrez said as he pressed the button that locked Jay's feet into place.
Jay smiled. He knew what he had to do, not like before when he didn't know what to do exactly. It was like an inner voice calling from his soul that he had to go. And Jay knew just where to go.
A place where he had to go back in order to bring a world to his home planet, giving all of them hope.
"Yeah. I know exactly where to go. And I won't be gone for many months this time." Jay said. Dr. Gutierrez looked at him for a moment, then smiled and reached out to touch the side of Jay's face with one hand. "I know. Because you have changed while still being yourself. Neither being alone or more strength will be enough to make you feel free, I'm sure of it." Dr. Gutierrez, his father, said before hugging him. Jay smiled and hugged back. "Thank you, dad." Jay said. Dr. Gutierrez then let go while looking at him before walking towards the control panel so he could aid Dr. Montero.
A button was pressed and the locks on the launch pad clamped onto Jay's feet for security. Then the launch tunnel in front that stretched for a long distance began to light up with red and green lights, as well as the light that entered as the door at the end of the tunnel began opening up.
'Finally...I feel truly free. Free to go fulfill my promise.' Jay thought happily as he crouched a bit in order to get ready for his launch outside. Another button was pressed and alarms blared to signal the launch sequence, while the platform on the rails began to charge up. When that happened, Jay readied his rocket feet so he could go airborne once he lifted off from the platform.

Suddenly, another type of alarm blared in the room. Jay tried to figure out the source by using his system to search on the cameras around the facility. Surprisingly, General Foss and his soldiers have figured out where the three were and have started heading there.
"No time to waste, it seems. See you later, son." Dr. Gutierrez said before pressing a key that initiated the launch. Just in time as the doors opened and the soldiers entered.
The launch pad that Jay was standing on bolted forwards at great speeds as it carried the robot dragon forwards. Once the speed was reached, Jay opened his wings and leaped up a bit as he left the platform. Then he fired his rocket feet and shot forwards to increase speed. The sky outside the launch tunnel opened up in front as Jay left the facility and flew up into the sky.
The wind whipped around his face and body as Jay flew higher and higher before leveling down. At that moment, he felt that he was flying freely and with joy inside his soul.
Though the moment didn't last long as his internal system detected a pair of flying objects that he was approaching towards. Jay instinctively turned quickly to the side just in time as he saw two aircrafts appear in his flight path. Jay flew right in between them to avoid collision. At the same time he picked up the radio chatter that the two planes had while he flew away from them.
["Woah! What the heck!!??"] one pilot said.
["What was that???"] another said.
[All units, pursue and destroy the rouge unit now!!!"] another voice was heard, which was definitely General Foss's.
The two aircrafts changed direction and began to chase Jay. The lock-on warning blared inside his eyes as the fighter jets started shooting both bullets and missiles at the escaping robot dragon. Jay had to roll and turn from side to side in order to evade the firing from the aircrafts.
"Stop it!!! Just let me go already!!!" Jay shouted at them with a bit of annoyance. Then he looked forwards as his radar detected two more aircrafts heading towards him. Those too began shooting at Jay, making it more challenging for him to evade the shots. "Enough!" Jay growled das he took out his sword and flew straight towards the incoming fighter jets. Once close enough, he dived down and up again to go under the aircraft. Then he sliced the machine gun in half and the missiles off the fuselage, doing the same to all four of them. This caused all of the pilots in their aircrafts to stop pursuing Jay, satisfying him. With that done he continued flying forwards, away from the Gründer Industries facility in the city and towards the secret facility which was somewhere hidden out in the forest outskirts of it.
Soon, Jay found it; it was in the same seemingly-abandoned warehouse he first crash landed into when he was shot down by the V-9 ghost drone sent to intercept him. Now he began searching for a way in.
There were a few nfd units that spotted Jay when he landed on the ground, but none of them seemed to pay any mind to him. Maybe it was because he was a machine, just like them.
A while later, Jay found the place where the stargate was being kept when he connected himself with the security feed cameras. The same place where he was brought back and carried away by the aircarrier.
[There it is. Now the question is: how will I get in there?] Jay wondered. Immediately after, he felt someone tap on his shoulder. Jay quickly disconnected himself from the system and looked behind. The one who had touched him was an nfd unit.
["Is there something I can help you with?"] the nfd unit asked him. "I'd like to, but I'm not sure if I'd be allowed inside." Jay said to the unit.
["It depends on what are your intentions or programming."] the nfd unit said. Jay was thoughtful for a moment before he began explaining to the unit.
They began processing before finally speaking. ["Understood. Come with me. I'll lead you there."] the nfd unit said to Jay, walking towards an access door.
"Thank you." Jay said, and the nfd unit smiled. ["No problem. It's our duty to help one another."] he said as he led Jay inside the secret facility.

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