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The soldiers and drones spread out with their weapons pointing forwards, making a circle around Jay. The king and queen, Undyne, Red, Dr. Gaster, Dr. Alphys, Papyrus, Sans, Fred, Telephone and Radio hurried back to stay away from the armed soldiers and machines that have advanced towards them.
"Wait! Please don't hurt them! They're harmless!" Jay shouted as he tried getting up from the recent blast given to him by the missile. One soldier came from behind Jay and hit him with what felt like a shock pole, making him yelp in pain. "Silence!" the soldier shouted angrily at Jay.
Moments later, another person stepped out from the portal. This one looked like the general since he wore a commander suit and badges on it. "Well done, men. Seize the defective unit and secure the area." the general ordered the soldiers. One armed man came over to Jay and took out what looked like shackles, which were placed on his wrists and seemed to shut down all of his weapons. [No! I won't let them imprison me! I have to speak up so no violence erupts!] Jay thought frantically as he looked up at his friends from behind the armed men.
"Hold on! I'm not defective! I don't have any errors on my system!" Jay pleaded to all of the men around him.
"The little show you made months ago proves otherwise. Flying without air traffic authorization, endangering civilian lives, engaging in combat with allied machines, and trespassing a classified operation facility. Those are the things a rampant machine would do." the general said to Jay, looking down at him with a stern and authoritative look on his face. Jay hesitated because of the words that came from the general. "Sir, I...I didn't want to get captured...because I didn't know what was happening to me. First, I'm a human kid. Next...I'm THIS. I couldn't figure out what was happening to me." Jay explained.
The general looked thoughtful for a moment before making a hand signal to a few soldiers. "Take him in. We'll figure out what happened once his memory is accessed. Seems like the doctor was right after all" the general said. As the soldiers came over to take him by the arms to lead him into the portal gate, Jay thought, [So he must have figured out a long time. Dr. Gutierrez, my father, brought me back to life with this.]
Immediately after, he heard the familiar squeak of Telephone the dutch angel dragon. "Please don't take him away! He hasn't done anything wrong! Jay hasn't hurt anyone of us! Why are you going to imprison him?" Telephone chirped as Jay saw her run towards the soldiers. One of them pushed her to the ground and shouted "Back off!!!", aiming his weapon a bit towards the furred dragon.
"No! Stop! Don't hurt them!" Jay shouted as he struggled in the grasp of the soldiers.
"Bring him in. And shoot them so there isn't any witnesses of this." the general ordered the soldiers. "NO!!!" Jay shouted and kicked the soldiers in the stomach with his feet before rushing forwards and pushing the soldier that had the weapon pointed towards Telehone. Jay then planted himself in between her and the soldiers before charging up, the energy surge overpowering the shackles and breaking them. This caused his defense system, the standard shield, to become available once more as it appeared around Jay. The soldiers backed up a bit and pointed their weapons at Jay now instead of the monsters.
"That's enough! Why? Why would you shoot them? They have done nothing to harm anyone. Including me." Jay said to the soldiers and the general. "The creatures down here have done something that deserves punishment. And they won't be permitted to be let free." the general said firmly from behind the soldiers.
"I know. What happened eight years ago. However...they didn't do it because they were evil. They needed the souls to break the barrier that has trapped them for such a long time. Is it natural for someone to seek something, anything, to be set free from an overwhelming prison? Or not? Monsters and humans....both are the same! Please, general, I beg you to believe me!" Jay explained pleadingly to the general and the soldiers in front of him. The general didn't look like he was about to listen to reason. So, Jay thought quickly for a way to make him spare his monster friends. One idea came up, although he was sure he might not see them again.
"Take me. I'll give myself in in return that you will will not harm them. They won't force their way into the portal that will lead back into earth." Jay offered. The general raised his eyebrow a bit as if giving it thought. Some of Jay's friends were felt making surprised faces when they heard the offer. Jay looked back at them with a vacillating face to let them know it was a hard decision for the safety of them.
The king, queen, and scientist monsters looked at each other before nodding. Jay slightly nodded before turning towards the general once again. "Very well. They will be spared. You have my word." the general said before nodding to the soldiers, who in turn lowered their weapons. Jay deactivated his shield and stepped forwards so he could have his hands cuffed once again with a new set of shackles.
As he was brought to the swirling vortex of the portal, Jay took a glance back at his friends as they watched him leave. Telephone was being held back by her brother Radio so she wouldn't go near the soldiers. The look on her face said that she didn't want to leave him.
Jay looked at her and gave her a small smile as if saying "I'm sorry" or "I'll look for another way out. Promise.". It was not going to be easy getting out though, since there were a few possibilities to escape now. Taking one look back at his friends and the Underground world, Jay turned around and stepped forwards to enter the vortex that was the portal.

After the sensation of traveling an immense distance with just a few footsteps, and lots of lights, Jay walked out to the other side of the portal and stepped into the base that belonged to earth.
The secret facility was bustling with engineers and nfd units that were working around the portal gate. Once the soldiers and the general have gone through the portal with Jay amongst them, some personnel looked at them. A few nfd units, after saluting to the general, seemed to notice Jay's fallen face that they tilted their heads a bit in question. They were the only ones that understood that face while no one else did.
One soldier came up to the general and saluted to him. "General Foss, sir. It's good to have you back. The head of security is waiting for your response to the situation pertaining Gründer Industries." the soldier said. "Good. Notify them of our departure." General Foss nodded. "Yes sir." the soldier said and headed off.
After that, Jay was led to an airship that would take them from the base to the other facility. With one look back at the portal that was stationed in the center of the base's control room, Jay let himself be led into the ship as its doors closed up the sight of the only way to the Underground.
Where his only friend were.

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