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Jay laid curled up in his bed, sad. He clutched a f-27 velociraptor model on one of his clawed hands as a memory took place in him. He remembered this model that his father gave him before he went to work. One of those that he really appreciated.
"What's different? I haven't seen dad this disappointed before" the dragon boy muttered to himself. What did he do to sadden his father this greatly? He mostly made models to show appreciation to his father for being a big motivator in school studies. So what exactly did he do wrong? Was there another way he could apologize to him and make him feel more happy?
Jay looked out the window and saw a pair of sparrows flying rapidly through the air. His head turned towards them and the same feeling of flying returned inside him. This caused his wings to unfold halfway without him even knowing how to.
[Maybe...I can try flying like them. Hold on...How could I have wings if I don't know how to fly?] he thought. However, Jay decided to give a try in flying. When he got to the roof of the building he lived in, Jay looked down to the streets. He almost ran back to the door.
But then the feeling appeared again and took over him. Then Jay realized he actually let himself FALL OF THE ROOF AND PLUMMET DOWN!!! Jay screamed and closed his eyes as the pavement rose up to him, knowing that in a few seconds it would all be over.
Then something happened. When Jay's body flipped in an upright position by the weight of his tail, blue jet exhausts fired from the bottom of his shoes. This slowed him down enough to hover safely, only a few meters above ground.
He opened his eyes, unsure if dreaming, then realized, he wasn't.
This was really happening.
Jay also realized that his wings were open. Trying to see if he could test how it worked, he tilted his feet in order to move around. It did as he rotated to the left and right. Seeing that his feet worked as simple thrust vectors, Jay tried to fly forward. Instead of going forward slowly, the engine thrust increased and he blasted forward down to the trafficked street all the way towards the bridge. Jay shouted in fright as he tried to avoid himself from colliding with a vehicle. Instead of going forward, he pulled up just in time to land brusquely at the top of the bridge pole. His engine feet automatically shut off as he touched down.
Jay's breath hitched his throat as he tried to calm himself down. When he got up, Jay realized he was several miles from his home building. All in only 27 seconds. Jay couldn't believe it; he could actually fly! But it has proven a little dangerous. He was somewhat determined to keep practicing for a couple of minutes.
Now Jay looked down, and let himself fall with his eyes closed. Instantly, his feet engines fired up and propelled him straight up from the river water at supersonic speeds. When Jay opened his eyes, he felt that he could finally control his flight as he turned in both ways.
Now he was getting the hang of it.
Jay headed towards the populated city and weaved through the buildings and highway bridges. He even went in a subway tunnel and came out without crashing. Then he flew up until he reached the top of the clouds.
It was beautiful up in the blue sky, with a few patches of the city seen below. The more he flew, the bolder he became. Soon, Jay was doing flips, backflips and barrel rolls through the clouded sky.
Then Jay headed even higher until he almost reached the edge of space. It was cold up there, but it didn't bother him.
He has never felt so free before.
"This is amazing!" Jay said as he hovered over the beautiful horizon of earth.
"I have to show my father!"

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