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Jay watched in awe as the Blitzer unit turned its attention to the monsters. Undyne jumped high from the building where she was standing and descended down towards Jay as Sans sent gaster blasters to shot at the rouge unit. Mettaton 2.0 NEO flew towards it and Red did so as well, jumping from building to building.
"You guys...what are you doing here?" Jay asked in bewilderment as Undyne ran to where Jay was stuck and hoisted him up. "What did you expect from us? That we'd wait around near the portal like those other tin cans told us to do? Nah! We're all here for you!" Undyne said with a toothy smile. Jay smiled in return as Undyne carried him up to a building and set him down. "So, what are we up against?" Undyne asked as she looked at the rouge nfd unit that was engaging in battle with the other monsters and the show robot.
Sans was shooting the Blitzer nfd with gaster blasters and also launching bone attacks. It dodged around by teleporting a few times while blocking near attacks at the same time. Red came jumping up from a building and took out her sword to strike at it. The rouge unit blocked the strike by using its own personal sword, only for Red to evade the counter-strike and use her floating eyes to shoot the Blitzer nfd from the back with them. That made the rouge unit more furious than before as its red energy aura became more intense. Mettaton used the short time of distraction that Red has given by sending missiles and energy shots at the Blitzer nfd. The rouge unit blocked them with its semi-complete shield, but was unable to block the others that came streaking behind to hit its back. Undyne went towards it and jumped up, summoning various magic spears and sending it towards the unit. They all impaled themselves against the rouge unit and pinned it into a building. This disabled the Blitzer nfd for a temporary while.
"It's a unit that has gone into an uncontrollable rampage. I don't know what happened that made it this unstable, and I don't know exactly how to defeat it because it gets better and better at countering attacks." Jay explained to his friends as they all gathered around after pinning the rouge nfd unit.
"So...we're basically doomed." Red guessed. "Not quite. Now that you're all here, I might have a solution." Jay said. "WHATEVER IT IS, WE COULD TRY OUR ULTIMATE BEST." Mettaton said. "We can try tiring it by fighting it for an extended amount of time, or overwhelm it by each one of us attacking it several times continuously. I'm not sure if it will give positive results, but that's all I could think to stop it right now." Jay suggested as he looked at everyone. "Well then, let's get to it!" Undyne said.
The rouge Blitzer nfd finally pried off the last of Undyne's spears that were impaled on its body, used to hold it down, and flew up to search for them. Once it spotted them, the rouge unit flew towards them at high speeds. All of them jumped and scattered to different sides as the nfd unit crashed where they once stood, missing the sword stab it was going to give at them.
Jay aimed and fired a plasma ball at the Blitzer nfd once the dust cleared. The nfd blocked it by swinging it's sword to swat it away, only to be interrupted by Red attacking it from the side. The rouge unit tracked her and prepared to fire its small red missiles, but got struck by Sans's bone attacks. It flew backwards to aim at the gaster skeleton riding on his gaster blasters, then noticed Undyne jumping up at it. Undyne summoned her great spear and swung it at the Blitzer nfd, which blocked the strike using its sword. It pushed Undyne down with one strong heave and aimed to shot at her with energy vulcans on its wrists, but had its shot moved when one of Mettaton's missiles and energy shots. Mettaton detached his leg missiles and sent them towards the rouge unit. The Blitzer nfd flew from side to side as it dodged and blocked the strikes from Mettaton's leg missiles. Jay used this opportunity to use shooter mode and shot at the location where the Blitzer nfd's micro missile ports were. The yellow bullets hit their mark and damaged the missile ports on its back, damaging it so that it wouldn't use the simaxis-like shot attack towards any of them. This threw the rouge unit off a bit as it faced Jay to aim an attack to him. Sans appeared beneath the Blitzer nfd and blasted it with his gaster blasters. After the blast ended, the nfd unit was seen with its metal parts sizzling from the blast burn. [Thats it. Just a little more and we'll see if it short-circuits or powers down to cool itself from all the fighting.] Jay thought.
The rouge Blitzer nfd let out a frustrated mechanical roar and aimed down to fire its vulcans at Sans. The gaster skeleton countered this by summoning bones to act like shields as they spun around. However, they didn't last long because of the intense caliber of the energy bullets and soon broke. Jay noticed this beforehand and quickly flew in front of Sans, using enhanced shield mode to protect both from the rain of energy bullets. Immediately after, Jay used expansion mode, the wings turning into four bright-blue robes, to trap the Blitzer and throw it to a building. It crashed into the windows hard, letting Mettaton fly near the crash site and start spam-shooting energy bullets at it. The firing seemed to work for pinning and making some damage on the Blitzer nfd until some metal pieces came flying and knocked Mettaton's cannon off aim, while others knocked him down. The rouge unit blasted from where it had been pinned down seconds ago and disappeared, reappearing in front of Mettaton and punching him straight in the shoulder. He groaned, looking up as he noticed that it was about to plunge its sword straight into his chest. Luckily, he was saved when Red and Undyne came in front of him and blocked the rouge unit's sword with their own weapons. Red and Undyne slashed quickly at the Blitzer nfd in all places she saw open by it. One strike slashed across its chest, sparking red energy out freely and making the rouge unit glitch for a brief second.
[Thats it! It's core! If it's separated form its power source, it will run out of energy and shut down!] Jay thought as he noticed the small event that went unnoticed to everyone else. Now the only thing needed to do was to notify everyone of the plan, without the Blitzer nfd knowing about it, and act quickly before it could improvise again. The others kept fighting the Blitzer nfd, taking turns as each came from different sides and let out attacks at it. Jay flew behind it and waved his hands to call his friends attention. Once he was sure that they had their eyes on him(except the rouge nfd), Jay opened his chest where his core was, pointed at it, then at the Blitzer nfd. They all looked at him before nodding. "Thanks! Now we know how to crush this oversized tin can!!!" Undyne roared with a gleeful smile.
Mettaton and Sans used their laser attacks to hit the Blitzer nfd. The rouge unit blocked both attacks and stopped to hover. Jay, using forward mode as his fists turned orange, and Undyne, who used her armored hands, charged at the unit and punched it hard down. The Blitzer nfd had no chance as it crashed onto the street asphalt.
The rouge unit got up to its feet and eyed the black dragon and the other monsters as each of them landed around it several feet away. "Okay everyone. Let's tire it out with everything we've got, now that is close enough to its limit." Jay said. "Right!" they all said before everyone went forwards and charged at the rouge Blitzer nfd.

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