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Wind started to howl where Jay and Undyne stood,
"So, you have finally decided to show up? I'm impressed, I give you that. I've expected to fight you considering who you are. If you were someone else, the other guards would have reported you to me. However, the fact that you have somehow managed to enter the Underground...it changes many things." Undyne said from the top of the rocky hill.
Jay knew what she meant. If he were an actual monster, he wouldn't have gotten in down here. But, if he were someone else like a human, then...
"It means you have a strong power inside. And us monsters need a strong power. Seven human souls; those are needed to make King Asgore powerful and break the barrier. Six are how many we have collected. Through the seventh human soul, or any power that matches a human soul, this world will be finally be free. Do you understand? I don't know how you got here. But if you have a strong soul, then that means...you were sent by HUMANS." Undyne continued, looking down upon Jay. [Aaaaaannnnnnd there's the answer.] he thought nervously.
"This is so rich! I thought humans could get down here to fight us with an army. But this? Sending down an impostor that looks like a monster? They've got to be kidding! I was going to be more considerate about apprehending you. However, now that I realize this, I don't care. SO SCREW THIS! WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU THE TRAGIC TALE OF OUR PEOPLE?? WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE?? NNNGGGAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Undyne shouted, letting out a fierce battle cry and taking off her helmet.
Now that he had a clear view, Jay saw that Papyrus was right about who Undyne was. She was a fish monster, with blue scales, red/blue fins on the side of the head, a long red ponytail, yellow eyes, and a pair of sharp, yellow, protruding teeth that grinned a wicked smile, and an eyepatch on her right eye. With all of those features, Undyne looked beyond intimidating.
"YOU! You're standing in the way of everyone's future! Alphys's history books made me think humans were awesome...with their giant machines and elegant swordswomen. But YOU? You are just a coward sent by the scared humans! Hiding under that monster suit so that no one could harm you, thinking "Oooh! I'm making such a difference by befriending random strangers!"! You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD!!! That's right, impostor! Your continued existence is a crime! I won't let you take away everyone's nearing future! So let's end this! Right here, right now! I will show you the strong will of us monsters! Step forwards when you're ready!" Undyne declared in a strong voice.
[Welp....guess this is it. There's nowhere to run or hide. Wait...no. This CANNOT be it. I must show her my true nature: the peaceful side of me. Not the violent one. Because that is not gonna solve anything. Here we go.] Jay thought, looking up at Undyne.
"You know what? You're right! I accept the duel that you place upon me! I, Jay the dragon, will show you my strong will! Not to fight, but to live on and show the Underground the true side of my heart! Who I really am! But this duel must not be sealed with bloodshed! It must be sealed with a side of understanding one another! Why fight? That has been the question that has been repeating inside my mind over and over again. Well, I've figured that I will fight not to harm, because that is the desire of my soul and the ones on both sides! I don't want to fight! No one wishes to! But if my life is in danger, I will stand and raise up to the challenge!!!" Jay said with the best courageous voice he could come up with, taking a step forward and challenging pointing a challenging finger to Undyne. [And I'm gonna regret this fight.] he added inside his head.
Jay's courageous speech just made Undyne's grin grow wider. "Heh! I admire your bravery, even if your little lies will do no good to you, impostor! So, no more running away! Here I come! EN GUARDE!!!" Undyne shouted. Then she drew a magic spear and jumped down. Jay jumped away from where Undyne was about to land, getting ready to fight her.Undyne raised her hand up and many large spears pierced upwards from the ground, surrounding Jay.
"As long as these spears are in place, you cannot escape! Unless you learn to face DANGER head-on...you won't last a single second against ME!" Undyne said. "Don't worry. I'm not planning to go anywhere!" Jay said back to her, getting ready for the first attack wave.
Undyne pointed her spear upwards, summoning various spears in the air. Then she pointed her spear at Jay and the floating spears flew towards Jay. Flaring his wings and covering himself with them, Jay activated his standard shield to block the attack. The spears bounced off the surface once they made contact.
"Not bad! I didn't expect you to have that type of ability! But how about THIS!?" Undyne shouted with a menacing smile as she summoned more spears. Jay, activating his shield once again, blocked the flying spears that now came from both sides with ease. The next attacks were quickly-paced, yet Jay continued to block them. Now came Jay's turn, but instead of fighting he just stood right where he was. "No matter how may attacks you throw at me, I refuse to fight back!" Jay said to Undyne. "Fuh! A cheap tactic to tire and defeat me in the end! That's not gonna work!" Undyne shouted, drawing more spears. Jay thought that his shield could hold out all attacks, but that changed when a message showed in his eye lense:

[Sheild Power: 50%]

[What? How is it decreasing?] he thought with a bit of shock. As the spears picked up speed and in intensity, the faster Jay's standard shield began to decrease in strength. [Darn it! If this keeps on going, I'll be left defenseless! What other weapons do I have? Should I go for- no, I'm not fighting back!] Jay thought. Then the next attack came, and the shield began to crack.
"Ha! Now, the sunlight is in our reach! And I won't let you snatch it away from us!" Undyne yelled, throwing her spear at Jay. He dodged out of the way just as the spear pierced the shield, shattering it completely.
[Shield: COLLAPSED.]
[Regeneration time: 10 min]
[10 minutes? That's too much!] Jay thought as he stood up and faced Undyne again. She now charged at Jay with her personal spear, letting out a fierce battle cry and getting ready to impale him.
[No...this can't be it...I....I...] Jay thought as he started to dodge out of the way, knowing that now he didn't stand a chance against Undyne's impending spear. If that thing penetrated him, or if it bounced off because of his under surface being made out of metal, Undyne would see who Jay was. And it would be all over if they managed to destroy him for his soul.
Still, as he covered himself with his arms to block the approaching spear, deep inside his heart he felt........



Before the spear hit his left arm, Jay felt his arm open as a solid metal heptagon plate transformed out of his arm at lightning speed. When the spear's tip made contact with it, a spark of white greenish light shone brighter and brighter, blinding both. Jay closed his eyes as the force of the spear's momentum slammed into his arm, making him plant his feet down to the ground more firmly.When he opened his eyes, he saw that Undyne has jumped back meters away from him with a shocked look. As he looked at his left arm, Jay saw what has happened.
The heptagon that has been deployed had now created a bright transparent green-glowing shield shaped like a coffin hexagon. [W-what the-? How?] Jay thought before noticing the message in his eye lense:


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