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Jay heard someone weeping in the outside world. It was muffled, but clearly audible for him.
At that moment, he began to wake up from the darkness that surrounded him. Jay couldn't move because there wasn't much energy left inside him.
Yet...he still felt that if he could reach out into the light that was far from his reach, he could wake up.
[Please...I...just....want to...be with my friends...again...] Jay thought weakly as he gathered every bit of strength left in his soul...and reached for the fading light up ahead. When Jay touched it, his soul felt like it was sparing some of its energy to the life source that kept him alive. Bit by bit, it began to grow stronger until he felt like it was enough to make it back into the world. And, when Jay realized it and made him happy, the energy became more stronger even. That was it. That's what he needed at that moment. The energy strong enough to awaken again.
So he accepted it.
Telephone continued to weep and mourn, tears streaming down, until she suddenly noticed something.
There was a tiny light shining from the inside of the empty core. This caused her to stop weeping and lean closer to Jay's chest and see the small light. The others also noticed this when they saw Telephone stop crying.
The small light that emanated in the core began to become more brighter each second, filling up the core with bright blue energy once again. Once it was full, it began emitting strands of energy all around them. Telephone squeaked in surprise and backed up her paws. Dr. Gutierrez and Dr. Montero inhaled sharply at the sight. A few others gasped in awe at this strangely beautiful light show that had lighted up. Then the strands of energy began to enter back into the core, some spilling across Jay's chest and repairing a few of the damages in his body.
There was a moment of silence, everyone looking at Jay and wondering what will happen next. "What was that all about?" Red asked. Soon, Jay's body began to move.
Jay's eyes slowly opened as his body began to feel once again. It felt...painful because of the crash landing, but so far he felt fine and unscathed. Once his eyes focused completely, he noticed Telephone's face, then his father's, Dr. Montero's, and his friends around looking at him with surprise and then slowly to excitement.
"Hey there. Did...did I make it? Is this a dream?" Jay groaned, sitting up to look around. Telephone gave a chirp of joy and hugged Jay tightly in relief. In response, Jay smiled and hugged the dutch angel dragon back.
"In short answer, you did it. We are not sure what exactly happened to the negative core or the Blitzer unit, if it survived, but I believe you did quite enough to stop it permanently." Dr. Montero said. Dr. Gutierrez came closer to them, and Jay immediately got up a bit to hug his father.
"Sorry for frightening you back then. I...had a bit of faith that I would come back one way or another." Jay apologized. "No need to. What's important is that you're here, alive and whole." Dr. Gutierrez said. Both let go after a long time and looked at each other with a smile.
Telephone stood up and then hugged Dr. Gutierrez, surprising him. "Um...hello." Dr. Gutierrez said, unsure of what to do. "Oh right. It's the dutch angel dragon way to say hello. This is Telephone. She's my friend that I told you about." Jay said to his father. Dr. Gutierrez stood awkwardly silent before smiling and nodding. Radio came next and hugged Dr. Gutierrez, and he let the grey furred dragon do so. Jay now began introducing each one of his Underground friends to his father and Dr. Montero one by one. Lastly came Dr. Gaster, the scientist gaster skeleton along with Dr. Alphys.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, another brilliant person, face to face." Dr. Gaster said, extending one bony hand. Dr. Gutierrez smiled and took the hand to shake it. "Of course. And I thank you for taking care of my son." Dr. Gutierrez said to the scientist gaster skeleton. "No worries. I only did what was right." Dr. Gaster replied, earning a grin from Dr. Gutierrez.
Jay continued to introduce various other monsters like the King and Queen to the doctors, and the nfd units, seeing that it was completely safe, let the crowd of curious citizens meet the monsters from the Underground. And, the dragon robots themselves, went to meet the monsters along with the people too. This made Jay smile a bit more brightly, knowing that this looked like a great start for monsterkind and humankind to meet each other peacefully. Despite the many things that may happen because of this sudden event on the world, Jay felt that there was a bright future for monsterkind in their new home on earth.

* * *

Soon after, the news spread across the entire world about the arrival of the group of otherworldly beings from a distant place. Most of the public was nervous and fearful of the whole event that was taking place right at that moment. However, positive news, thanks to the monsters not being a threat to humans, and proof of it thanks to Jay, his friends, his father, and other nfd units that decied to join and support, soon drowned out the negative opinions worldwide.
Monsterkind was given permission to permanently become part of human society after the investigation of the world outside the Underground was finally completed. Sure, there were many restrictions placed before because of the incident that happened eight years ago caught some opposition, yet monsterkind was finally able to enjoy a new life and establish itself on earth. General Foss was found out to be alive and recovering from the injury that the Blitzer nfd gave him, but he was charged with false statements and incompetence to cover up events that were supposed to be heard by the government.
It all seemed to work out over the short time that these events took place, even to the point that scientific research requests and applications began to emerge. Yet there were still more important things to do over the course of time.
And Jay, along with everyone, was ready to go through whatever came fourth.

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