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The first sector that Jay was assigned to deliver mail to was the other side of the Snowdin district, which was the closest to him.
With the bag full of letter to be delivered to the right person, Jay spread his wings and headed out. He flew up and up until he reached the ceiling of the Underground. Up here, he could see the entire town of Snowdin and each house that was in it. Farther from the town he saw the other district like Waterfall town and the Hotlands.
[Okay....now where to?] Jay thought as the took out the map to study it while hovering.
Snowdin Shop.
That was the first one. It was located next to the town's entrance. Jay flew down towards the trail that led to the town's entrance and landed gently on the snow-covered ground. Walking up to the shop, Jay went up the stairs and carefully knocked on the door. The door was unlocked, so he opened it and stepped in. Inside the shop, there were many types of equipments for snow in sale. Like pickaxes, shovels, water bottles, backpacks, ropes, climbing and travel gear, etc.
"Hello there, newcomer! What brings you here?" said the purple bunny who owned the shop, looking up from her desk as Jay came over.
"Just bringing a letter and package that is labeled to the name of...Ms. Hopper." Jay said as he searched in his bag and found the packet and letter for the purple bunny. "Why, thank you! I was expecting this to come this week. Thank you so much! Would you like to buy something here if you are interested in travel gear? It's always snowing out here." Ms. Hopper said as she took the mail that Jay handed to her. Jay shook his head and said, "It's alright. I have wings to carry me all over the Underground so that I can deliver the mail. So...have a good day! And good luck on the shop!". "Thank you!" Ms. Hopper said waving as Jay walked out of the shop.
[Well, that went well. I think I'll get used to this. It's more...I kind of like this job!] Jay though with a bit of pride before he looked into his mail bag for the next mail to deliver.
Next one was for Ms. Hopper's brother, Mr. Hopper. This one was in the town's inn, for Mr. Hopper the innkeeper.
A couple of moments later he arrived at the building inn. When he entered, there were many other kinds of monsters inside. Many of them Jay recognized from the fair, some of them either waking up or moving in after a long night of work. At the renting desk sat Mr. Hopper, waiting for the next customer.
"Hello there. I'm here to deliver a letter that goes to Mr. Hopper." Jay said, walking it to the desk after Mr. Hopper finished attending the customer and handing out the letter. "Oh, thank you for delivering it!" Mr. Hopper the bunny said as he took the letter from Jay. Once that was done, Jay headed out of the inn.

For the rest of the day he flew all over the town of Snowdin, delivering letters and packets to their respective destinations. From the library and Grillby's, to the far north side where a big wolf guy was throwing enormous ice cubes into the river(for transport purposes maybe?). The other mail went to Dogamy and Dogaressa, a fierce yet genuine dog couple who were out on patrol. Next was for Doggo, who was munching on his doggy biscuits over his small cottage. Lastly there was Papyrus and Sans's house, where Jay was staying. Papyrus's mail box was empty, while Sans's was overfilled with many different types of letters. When he checked the dates on the letters for Sans, he saw that nearly all of them were almost from months ago. [That long? Wow, Sans is really lazy.] Jay thought as he brought the letters inside and left them on the desk for later inspection. After, he headed back to the mail house to confirm the completion and then went to the home of the dutchies for a visit.
When he reached there, the cave was empty.
[Where are they? Did they leave?] Jay thought as he walked around inside the cave. "Hello? Radio? Telephone? You guys in here?" Jay called out in the cave, but only got an echo of his voice was the reply he got. When he searched for them deeper into the cave, be began to panic a little. [Oh no. Did someone take them? Could it have been Flowey?] he began to think with a bit of panic.
He was about to go search for them out in the town when two large balls of fur tackled him from the sky. Jay yelped when his body toppled down as he lost balance. "Surprise!" Telephone and Radio chirped, letting Jay get up after and hugging him. "Ok. Now you really scared me. Why did you guys do that?" Jay asked as he shook his sweater to clear the snow off of him right after the furred dragons let go of him.
"It scared you? Oh, we're sorry to have done that. It's just...It's how we show that we like you." Radio said in a frank way. "Are you angry that we did that to you?" Telephone squeaked, looking sad. "Ermmm....no, I'm not mad. I was just surprised......Anyways, I came to visit you after finishing work for today." Jay said quickly when he realized that he spoke with negativity and a bit of exasperation.

Jay and the dutchies sat around the fire, eating their share of cooked meat. "So, how did the first day of work go?" Telephone asked. "It went well. I got to go to many other places. Now that I say that, I kind of like this job." Jay said. "Do you know what you will do after this? Do you have another place to go?" Radio asked. That was a very complicated question for Jay to answer, since he didn't know where to go or how to get back.
"I'm...not sure if I am leaving to somewhere else far from here. I don't know if my home is out on the other side of the Underground. But until I figure exactly where to go, I'll be staying here." Jay said, smiling a bit. Telephone and Radio smiled back. Jay felt more calmed down when he was surrounded with people that knew and accepted him, which is what made him a bit more relieved.
After finishing the food, Jay waved goodbye to the dutchies and headed back to the house.
After changing clothes and brushing his teeth, Jay went up to the attic to rest.
[Maybe this place isn't that bad. I think I'll stay here a bit longer. Besides...I don't feel alone anymore.] Jay thought after he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

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