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Jay sprinted out of the way to begin running as Undyne launched her spears at him, barely avoiding the attacks. As more spears rained down, Jay glanced back to watch out for the new incoming spears. There were too many for Jay to handle in the open, so he tried to think of a way to escape Undyne in another place instead of fighting her in the open.
[Where exactly do I hide? There must be a way I can hide in a place where I can use my camouflage, therefore lose her. Wait...the tall grass gardens! That should do it!] Jay though as he continued running and jumping to the sides to avoid getting impaled by the spears. As soon as he spotted a path that would lead him out of the platform bridges and back into the rocky pathways of Waterfall town. One more left and right, and Jay found the tall grass that was located where he met Fred. With no seconds to lose, Jay ran into the tall grass and dived down in a crouch.
Jay scotched deeper into the center of the garden as he heard the clanking of Undyne's armor come closer and closer. Abruptly, Jay flattened and curled up as his scales began to become transparent. The sound of Undyne and her armor began to slow down, meaning that she was concentrating on what other sound originated from Jay. [Please don't find me. Please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't!!!] Jay thought hard as he shut his eyes tightly and held his breath, hoping Undyne didn't find him in any way. Having the need to see where Undyne was, Jay opened one eye a bit. Sure enough, she was just mere inches close to Jay, looking around in search for Jay. Suddenly Undyne turned her attention to where Jay was laying, and he tensed up.
[Nononononononono!!!] Jay thought as he didn't dare to move an inch. Then, without warning, Undyne lunged at Jay and used her hand to grab...a rock that was near Jay. He was very, VERY, confused. Did she see him? Or did she mistaken the rock for him? The second option was true as Undyne looked around again and then proceeded towards another direction, walking away from where he laid. Jay laid still until the sound of clanking of armor faded in the distance, then stood up and exhaled in relief as his scales and body returned to normal.
[That was a bit too close. Guess that took a year off my life.] Jay thought as he breathed out and began to orientate, looking for a familiar feature to find the path that led to the exit of the Waterfall district. Once the path was located, he followed it until he was back at the town of Snowdin again.
A while later, the phone that was given to him rang, and Jay took it out to answer it.
"Um...yeah. About that...she tried to apprehend me in an unpleasant way. Her name is Undyne, right?" Jay said on the phone.
["THAT'S RIGHT! AND...WAIT A MINUTE...SHE CHASED YOU??"] Papyrus asked, a bit of worry in his tone. "Yeah. She tried impaling me with her magic spears." Jay said. ["REALLY? I'M SURE SHE DIDN'T MEAN TO IMPALE YOU THAT MUCH. I'LL TRY TO SEE IF I CAN SPEAK WITH HER."] Papyrus replied. Jay spoke rapidly and said, "Actually, please don't. If she were to know I was here in Snowdin, I'm sure she'd come to try and stab me again.". "OH, I SEE. ALRIGHT, I'LL HELP YOU AND KEEP QUIET UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. AFTER ALL, THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR, RIGHT? BUT ARE YOU A TRAITOR OR NOT? JUST ASKING." Papyrus said. "Right. Thanks, Paps. And no, I'm not a traitor. A traitor is supposed to do bad things. And I don't have the least thought of doing something bad to my friends." Jay said before he heard the gaster skeleton squeal, meaning he was happy that he had a friend. To be honest, both of them did feel happy. After a moment of conversation going about their day, Jay hung up. Down the road, Jay started to think about what he read on the wall writings. If the monsters were to ever acquire his soul, how would they separate it from his core? Would they realize that it is linked to his life source and refuse to take it out of him?
[Am I really linked to the core that if I take it out, would I die? I still have to find that out in a safe way, just like I need to find out if there are more writings in the Waterfall district.] Jay thought as he headed towards the mailroom house. With the mail job done for today, Jay headed navy to the gaster skeleton's house.
The first thing he saw when he opened the door was Sans napping on the couch, snoring.
"What up, kid. How did your day go?" Sans asked Jay, waking up from his slumber when he heard the bag being placed down next to the desk.
"It went good. Well...at the beginning. I happened to go back to Snowdin when a soldier with magic spears attacked me. Her name is Undyne thanks to Papyrus letting me know." Jay said as he sat down on a chair.
"You encountered Undyne? Well, that's classic of her attacking strangers." Sans said as he sat up a little in the couch.
"Wait, you know her?" Jay asked, turning his head to face the lounging gaster skeleton.
"I do. A small percentage to be honest. She's the lead warrior that forms the Royal Guard in the Underground kingdom. Great part; she's strong. The other part; she's not a calm fishy when a stranger crosses her paths." Sans explained to the black dragon.
"Yikes." Jay said, purple lines and a sweat drop going down from his head.
"Truth be told, Undyne is actually a caring person that wishes nothing more than to protect the Underground." Sans added.
"So could that mean that she's overprotective and wants to defend the Underground from "intruders"?" Jay asked Sans.
"Guess you could say that." Sans shrugged as he yawned. "Yet something strikes me the most; you said she attacked you before she saw you, correct?" the gaster skeleton then asked after yawning, seeming to notice something from Jay's perspective.
"Yep." Jay replied. "If she attacked you, that means you must have provoked her before it all began. Did you fight her or did you fight back when she tried stabbing you?" Sans asked. Jay had a feeling the gaster skeleton was resting him for something, but he thought it was to make sure there was no misinformation about this case.
"To be honest with you, I didn't fight her when I saw her. And I didn't fight back when she tried impaling me with her spears. I didn't feel like fighting because...I was terrified of...well...getting stabbed." Jay said, looking down at the floor.
Sans studied him for a moment, then said, "I get it. And don't worry, many get that feeling. And I see that you're the type of guy that prefers calmness instead of hostility. I...*yawn*...prefer calmness the most." Sans said, yawning as he laid down on the couch again. Jay looked at Sans, and smiled. "Thanks. For understanding me." he said as he stood up from his chair and went over to the fridge.
"I must give a letter inviting him here." Dr. Gaster said, sitting up after seeing the footage of his son's home cameras.
"Are you sure about this? We aren't even sure of what he is capable of." Dr. Alphys, his assistant, said as he followed him from behind.
"It will be alright. This may be the only chance that we may get to study him up close and understand him. Because I now know that he isn't a random stranger that wandered into the Underground. Maybe he needs our help in some way." Gaster said as he sat on another chair and began to write the letter.

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