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"Golly! You look awfully pale there!" said a frighteningly familiar voice from under Jay with a bit of laughter. Sure enough, it was Flowey the flower who had him trapped with vines.
"You again! What are you kidnapping me for this time? For your "super awesome advice" like last time? Because if you are cooking something up in that head of yours, forget it! I'm not in for that at all!! And if you're holding me hostage in exchange for food, go get your own!" Jay said, letting out a sort of feral growl as he tried ripping the vines that were wrapped around his body. "I didn't come for that or for food you idiot!" Flowey snarled, looking annoyed. "Then what are you here for exactly? Spill your seeds out already!" Jay said angrily.
"You know, I was looking back on old memories. You wanna know something interesting? I think I've seen your kind one time." Flowey said, switching to a casual tone. What the talking flower said hit Jay's mind. [What does he mean? Does he know that there was another one just like me? Or the base dragon that I am mixed with? No, that's probably a lie. This flower is probably messing around and wants me to believe in him so that he could kill me later.] Jay thought.
"Yeah. I remember one of your kind a long time ago. I don't know how you changed into a monster, but, you know, we're in a place where flowers and rocks can talk. You are really interesting compared to the others. A monster with a HUMAN soul. The last one that I saw wandered into the underground along with a few of his human buddies. But he was killed along with his pals later on. You should have seen how brutally they were killed. It was TONS of FUN!" Flowey said with a joyful face.
"That's...nice..." Jay said, while his mind went [Not nice at ALL!].
"Of course, it really hit me when I recalled that the monster with a half-human soul looked almost exactly like you. You should change appearances and clothes. That'll give you enough time to go unnoticed. Everyone is so nice to you because you look like a monster. But what would happen if they find out who you really are?" Flowey continued with a wicked grin.
[One that looked like me....was here? Did the guys down here...kill them? It's probably another lie...but...the way that he says it...tells me that he is saying some of the truth.] Jay thought. The other part.......did the monsters happen to kill humans a long time ago?
. . .
"Hey...Flowey?..." Jay was beginning to ask. "What is it, friend?" Flowey asked.
"I'm NOT your friend! Also, I'm guessing that you aren't that much of a truth teller! So, nice try!" Jay shot at the flower, baring his teeth at it.
. . .
"I've only spoke to you twice and I already HATE you!" Flowey growled from annoyance, concluding that he hasn't convinced Jay yet. With that, Flowey dumped Jay out from the alleyway and sunk back to the ground.
[He left without a fight? What is that psychotic flower up to? This is the second time he's shown up to me. How does he know that someone is alone? That guy is probably stalking me in some way.] Jay wondered as he stood up and shook the snow off from his shirt. He looked over to where the talking flower had sinked down and wondered why did he want to kill him so bad. Was it because...he was ill-minded? Angry? Was it trying to obtain something from him?
Then he looked down to his chest and saw that something was glowing red and blue. Where the glowing came from was his chest, looking like some sort of heart along with a blue glowing sphere in the center. As soon as he spotted the glow of the shape, it sinked into his chest and disappeared. Jay felt...that he was staring at himself.
His own life along with its energy source that kept him alive.
[Maybe that's what Flowey wants: my energy. Maybe he's trying to eliminate me first so that he could get a clear path to my life source. But what is he planning to do with it? Hmmm...maybe I'm getting ahead of my self. Sooner or later, things will have an explanation eventually.] Jay thought.
"Jay! There you are! Where have you been? The contest is about to start!" Telephone's squeaky voice came from behind Jay. "Oh! Right! I'm coming!" Jay said as he turned around and headed towards the tent. However, when he got near the edge of the tent, his ears picked up the sound of something growing out from the surface a long distance behind. That was the sound of Flowey going up the ground.
"How annoying! One trash-bag is enough for me!....Eh, whatever. As long as things get interesting, it'll be worth it in the end." Jay heard Flowey mutter to himself before the flower himself went back into the ground.
[Maybe he wants to reveal who I really am. So that he could watch me as everyone sees who I really am and start to distrust me. Are they really going to harm me?...Nah, unlikely. Telephone, Radio, Sans, Papyrus, even Mr. Grillby, seem like good people that won't harm me. Is....is it wrong to hide who one really is? So that they could understand and talk with each other to...make friends?] Jay wondered as he looked at his clawed hands and back towards where the other monsters were enjoying the fair. This was his first time that he had contact with anyone, more than usual. Back then he was so occupied with school and work before.......he didn't want to remember.
With that in mind, he went over to help the dutchies with the salad while placing a reminder in his mind:



The fair was enjoyable for Jay.
Although he didn't get to go towards the other parts of the Underground, Jay spent a good time with the dutchies and Papyrus.
[This place is amazing! Everyone is so nice to each other! Once I finish looking around the entire Underground, I'll try to find a way back home. I can't wait to tell....maybe that's going to be for later.] Jay thought as he and a Papyrus helped the two dutchies pack up the tent back into the bag. Then they headed towards their respective homes.
[Is...is it alright if I spend another night with them? I really don't want to keep asking for their help constantly. And I certainly don't want to become a burden to them. But....what am I thinking? They are so kind to me that they took me in the first night here. I want to be with them to help them if anything happens. That is...if nothing goes wrong later on.] Jay thought as he followed Telephone and Radio.

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