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The squeaks of familiar furred dragons made Jay's ears perk up in the direction of their origin.
"Hey, Jay! We're back!" Telephone chirped as she trotted up to him. Behind her, Radio followed.
"How was the market?" Jay asked as both furred dragons hugged him. "We got the ingredients to prepare a dish for the fair at the town's hall." Radio explained. "That sounds fun. Can I join in to help?" Jay offered.
"Sure!" Radio chirped happily.
Jay followed the two dutchies back to the cave, being vigilant of any other danger that was around them.
The food that they prepared was bacon salad. A mixture of lettuce, onion, zucchini, potato, pepper, salmon strips, and, of course, bacon.
While Jay was cutting the bacon, he cut a bit too fast and cut a bit of scales in a finger. Jay gave out a small yelp of pain, and he looked at the cut in his finger. It was expected that under the scales was a layer of metal, so Jay quickly dabbed the cut with ketchup so it looked like a real cut.
"What happened? Did you cut yourself?" Telephone asked as she and Radio came over to him. "I did. It's fine. It is...just a small cut." Jay said as Telephone took his hand gently with a paw. "Don't worry about it. I'll heal it!" she chirped, then placed her other paw on top of the injury. "You'll...what?" Jay asked Telephone. Moments later, green light appeared under Telephone's paw as she used her ability to try and heal the injury. When the green light made contact with his scales, the same thing that happened when Papyrus used his blue ability on Jay (aka the "adaptive system") began analyzing and adapting the energy substance to his inner frame. Although Jay got used to it almost instantly before it ended when his eyes returned to normal. Sure, he knew that somehow his body was able to repair itself, but he was surprised that Telephone's ability was able to fix the cut on his finger. And...he was grateful for Telephone's kindness.
"Wow. Thanks Telephone!" Jay said as he inspected his healed finger. "You're welcome. ^w^. Now, let's finish the salad up!" Telephone chirped as she went back to help her brother with the salmon strips.

* * *

When they reached the fair, it was already teeming with many different kinds of monsters. Some looked a bit creepy or weird, while others looked cute and funny(and others that had the two mixed in between). [Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.] Jay was thinking to himself over and over again while walking close to the dutchies, but later relaxed as many monsters glanced at him and continued forwards. As if they were okay with a different kind of monster to walk by.
The fair had many other sections other than just food. Jay noticed there was a recreation center, a sports area, and a music section. All of this seemed to calm Jay down and realize that this place was very welcoming rather than threatening. He was very busy looking around that he noticed Papyrus among the crowd.
"Hey, Papyrus! I didn't know you were going to be here!" Jay called out as he headed towards where the gaster skeleton was. Papyrus was holding a pie with its pan, which made Jay wonder if he was here for the food contest.
"Is this actual pie? It smells weird." Radio said as he sniffed the smell that Papyrus's pie was giving off. It smelled like overcooked tomato sauce and wheat.
"OF COURSE ITS PIE! I CAN COOK! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL IMPRESS THE JUDGES WITH MY SPAGHETTI PIE! AFTER THIS MY BREAK WILL BE OVER, SO I'LL BE HEADING BACK TO MY POST. IF YOU WANT SOME, I CAN LEAVE IT HERE!" the gaster skeleton said proudly. "Aren't pies supposed to be a dessert? You know, sweet?" Jay asked, confused as to the creativity of the gaster skeleton's pie.
"OF COURSE!! THAT'S WHY I ADDED SUGAR, VANILLA EXTRACT, CINNAMON, AND SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus said. "I want to try it to taste the flavor of it!" Jay proposed. "Um...let's wait until someone else tries it first." Radio said, rubbing his nose with his two paws. Telephone giggled.
When Jay turned his head to look around for other interesting sections, he saw a familiar shape among the large crowd.
It was the armored dog! Or, as Papyrus mentioned before, Greater Dog.
Instantly he started to freak out and try to look for another path to escape. Once he located a path, he went through to crowd while saying "Excuse me". "Jay? Where are you going?" Telephone chirped in question as she turned her head to where Jay has gone. "Crowds aren't my thing, so I'll stay in the back!" Jay called out and thought, [Away from that large armored dog]. Once Telephone caught up to Jay, she asked "What's wrong? What scared you?". "I...I think I saw an armored dog. I believe Papyrus said his name was Greater Dog." Jay explained. "Did something happen between the two of you?" Telephone asked. "Yeah. I got scared when I first met him and ran away. He chased me because he was angry at me for leaving. Guess he wanted to be friendly, and I misunderstood him." Jay said to Telephone, tucking his wings and tail around him.
"I guess that explains why you're scared. You're new here, but you don't have to be scared all the time. Sure, some of us down here may look scary. But that doesn't mean that we are aggressive. I'll help you out if you decide to find a way to your home." Telephone said, leaning to his neck with a purr. Jay felt his cheeks turn a bit red when Telephone nuzzled him, and he said "Thanks, Telephone. I'm grateful". "That's what friends are for, isn't it?" Telephone said, looking up at him. "I think that's because you and Radio are the most friendly AND cutest down here in the Underground." Jay said, which made Telephone blush and burst into a fit of giggles.
"Hey! You two! Come over so that we can start setting up! The contest is about to start!" Radio called over to them. "We're coming! Come on, Jay!" Telephone squeaked as she took Jay's hand with her paw. Once they got there, the two dutchies and Jay set up the assigned tent shed and placed the bowls on the table.
Before Jay hammered down the tent's last nail pegs, he didn't notice the vines that streaked towards him until he was suddenly yanked into a dark alleyway.

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