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Undyne ran at the Blitzer nfd and used her great spear to strike at the rouge unit. The Blitzer nfd blocked the strike with its sword, but the blow was strong enough to send it backwards. Mettaton came next up and kicked the rouge unit with his leg hard enough for it to topple it down, letting Mettaton shoot multiple energy shots at its body. The Blitzer nfd interrupted the shooting spam by pulling nearby metal and swatting Mettaton with them. It rose up again, only to be hit and launched into the air, and them back down, by Sans using his bone and blue attack at the same time. It stood up again and aimed at Sans, but quickly turned its attention to Red and Jay as they charged at it with their swords. Red let out several slash beams at it from one side while Jay used shooter mode to shoot at it from the other side. Both now ran at the Blitzer nfd with swords ready and slashed across, the rouge unit using its shield for a block but bailing as it wasn't raised sturdy enough and cracked. "That's it! Keep going! Don't let it get the chance to hit you with a counterattack!" Jay called out to his friends. Undyne took turns with Jay at the same time as they both went again towards the Blitzer nfd. The rouge unit raised both arms at the sides and fired its wrist vulcans at them. Jay used his standard shield and Undyne spun her great spear to block the energy bullets as they ran closer to it. Undyne went for a strong punch while Jay used jump mode to harden his fist, hands glowing blue, and both punched the rouge unit, one blow on its face while the other on its feet. This knocked the Blitzer nfd over onto the ground by the force of both hits. It growled and stood up quickly, aiming at Red since she was nearest to it, yet got its aim taken off when Sans impaled some bones on one hand while Jay shot reactive bullets at the other. It tore the bones off its hand, not caring that it had its palms damaged, and then instantly got knee-kicked by Mettaton, who shot missiles at it in the chest. Sans then used his gaster blasters to shot at the rouge unit, which got up and shielded itself from the blast.
It wasn't long until it's attacks started to become less strong and more slower. Undyne and Mettaton noticed this, and they both charged at the Blitzer nfd. Once close enough after evading a close-call swing from its sharp tail, both monsters crossed the rouge unit and used their weapons to slice the arms off from it. The Blitzer nfd let out a surprised snarl and tried hitting them using the sharp edges of its feet, but was stopped when Jay used trap mode to, as its name suggested and wasn't used just for climbing through complicated paths, secure the rouge unit's feet. Jay planted his hands on the ground, which turned purple and let out energy into the ground that headed towards the nfd's location. Immediately when the purple energy reached under the Blitzer nfd, purple blocks sprouted and attached themselves around the rouge unit's legs. The rouge Blitzer nfd struggled with all its might to get its legs free from this strange thing keeping it grounded. It tried to repair its arms with the energy provided by the negative core, but had the repair process interrupted again and again as the monsters kept throwing strong attacks at it while Jay held it down. Undyne came flying down when the Blitzer nfd was about to recover and sliced hard on its chest with her spear. Sparks flew in every direction as the metal that covered the rouge unit's chest cut open, exposing the red negative core in its power slot.
"Now's our chance! Hurry! Hold it so I could remove the core from it!" Jay said as he retracted his hands from the ground, deactivated trap mode, and ran at the Blitzer nfd. Undyne, Red and Mettaton obeyed and grabbed the rouge unit from the sides and wings, holding it with all their strength from struggling free. Sans used his blue attack bones so he could trap the Blitzer nfd from moving too much. Jay got there and reached out to the exposed core with one hand, beginning to pull. However, he felt something as his core energy and the rouge unit's core energies began to resonate. And it wasn't a good feeling either. Jay had no time to pull back the core out of the power slot for the Blitzer nfd's chest as both their energies began to fluctuate and strain against each. Then it canceled out and created a powerful energy shockwave that threw all of them away from the Blitzer nfd. Undyne and Red crashed into a car, while Sans and Mettaton crashed into the glass of some stores. Jay was thrown back and crashed into a pile of rubble, getting up to see what else has happened.

The Blitzer nfd's aura of negative energy began to recover and increase in power, seeming to have reached the pinnacle of anger and rage. It attracted its arms back in place and repaired the damage. Then it began to get up and rise up into the sky. Rumbling began to occur all over the city as the ground began to shake. The buildings began to turn inside out and vehicles began to rise up as every piece of metal began to float up and surround the rouge unit, covering it as more and more pieces accumulated around it.
"What the heck!! Where's the metal punk!!??" Undyne growled as she exited from the place where she crash landed and looked around, the others soon recovering from the shockwave and doing the same. Up in the sky, metal straining and creaking noises drew everyone's attention. The cluster of metal pieces began to shift and change until they formed something that started to stick out. Slowly and organized, one large talon emerged from the cluster, then another, then two more and a tail. After that, two wings sprouted from above, then a neck. Finally, a head appeared above the neck. All the parts clicked and crunched agains each until they were solid.
The final result was a massive metal dragon, with small but powerful negative energy bits leaking from small gaps, sharp claws, teeth, spikes, and horns, and burning red eyes.
"You've got to be kidding me. Just what is that?" Red said as everyone stared up at the enormous robot dragon that the rouge Blitzer nfd has just finished assembling with all the metal surrounding the area.
The metal dragon's eyes moved around until it moved its head down and spotted Jay and his friends. Then it threw its large head back and let out a loud roar that broke the glass of the buildings that hadn't been shattered yet, and also lifted some debris off the ground. Everyone clapped their ears with their hands to block out the loud noise.
The metal dragon then looked down at them again and opened its mouth, red light and sparks accumulating at the back of its throat and increasing in intensity. Jay's system began to blare intensely with warnings as the dragon began to charge up.
"What is it doing?" Sans asked. However, everyone else could tell what was going to happen.
"I think we've better RUN!!!!!" Jay shouted to his friends in warning, everyone dispersing just in time as the dragon fired its devastating laser onto the ground.

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