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King Asgore began his first attack by launching the floating fireballs to Jay with a swipe of his hands. Jay spread his wings and flapped them, flying up to dodge them as they crashed onto the floor where Jay once stood. He landed back down, ready to evade the king's next attack.
"King Asgore. I don't want to fight you." Jay told the king quietly, trying to restrain himself from fighting back. The king's hands trembled for a moment before raising his hand to launch another attack. It was the same one, and Jay quickly avoided it.
"Your Majesty! I don't want to fight you!" Jay said again a bit more firmly so he could be heard among the fires that were flickering around them. King Asgore's breath got funny for a bit before shaking his head to erase the thought from his head. Then he sent out another attack, this time being a volley of fireballs that went forwards in a criss-cross pattern. Jay threw his wings forwards to activate his shield and block the incoming fireballs.
"Asgore Dreemurr!! I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU!!!" Jay shouted firmly, pleading the king to stop. Recollection flashed before his eyes. His attacks wavered for a moment before resuming to full power again.
King Asgore sent a few fireballs on one side, while in the other side he sent a Torrent of them towards Jay. He dodged them by jumping forwards into a roll and skidding back to avoid them. A few hit Jay on the shoulder and legs, some exploding and taking off some small scales. Jay yelped, clutching his scorched shoulder before facing Asgore to evade the next attack.
The king held his red trident forwards, his eyes shining in a light-blue and orange pattern. Jay realized with a start that he was going to use still and go attack. So, pulling out his sword, Jay prepared himself if he had to block a missthrow.
The trident came swinging forwards with its color changed to light blue, making Jay stand still so the trident passed through him. The trident came back again from the other side, now orange in color. Jay ran forwards so the trident passed through him again.
Just as expected, the trident became red again and King Asgore swung it forwards. Jay countered it by swinging his sword into a block. Metal an metal clashed against each other, sparks shooting in the air as Jay blocked King Asgore's trident strikes.
"I. Don't. Want to. FIGHT!!!" Jay said again each time Asgore tried to strike him down with the trident again and again.
"Lies! You want to preserve your soul so you can escape the Underground, leaving us here without caring! I have failed my kingdom severely in the past! I will not ever let that happen AGAIN!!! King Asgore roared, swinging his trident hard enough to send Jay backwards with legs skidding until he stopped. Then the king sent fireballs in all directions, moving them so they closed in on Jay from all sides. Jay had no choice but to activate his standard shield and block the attack.


[If I'm going down, I'm going down WITHOUT FIGHTING!!!] Jay thought strongly as the fireballs continued to hit and explode outside of his shield. Still, Jay kept his shield up to block the attacks until there was only a small percentage left. The other fireballs came and crashed onto the shield, and he deactivated it to evade.
However, he didn't get lucky as three headed straight for him before the explosion cleared and hit him. This sent him flying backwards while letting go of his sword, crashing into a wall and breaking some of his outer skin metal. Jay groaned, slowly standing up as pain spread across his injured parts.
"Why? Tell me, Your majesty? Why go this far to achieve freedom for everyone?" Jay asked, doubling in pain as the king approached him.
"Seven souls are the only answer. No other alternate way is possible since the beginning. And I wouldn't care less what I have to do to obtain the final soul, just like me and my subjects did to the six humans from the portal." King Asgore said as he raised up his trident for one final strike.
[Wouldn't...care...?] Jay thought. Time slowed down as the trident came down towards him, seeming to have determined Jay's fate. Though, as that was happening, Jay felt sadness, pain...

...and anger once more.


Jay's hand rushed upwards at lightning speed and caught the trident, fingers in between its sharp points. Jay pushed the trident back slowly and strong, not caring how much King Asgore struggled to keep trying to plunge his trident down. It wasn't much long before Jay's visor helmet covered his face and the red eyes appeared. "Wouldn't care, is that right?" Jay said, looking up at Asgore. The king now seemed scared as he noticed the red eyes of his visor.
With a quick motion of his feet, Jay moved and kicked King Asgore in his armor plate which caused the king to fly and fall backwards. The king got up immediately and picked up his trident again. He seemed to be really frightened this time as Jay stood up once again and picked up his sword. A dark red aura surrounded his body, radiating menace and fury. Asgore motioned his trident as he summoned more fireballs before throwing them. Jay charged a simaxis shot and launched the lasers from his wrist, the shot obliterating all of the fireballs flung at him. Smoke spread everywhere before Jay went through it and charged at the king with his sword. King Asgore swing his trident at Jay, who dodged it with frightening precision before striking the trident with his sword. That wasn't the only one Jay did as he began striking the trident many times with fierce strength and swiftness. King Asgore tried hitting Jay with his trident, but missed again as Jay went under and punched the king hard on his armor.
The king grunted in pain, but realized that he slowed down when Jay dropkicked him again on the same place. This caused the king to go flying backwards, landing a couple of meters away. King Asgore stood up again slowly with his trident still in hand, in pain because of those two hits. Jay approached the king slowly with his sword still in hand while radiating the menacing aura.
King Asgore swung his trident again with struggling strength, only for Jay to slice it in half with his sword with one strong swipe. Then Jay swiftly brought his sword forward again, slicing across Asgore's armor. The king let out a pained shout, interrupted by Jay punching him with a strong uppercut that sent him down onto the ground. The king looked up from his position, giving out another pained yell when Jay stepped hard on his chest plate.
"Y...you..." King Asgore groaned, looking up at the lumbering shape of Jay standing on top of him with one feet on his chest.
"[This is what happens when someone pushes me to the limit.]" Jay said, his voice sounding different with clear anger in it. "[I won't let anyone take my soul. Ever. So, king who won't care about anything in order to free everyone, I don't think you'll mind me doing as I choose to either.]" Jay added as he raised up his sword and turned it around, aiming the tip down to King Asgore's chest.

With a quick motion, he stabbed his sword down.

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