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During the travel, Jay looked up at the cavern's massive ceiling and noticed something. Well, various somethings to be exact.
Up in the entire ceiling, above from the location of a large castle and the rest of the Underground, there were what looked like stars. Or, the lights that were shaped like shining stars. This made Jay wonder if the inhabitants down here missed the surface world after the war, according to what the dutchies and Sans said.
When the two arrived, they went to the backside of the home so that no one could see them. Especially Fred's parents.
The only problem was that the house window was situated over a ledge.
"Yo, Jay. This ledge is way too steep..." Fred said. And he was right; he didn't have arms to help him climb up
"Don't worry. I'll pick you up. Ready?" Jay said, folding his wings back in and preparing to help Fred up the ledge. He picked the yellow monster up and raised him up until his feet were on the surface of the ledge. Once there, Fred looked down to Jay from where he stood and said, "You sure you are not going to tell my parents?".
"I'll keep it a secret." Jay said, smiling and placing a clawed finger on his mouth to make a shh gesture.
"Really? Thanks!" Fred said, then turned around and headed towards the low-level window that led to the inside of Fred's room. A fairly loud thump indicated that the yellow monster kid entered his room with his whole body on the floor. Jay giggled, then went to the path that led back to the town of Snowdin.

Along his way back to the other connecting path, Jay noticed something strange. There was another path that led to an underground tunnel. Either it wasn't there the whole time or Jay didn't remember noticing it while passing by the path.
[Strange. Was it here all this time?] Jay wondered as he changed course and walked closer to the tunnel to look at where it led. There was another place that laid at the other end of the tunnel. Jay was unsure if he should go in and explore now that he had to bring back the mail report back on Snowdin. But since he finished quite early, there was still time left to return. More importantly, Jay's curiosity won over him. So he entered the tunnel.
When he came out of the other end, Jay found himself standing in the beginning of elevated platforms that led to new paths. On the walls in front of him, he noticed that ancient writings covered them. Only a majority of the words were made out by him.
"The War Of Humans and Monsters" read out the writing on the wall.
[Could...could this be what Sans and the dutchies were saying?] Jay thought as he spotted more writing further to his left.

"Why did the humans attack? Indeed, it seemed that they had nothing to fear.
Humans are unbearably strong. It would take the SOUL of every monster just to equal the power of a human soul.
But humans have one weakness. Ironically, it's their strength of their SOUL.
The power of its SOUL allows it to persist and thrive outside the human body, even after death.
If a monster were to defeat a human, they can take its SOUL. A monster with a human SOUL, would result in a new creature with great power." was written in the walls.

[I really don't get this. If this writing were true, why would humans attack monsters? Could it be because monsters attacked humans first? Because they were afraid of the bad things that monsters could do to them? Of course. That's why they were sealed down here; so that they wouldn't do harm to humans. If I were the whole group of humans fighting, I'd definitely...] Jay was thinking, then slowed down.
At the same time, this felt kind of wrong. Jay felt that imprisoning monsters like this for who-knows-how-long-they-have-been-down-here was overwhelmingly unjust. Besides, Jay felt the honesty of other monsters about wishing to see the sun and the surface once they were free. They'd do anything to beak the impenetrable barrier that kept them locked down here.
[Still, I feel like I should do something so that monsters stop harming humans if they were to ever spot them. Maybe I should tell them that there is absolutely no reason to fight or fear each other if they get to know their ideals. Yes, I'll do my best to try.] Jay thought as he looked at the portrait that depicted the period when monsters and humans fought and lost.
After reading the entire writings on the wall, Jay headed over the other bridge path to search for any other types of writing. Surely there were other writings somewhere around the Waterfall district because he felt that there must be more to the Underground's past that Jay must know.
When he got to the other platform, he spotted several glowing flowers spread over the entire ground garden section in front. They looked beautiful compared to the other flowers at the town's entrance.
"Woah..." Jay breathed as he crouched down to take a better look at them. Immediately after, the same sound that Jay produced was imitated in perfect form by the flower. Jay just crouched there, looking at the flower more closely. Then the other flowers around him imitated his sound again and again until they stopped.
[How interesting...could these be the echo flowers that Sans mentioned. Of course, that's what gives them heir name; they can imitate any sound they hear.] he thought as he tried to think of other sounds he could make so the flowers would imitate. First was the whistle, which the flowers easily picked up. Next was a clapping sound that the flowers also imitated.
Finally, Jay clapped his hands more strongly so that the sound could echo across the place. The sound was more louder and metallic than Jay had meant, which reverberated and spread more further from where Jay stood. [Oops. Guess I forgot what I'm made of.] he thought. Feeling that he has already spent enough time around the flowers, Jay stood up to head back to the garden exit.
A few steps later he nearly jumped when he spotted a yellow flower. Jay yelped as he jumped back, then made a growing noise from his throat as he narrowed his eyes at the flower. However, when he looked closely at it, Jay realized that it was a one of the normal yellow flowers that grew along with the echo flowers, NOT Flowey that had eyes and a mouth though.
[Oh...it's a normal flower. Whew...I nearly jumped out of my scales and got prepared to attack.] Jay thought as he exhaled and began to walk out of the garden. Once he was at the exit, he began to spread his wings to jump up and fly back to the town of Snowdin. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a transparent aquamarine spear streaked down and pierced the platform inches from Jay's feet. [What the—!!???] Jay thought as he looked around to search for the attacker.
Up in the other road lined with pillars, a mysterious armored figure came into the light. Several other spears materialized in the air as the figure raised its hands up. When Jay's eyes focused on the figure, he instantly recognized her.

It was Undyne, and she has found him!

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