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Over the next few days, Jay modified the attic so that he could make space for a bed. It wasn't that bad up there. Sure, it was not as large as a normal room, but he was sure he could get used to this just fine.
Afterwards he began working on his interview suit. Inside his eye monitor (or should he say the internal system that supported him) came out what he was looking for: how to make a suit. [Guess I'll have no problem getting all klutzy and creative when it comes to important things.] Jay thought as he began to follow the instructions on his eye monitor. After hours of cutting and sewing the clothe scraps, it was done. It wasn't totally perfect, but it was still well made.
Later on the other days, Jay searched for jobs in the town of Snowdin on the newspaper. Some jobs seemed like they fit Jay, but he was worried that he would over-excel on them thanks to his abilities. For example; tree cutting: problem would be his strength. Cable repair: finishing it too quick with the help of his system might make him suspicious...and a problem may occur if some of his abilities were to go out of control due to him being new to it.
Mail delivery seemed like a good option, so he circled the option on the newspaper with a marker.
But...after a small while....he was a bit hesitant. [If I go out, someone that hasn't seen me may attack. If that happens, I have to be ready by using my abilities without showing them I'm a machine.] Jay though as he headed downstairs with his interview suit placed on.
Sans and Papyrus weren't in the house at the time, probably outside at their posts.
Opening the door and stepping outside the front doorsteps, Jay closed the door after and headed out to the mailroom house. It wasn't hard since he had to follow the snow trail straight down towards the center of Snowdin town. The mailroom was on the farthest side of the town, and Jay headed there.
When he signed up for the interview, a weird but casual-looking bunny man greeted him and led him inside. There were no requirements like special certificates or degrees needed for the job, the bunny guy explained. The only thing needed was for the employee to be good with directions, which Jay said that he was good at, and a resident's ID, which the mailroom house provided. The bunny guy told him that he could do great in bringing mail to the correct directions, and that it could be more efficient thanks to Jay being a winged dragon. Few people were interested in the position of mail delivery, and it seemed Jay was the first one to sign up for the position in a long time.
At the end of the day, he was accepted and given the mail delivery job. Work started tomorrow in the morning, so he had time to prepare with the equipment given to him
Jay, excited, went back to the house of the gaster skelebros and the dutchies to give them the news as he carried the bag and map with him. Papyrus and the dutchies were excited that Jay has gotten a job, while Sans was a bit of...meh...with another bit of approval([Man, that guy is really lazy. I wonder what he does around his sentry post.] Jay thought afterwards).
At night, Jay memorized the map in his head so that he could easily orientate himself wherever he went. [Now that I think of it...I'm gonna meet all kinds of monsters and situations. If I'm gonna keep my secret, I'll have to use my wings more often so that my rocket feet won't activate and give off my secret...Oh, what am I thinking? That's precisely what I'm going to use for the job.] Jay thought as he looked over the various sections of the Underground's districts. Moments later after packing the work bag up, he went to his bed and curled up to sleep.

* * *

Instead of the dark and vast void that appeared during his sleep. Jay found himself still awake....yet resting at the same time(?).
When he looked a bit up, he noticed on his eye screen that there was a message saying [SURVEILLANCE MODE]. Whatever this was, the mode made him both relax while being aware of his surroundings(with his eyes a bit half-closed). There was pretty much no activity around him as he slept. He could hear the gaster skeletons sleeping downstairs as well as the wind that carried snow outside the attic window. Just when he was about to try and take off the surveillance mode, he heard and saw something outside the window.

Something that had the shape of a flower.

It was definitely Flowey the flower, peeking through the window like the creep he was. Jay's ears perked the slightest bit so that Flowey didn't notice he was seeing or hearing him. "So the idiot is staying in the attic. Look at him, all cozy and with no care in the world. It looks like he needs some 'motivation' to leave." Flowey was heard muttering to himself as he spied on Jay.
[I swear, this guy never quits stalking me!] Jay thought, suddenly getting annoyed and sitting up to stare directly at the stalking flower. Instead of smiling creepily at him, Flowey looked scared all of a sudden and got away from the window without any word to say to him. Puzzled as to why the flower left, he got up to walk over to the window to see where he went. Before Jay went back to his bed after seeing that Flowey has left completely, something caught his eye in the window's reflection.
His eyes....they were inversely colored right now, glowing a bit more bright than usual.
[Did that scare him?....Probably, so that's going to be useful if...No, I don't want to scare others if I feel threatened.] Jay thought, blinking later and making his eyes return to normal. Once he got back to his bed, Jay looked at his hand one more time before placing it down and closing his eyes to sleep.

In the morning he got up at the set hour and readied himself, putting on a new-colored sweater and placing the bag strap on his shoulder. Sans and Papyrus were still sleeping, so he made breakfast for them and left after he ate.
Jay opened the door and started to step outside, but he hesitated for a moment. Out there laid a different land where he was headed for his job, and Jay took in a deep breath to relax. [Strange new world...here I come.] he thought as he closed the door behind him and headed towards the mail house.

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