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Telephone and Radio arrived the next day.
"Jay! Are you okay?" Radio asked as he and Telephone made their way towards the couch, where Jay was laying.
"Yeah...I'm fine." Jay said as he stretched and got up to sit. The worried looks on their faces made him think, [Yep. It's because of last night.].
"What happened to you?" Telephone said as both dutchies sat in the couch on both sides next to Jay. "I...guess I sleepwalked. I don't know how I did that, but I think it was because I was worried about becoming a burden to all of you. Ever since that flower attacked me...and started following me...I was afraid that I may get you involved into something bad that it may get you guys hurt." Jay explained to them, while thinking [And trying to wait for a chance to explain that I'm not what I seem somehow.] as his eyes began to water a bit.
"Oh...I see. And I understand. Still, I refuse to leave you. BOTH of us refuse to do so. Maybe you have been lonely for a long time. But it's not right to remain that way. So we're going to let you decide what you'd like to do next. And we will support that decision." Telephone said, leaning onto Jay and letting out a sweet purr.
"That's right. But we're going to let you get well first before you make your choice." Radio said as he patted Jay's head with one paw. Both hugged him and then said goodbye as they headed out of the house.

* * *

Once it was midday(if there was such a thing in the Underground), Jay sat up. "Ok. I'm feeling more better" he said. Sans was at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Sans." Jay said
"Morning, kid. You feeling better?" Sans asked. "Yep. Much better." Jay said as he got the covers off from himself and folded them neatly into an organized pile.
"So, What happened? Papyrus told me he found you chilled to the bone." Sans said as he set his cup down on the table. "Somehow I sleepwalked. I wasn't planning on coming here, so I'm unprepared. I'm also temporarily homeless, but I'm working on it. Once I'm one hundred percent well, I'm going to find a job." Jay explained as he got up.
"Do you have clothes?" Sans asked.
"Clothes? As in "interview" clothes?" Jay guessed. "Clothes in general? You've been wearing that for at least three days now." Sans said.

😐" . . . . . . . .

"Have you even showered? Dogbone thinks you smell." Sans said, grinning with humor.
"What? No I don't! As for my clothes—" Jay began, but then stopped. [Hold on...clothes cost money, but I can't get a job without interview clothing.] he thought as he remembered what he was taught in his school.
"It's alright, kid. If you want, I have leftover pieces of cloth and old clothes we don't wear anymore that are upstairs in the attic." Sans said, standing up to walk over to the door in the ceiling. "Really?" Jay said coming over to the gaster skeleton.
"Sure. There are some sweaters that I don't wear them anymore since I can't pull them off." Sans said, opening the door. "How small are they?" Jay asked.

Sans: *low height* 🙂
Jay: "Really Sans? That short?" 😏

After he got up the stairs, Jay headed over to the boxes once he spotted them. Inside them were various types of clothing for different seasons, and in the other there were the clothing pieces. [That's a lot of clothes. I'll be good on clothes for now. Hmmm....Looks like I'm gonna have some fun making up an interview suit.] Jay thought as he picked out and separated the navy blue clothing pieces to begin later on. He took out a brown/black striped sweater from the first box and stood up again to walk over to a mirror to see if it fit.
There he saw his own reflection, the same he has seen that reminded him who he was now. [I've grown used to seeing this new form lately. I look just like the people down here. Makes sense, but I wonder with what dragon I was created with exactly. Was I mixed with something else? Could that explain why I growled in a feral way towards Flowey?] Jay wondered as he looked at his face, wings and tail.
The sweater that he chose fit nicely once he placed it on himself. This must have been Papyrus's younger clothes since Sans was smaller than his brother.
After that, he began to wonder about the other gaster skeleton that he saw on the camera link, Dr. Gaster to be precise, as he went down the stairs. "Hey Sans." Jay said when he spotted Sans next to another door. "What is it kiddo?" the gaster skeleton replied. "Were...you expecting someone today?" Jay asked. "Not that I know of." Sans answered.
"There was this weird looking person that was looking at me. It seemed as if they were trying to see into the house. But maybe it was just my imagination, because it looked like....another gaster skeleton. He kind of looked like you." Jay said, trying to be inconspicuous about the fact that he could see where the cameras led to and who was watching the screens. When Jay mentioned the part of another gaster skeleton and the similarity it had with Sans, his eye sockets went dark with surprise.
"Is...there something wrong, Sans?" Jay asked, nervous that he may have already given out his secret.


".......Don't worry about it kid. Y......you know....next time you see him, try talking to him. He's busy most of the time at the lab, so he rarely visits the house. And he is harmless, really, even when he gets excited about new things he discovers." Sans explained, making a face that Jay could assume was a type of longing. He wondered why he must feel that way.
"Oh! So he's a friend of yours?" Jay asked. "He...he's my father, actually. Also, if you don't have anywhere else to go...you can stay here." Sans said, his eye sockets and face returning to normal.
"Really? I-I don't know what to say. Thank you so much, Sans! I...I don't want to be a burden, but I don't know what will happen if I stay outside." Jay said to the gaster skeleton. "It's no problem, kiddo." Sans said with a smile.

* * *

Later, Jay went to the bathroom to take a shower.
[How exactly do I bathe myself?] he thought as he walked to the mirror in the sink. From a normal perspective, Jay's white shirt seemed completely natural. But for Jay, it felt like something entirely different covering him. When he tried getting his shirt off, it didn't bulge or come off like the sweater. Jay tried again, and it still didn't come off.
[Oh, come on! Why won't this one off??] he thought as he searched everywhere on the shirt for a clothe button or zipper. Just when he finished searching, the shirt seemed to expand a bit with a bunch of clicking sounds before it opened in the middle and detached from Jay's body.

When Jay looked in the mirror, he saw what he was on the inside.

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