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November 19, 2037. 4:45 PM

The class full of high school kids sighed and yawned in boredom as the electric bell rung. Fourth day of the week/last period, and most students haven't been able to study because of their daily life.
"Alright, students. Take out your pencils and erasers for your test today" Mr. Cohen announced.
All students groaned, except for David. He actually seemed relaxed.
Mr. Cohen passed out the papers. "You have thirty minutes to complete the test. Begin"
"I am SO busted" groaned the boy next to David. The rest of the students muttered complaints as they examined the math problems.
David smiled. It was a good thing that he had a more energetic mind than the others.

Ok....so......angle ABC....translate number to other side of equation....solve for X....plot points 2.5 to point 6.78.....convert y-axis value to x-axis.....subtract from domain....... aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnndddd.... DONE
Record time: 8 minutes, 35 seconds

When everyone had left for their homes, Mr. Cohen checked the student's test score:
"Just like his father." Mr. Cohen muttered with pleasure

Outside the school, David dialed his father's holophone on his phone as the train took him home. When he placed his phone on the empty seat next to him, a holographic figure of his father appeared in the seat.
Dr. Gutierrez wore his lab coat, just like he did everywhere. Both he and David stared straight ahead as they talked.

"Hello, son," Dr. Gutierrez said

"Hi, dad," David replied

"How was school?" his father asked

David chuckled. "Oh, pleasant. Mr. Cohen gave out a test on us, and I'm certain that I got a hundred."
"That's good, son. Very good, but I don't want you to become complacent," Dr. Gutierrez advised sternly. "It's very important to keep studying, David."

"Sure, dad" David said.

Dr. Gutierrez and David exhaled at the same time, in exactly the same way. It was easy to see that they were father and son, but unhappy without a mother.
"I'm aware that I promised to take you to the testing room today in the lab, but I'm afraid I have to cancel that appointment." Gutierrez said.
"I guessed as much," David replied. He was disappointed that he wasn't going to see another of his father's creations, but he never showed it.
"I'm sorry, David, but it's unavoidable," his father explained. "The Air Force has brought fourth the unveiling of their night fury droid version to be tested against my company's night fury droid."
"Two droids being tested? You've gotta be kidding me!" David cried. The night fury droid was his father's greatest work ever created. He experienced his father create one and test it's social skills with him, and he really wanted to see THIS test up close.
"I never kid. Wait home until I come." Dr. Gutierrez said. "Goodbye, son."
The hologram disappeared.
"The Air Force night fury droid, huh?" David mused.
This was something David wanted to see.
So, switching trains, he headed to Grunder Industries.

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